trangles => inflammation of _____ lnn
Lateral & Medial Retropharyngeal lnn
Borders of Viborg's Triangle:
- Rostral: Angle of the Mandible
- Caudo-dorsally: Sternocephalicus m
- Ventrally: Linguofacial V
______ occurs when the opening of the auditory tube malfunctions and allows air in, but not out, causing swelling of the _____
- Guttural Pouch Tympany
- Parotid Region
Two methods for surgically draining the guttural pouch:
- Through the Viborg's Triangle
- Pass a curved tip urinary catheter through the ventral meatus, pharynx and into the opening of the auditive tube
Mycotic infection of the guttural pouch can lead to....
- Rupture of internal carotid -> epitaxis
- Damage to Vagosympathetic Trunk
In the equine eye, the ___ is well developed
Third Eyelid
Shape of the Equine Pupil:
Transversly Elliptical
Tapetum Lucidum is present in _____ and absent in _____
- Present in: Ungulates and Dogs
- Absent in: Pigs
Aqueous Humor that protects the equine retina:
Granula Iridica
The largest mastication muscle of herbivores:
- Masseter M
- (assists in venous return)
The ____ vein depends of the Masseter M for drainage
Buccal Vein
The Lateral Retropharyngeal lnn drains _____ and efferents go to ___, ___ & ___
Deep parts of the head
- Medial Retropharyngeal lnnCr Deep Cervical
- Tracheal Duct
"Master ln of the head"
Medial Retropharyngeal ln
Lateral Retropharyngeal lnn efferents:
Medial Retropharyngeal lnn efferents:
- Lateral Retropharyngeal lnn efferents:
- Medial Retropharyngeal lnCr. Deep Cervical
- Tracheal Duct
- Medial Retropharyngeal lnn efferents:Tracheal Duct
Other name for Tie Back Sx in horses
For a Ventriculectomy, entry into the laryngeal ventricle is through the ____
Cricothyroid Membrane
A ventriculectomy -> wider ____
Rima Glottis
Two factors that impede intubation in horses
- Narrow Rima Oris -> done blindly
- The longitudinal Axis of the head and laryx are @ an angle (extend head slightly)
What is a horse doing when it cribs?
- Flexes the neck
- Tenses the caudo-ventral hyoid & sternocephalic mm
- Pharynx Dilates
Elimination of cribbing involves the resection of:
- Omohyoid m
- Sternocephalic m
- Sternothyroid m
1st & 2nd most common sites for facial nerve damage
- 1st: Over the caudal border of the mandible
- 2nd: Where the buccal branches run over the masseter m
When is Facial N paralysis more noticeable?
When it is unilateral
Damage to the facial nerve => (6)
- No buccinator m (nostril cant dilate & cheeks bludge)
- No obicularis m (no blink)
- Eyelid cannot close
- Lower lid droops
- Ear hangs and is pulled back
- Eating/Drinking impeded (lower lip affected)
What muscle is affected if...
-Nostril cannot dilate
-Cheeks bulge with food
- Buccinator m
- (Facial Nerve/buccal branch)
What muscle is affected if...
No blink reflex/Corneal Drying
Bilateral mandibular n paralysis =>
Lower Jaw Drops
What nerve is blocked using a Peterson block?
Maxillary n
Maxillary n Block =>
- Anesthetization of all maxillary teeth
To block the maxillary n, insert the needle...
into the infraorbital foramen