List normal feelings
- sorrow
- fear
- anger
- guilt or self-reproach
- anxiety
- loneliness
- fatigue
- helpessness/hopelessness
- yearning
- relief
list normal cognitions (thought patterns)
- disbelief
- confusion or memory problems
- problems w/ decision making
- inability to concentrate
- feeling the presence of deceased
list normal physical sensations
- headaches
- nausea and appetite disturbances
- tightness in the chest and throat
- insomnia
- oversensitivity to noise
- sense of depersonalization ("nothing seems real")
- feeling SOB, chocking sensation
- muscle weakness
- lack of energy
- dry mouth
list normal behaviors
- crying and frequent sighing
- distancing from people
- absentmindedness
- dreams of deceased
- keeping the deceased's room intact
- loose of interest in regular life events
- wearing objects that belong to the deceased
Cultural considerations in care of body after death: African Americans
- prefer having member of HCT clean and prepare deceased body
- relatively short mourning w/ memorial service and a public viewing of the body before burial
- organ donation and autopsy allowable
cultural consideration in care ofthe body after death: Chinese
- family usually stays w/ deceased for up to 8 hours after death
- oldest son/daughter bathes the body under direction from older relative or temple preist
- body should remain intact= organ donation and autopsy uncommon
Cultural consideration in care of the body after death: Hispanics/Latino
- central focus extended family
- family members may help care for body
- organ donation and autopsy uncommon, but not prohibited
cultural consideration in care of the body after death: native americans
- care of the body in large Navajo tribe includes cleansing, painting deceased face, dressing in clothing, and attaching an eagle feather to symbolize a return home
- mourners also have ritual cleansing or their bodies
- burial sites are on deceased homeland
cultural consideration in care of the body after death: islamic
- body is ritulistically washed, wrapped, cried over, prayed for, and buried
- non-muslims should not touch the body!
- islamic law forbid cremation, because body contiunes after death
- modesty is important (same sex health care provider is necessary)
- autopsies not allowed
- organ donation sometimes allowed
cultural consideration in care of the body after death: asian cultures, budhist faith
- recommend not touching body after death to give deceased smoother transition
- minimize emotional expressions and maintain a peaceful, compassionate atmosphere
- persons often say prayer while touching and standing behind deceased head
Cultural consideration in care othe body after death: Jewish
- no preperation of the body until its knwon whether members from the Jewish burial society are coming to the facility
- family member may stay w/ body until burial, which occurs w/in 24 hours but not on sabbath
- families participate in mourning period during which grief is expressed openly and in keping w/ ritual
- in some but not judaism, cremation, autopsy, and embalming are avoided