- 100 billion (300 billion glia cells tho)
- Dendrites- graded changes in electrical pot, mag dep on size and xomplexity of aborization
- Axons- NOT graded; highway to and from body- Ms, MT-assoc. proteins, neurofilaments
Fast axon transport- anterograde
- Fast anterograde- 200-400 mm/day; kinesin;
- -membrane proteins, lipids
- -NTs
- -SVs
- -mitochondria
Fast axon transport- retrograde
- fast retrograde: 200-300 mm/day; dyenin
- -trophic factors
- -lysosomal vesicles, old membrane components
Slow axon transport- anterograde ONLY
- Slow anterograde
- 1. SCa: 0.2-1 mm/day
- 2. SCb: 2-8 mm/day (rate of axonal growth also)
- -Cytoskeletal proteins (neurofilaments, MTs)
- -NZ of itnermediary metabolism
Gray Matter- CNS
- Neuronal perikarya
- Dendrites
- Synapses
- Axons
- Astrocytes (adjacet to cell bodies)
- Oligodendroglia
- Microglia
- *glia not in PNS
White Matter CNS
- Axons
- Oligodendroglia (surrounding axons)
Glia in CNS (not in PNS)
- "nerve glue"
- supprotive cells
- "barrier systems"
- 1. Astrocytes
- 2. Oligodendroglia
- 3. Ependyma
- 4. Microglia
- "star-like" elaborate processes
- flimaentous proteins: glial fibrillary acid protein (GFAP), vimentin
- between bv's and neurosn= BBB
- isolate or insulate synapses and neuronal processes
Astrocyte connections
- have foot processes that make connections
- 1. astrocyte to n's w/o synapses
- 2. astrocyte to n's w/ synapses
- 3. astrocyte to astrocyte
- 4. astrocyte to brain surface
- 5. astrocyte to capillary
- 6. astrocyte to axon (small axons don't have olig. but astrocyte instead)
- literally "fewer processes"
- lipid-rich myelin in olig membranes, enable saltatory conduction
- 2 config: gray= adj to cell bodies; white= surrounding axons (think perifasicular arrangement)
- 1 olig can wrap around many axons
- forms epithemlium that lines ventricular system of CNS
- barrier between brain and CSF
- simpliar to CSF-producing choroid plexus
- "scavenger cells"- remove debris at sites of injury or normal turnover (like macrohphages)
- only glial cell not neuroectoderm-derived, but mesenchymal
- A,O, & M NOT in PNS
- Schwann cell- principal supporting cell of PNS
- <1 um diam= unmy, still invested by Scell; 1 Scell can assoc with many unmyl axons
- >1 um diam= myl, myelin sheath, 1 Scell assoc with only 1 internode on a single axon
dendritic spines: increase SA; lacking in Down Syndrome->disruption in interneuronal communication
difuse axonal injury- traumatic ijury, can lead to motor peripheral neuropathies
Glia issues/disease/problemas!
- Astrocytes- "fibroblast of brain"; scar tissue= gliosis
- Oligo- "leukodystrophies"- loss of myelin from CNS
- Microglia- not "target" of disease, but lots seen when there's injury