ANTH2700 T17 1

  1. cyctic fibrosis is relativley common in what populations?
    recessive or dominant trait?
    It is rare in what populations?
    • European
    • recessive
    • Asiatic and African populations
  2. Tay-sachs allele is associated with what population?
    Ashkenazi Jews
  3. Two major factors that establish high frequencies of of particular alleles in specific populations?
    • inbreeding; consanguinous matings
    • founder principal
  4. balanced polymorphism in African population?
    other possible emamples of balanced polymorphism? (4)
    • sickle-cell anemia trait
    • cystic fibrosis
    • phenylketonuria
    • schitzophrenia
    • Tay-sachs disease
  5. why have balanced polymorphims mostly lost their selective advantge?
    modern technology
  6. ...movements and ...patterns are cultually tempered.
    • body
    • thought
  7. examples of body alteration (8)
    • circumcision
    • clitoridectomy
    • scarification
    • body piercing
    • tatooing
    • foot binding
    • cranial deformation
    • plastic surgery
  8. women of...slit their earlobes and draw the lobes down to the sholder
  9. one head binding culture
    Mangbetu of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
  10. why do a large number of female skeletons at Hecienda Ayalan, Equador had unusual bony extentions on the metatarsals and phalangies?
    what kind of alteration is this?
    • result of extreme hyperflexion of the metatarsophalangeal joints kneeling with the bodies weight on the feet. women assume the position when they grind corn.
    • nondeliberate/cultural
  11. people are natural ...
  12. Classification of some class of phenemona based on cultural tradition? non-scientific
    folk taxonomy
  13. Name Navahos of the American Southwest call themselves.
    • dine
    • the people
  14. how did the Greeks divide humanity?
    • Greeks
    • barbarians
  15. A taxonomic division of a species differing biologically in a significant number of genetic characteristics from other races of the same species.
  16. A group of people who share a common culture including traditions, language, religion, and history
    ethinic group
  17. a means of discovering the processes that create the phenomenon being classified.
    what other model has a similar function?
    • scientific classification
    • the Hardy-Weinberg equation
  18. what kind of ideas are folk taxonomies commmonly based on?
    scientific classification bust by derived from...
    • ethnocentric ideas; folklore and stereotypes
    • empirical studies
  19. Name of German physician and his five races. 1752
    • Johann Fredrich Blumenbach
    • Caucasian, Mongolian, Ethiopian, Malayan, and American
    • (Etiopian became Negro)
  20. First person to apply systematic criteria to human classification?
    • Carolus Linnaeus (1707)
    • H. sapiens Africanus negreus (black)
    • H. sapiens Americanus rubescens (red)
    • H. sapiens Asiaticus fucus (darkish)
    • H. sapiens Europeus albescens (white)
  21. he decided cephalic index is an important criterion for classifing people.
    Anders Retzius (1796)
  22. The bredth of the head related to it's length.
    cephalic index
  23. cephalic index formula
    head breadth/head length*100=
  24. published classification based on analysis of the frequencies of specific blood types.
    his classifaications?
    • William Boyd
    • Early European
    • European
    • African
    • Asiatic
    • American Indian
    • Australoid
    • 1950
  25. classification based on the fossil record by who?
    • Carlton S. Coon
    • Australoids
    • Mongoloids
    • Caucasoids
    • Congoids (dark-skinned Africans)
    • Capoids (the San and Hottentots of southern Arfica)
  26. what did Carlton Coon think about each of his five races?
    • they differentiated before the evolution of Homo sapiens.
    • they became human at different times
    • same races have been human longer than others
    • that accounts for differences in cultural development
  27. A major divison of humankind into large geographical areas wherin people resemble one another more closely that they resemble people in different geographical areas
    geographical race
  28. who is associated with the concept of geographical race?
    • Stanley Garn
    • (1961)
  29. what mechanism accounts for geographical race?
    gene flow
  30. how many people migrated to the united states between 1845 and 1854?
    from 1881-1920?
    from which countries mostly?
    • 3 million
    • 23.5 million
    • Great Britain
    • Italy
    • Germany
    • Spain
    • Russia
    • Protugal
    • Sweden
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ANTH2700 T17 1
ANTH2700 T17 1