human eye
- *approximately 1in. in diameter.
- *vision is the most used of the 5 senses.
- *primary means to gather info from other surrounds (stimuli).compared to a camera, gathers light & transforms light to pictures. and both have lenses to focus the incoming light.
cornea (transparent)
- *clear layer at the front and ceter of eye.
- *located in front of iris (color).
- *function: help focus light as it inters the eye.
- *contact lens rest on ur cornea.
iris & pupil
- *colored part of your eye.
- *controls amout of light that enters your eye.
- *ring shape tissue with a central opening(pupil)
- *iris has a ring of muscle fibers around the pupil, when contracted causes the pupil to constrict (become smaller) in bright light.
- *another set of muscle fibers radiate outward from the pupil, causes the pupil to dilate (become larger) in dim light or darkness.
- *film in a camera to create image.
- a specialized layers of cells, converts light signals into nerve signals.
- *retina sends these signals to the optic nerve, wich carries these signals to the brain for processing the image.
- distiguish shape.
optic nerve
- *bundle of over 1 million nerve fibers, responsible for transmitting nerve signals from to the brain.
- *these nerve signals contain information of an image for processing in the brain.
- *front surface of the optic nerve, which is visible on the retina ,is called the optic disk.
vision and diabetes mellitus
- *changes in visions may happen at the time that diabetes is first diagnosed or at any time that blood sugar control is poor.
- *fluctuating blood sugars cuase the lens to swell and shrink,and result in fluctuating vision.
- *people who have "borderline"diabetes finally decides to take their diabetes serously when their vision becomes blurred.
so what signs should i be "looking" for?
- spots or dark strings floating in your vision (floaters)
- blurred vision
- fluctuating vision
- dark or empty areas in your vision
- poor night vision
- impaired color vision
- vision loss
proliferative diabetic retinopathy
is a complication of diabetes that results from damage to the blood vessels of the light-sensitive tissue at the back of the eye (retina).
advance diabetic retinopathy
if you have proliferative diabetic retinopathy,you'll need prompt surgical treatment. (retinal detachment)
anatomy of the air
- Enternal canal serves to protect the tympanic membrane as well to collect and direct soundwaves (dBs and Hzs) through the ear canal to the ear drum.
- 1 1/4" long, the canal contains modified sweat glands that secrete cerumen (wax).
- Otomycosis (swimmers ear) is common in the regein of the ear.
auditery ossicles (small bone)
- convert soundwave striking the eardrum into mechanical vibrations.
- smallest bones in the human body, named for there shape.
- *hammer (malleus) joins the inside of the eardrum.
- *anvell (incus) middle bone connects the hammer and to the stirrup (staples, smallest bones).
inter connecting the cochlea and the semi circular canals is the vestibule containing the sense organs responsible for balance.
NIHL (noise induced hearing loss)
- can be caused by one time exposure to loud sound as well as by repeated exsposure to sounds at various decibel levels over and extended period of time.
- proximate 40 million americans suffering from hearing lost, 10 million can be attributed to noise induce hearing loss.
hearing damage dB
- if a sound reaches 85 dB or stronger, can cause permanent damage to your hearing.
- with extended exsposure noises that reach a decibel level of 85 can cause permanent damage to the hair cells in the inner ear.
diabetes mellitus
group of metabolic disorders characterized by hyperglycemia resulting from defects in insulin secretion, insulin action, or both.
cones vs. rods
- rods are the black and white receptors.
- cones are the color receptors
ear canal length
1 1/4" long,
conjunctiva (conjoins the eyeball to the lids)
- a thin clear layer of skin covering the front of the eye, including the sclera and the inside of the eyelids.
- keeps bacteria and foreign material from getting behide the eye.
swimmers ear, fungal infection of the external auditory canal.
tympanic membrane
eardrum, located in the outer and middle ear.
snailshape fluid structure that forms the inner ear, hearing.
special senses that is always working.
eye is compared to...