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aortography definition
the radiographic demonstration of the various parts of the aorta
visveral angio definition
the radiographic demonstration of the vascular structure of internal organs contained in the thoracic and abdominal cavities
aortogram with "runoff" definition
demonstration of abdominal aorta and lower extremeties.
AOP- Aorta & Peripherals. Same as above
what is demonstrated in the aortogram
from slightly superior of the bifurcation to the feet
bolus chase definition
following the contrast media in conjuction with a step table program and DSA
what does a step table do
it moves the table up to take pics @ different areas of the body
always make sure you take a scout pic first
peripheral angio definition
demonstration of the lower extremity vessels ot the upper extremity vessels.
femoral arteriography/angio definition
demonstration of the lower extremity vessels by the instillation of contrast media
what are the 3 manin parts of an aortography
1. arch
2. thoracic
what does the arch demonstrate
the 3 majorvessels arising off the aortic arch
what is and aortography usually done in conjunction with
with a cerebral angio
what is an aortography useful for
identifying congenital anomalies
what is a bovine arch
it is when the left common carotid arises from the brachiocephalic artery instead of the arch itself
showing the LLC off the brach. artery
showing the LLC arising off the brach artery close to the arch
what is the percentage of people having a bovine arch
in the pic, what is seen
a congenital anomaly
what types of arch anaomalies are there
1. left circumflex aorta
2. inverse aorta- revese aorta
3. pseudocoarctation
what is a left circumflex aorta
its a normal arch except that the descending aorta is extending inferiorly and to the right
what is an invese aorta- everse arch
an arch that turns to the right instead of the left and all the major branches occur normally
what is a pseudocoarctation
a normal aortic arch and branches but the thoracic aorta also has an arch
inverse aorta
left circumflex aorta
pseudocoarctation aorta
what are some indications for a thoracic aortography
1. dissections- such as a MVA (deceleration injury)
2. aneurysms (weakend outpouches)
3. coarctation ( narrowing of the aorta)
4. stenosis (blockage in the aorta)
what are some cotraindications for a thoracic aortography
for the frmoral approach
1. severe arteriosclerosis because a blockage may break off & go someplace else
2. aneurysm @ the puncture site
3. severe hypertension because it could make it worse and cause a stroke
4. abnormal coagulation profiles
what are the different approches for the thoacic procedure
femoral - approach of choice
axillary- hard for pt to hold arm up and can cause hematoma
brachial (left) used if blocked artery and the left is used in order to by pass all other structures
what is the equipment that is used for a thoracic aortography
. 5Fr or smaller pigtail (placed superior to the aortic valve)
. local anesthetic such as liocaine
. CM nonionic
. injector
what positions are used for the thoracic aortography
RPO- to profile the arch & eliminate superimposition of ascending & descending aorta with the CR @level T6 with a inhalation
an AP & lat on occasion
what are indications for an abdominal aortography
1. artherosclerosis
2. aortic stenosis
3. aneurysms
4. tumor vascularity
5. trauma
6. preoperative planning
7. origin of visceral vessels
what are some contraindications for abdominal aortography
1. abnormal coagulation profiles
2. severe hypertension
3. aneurysm @puncture site
4. femoral approach in severe arteriosclerosis
Card Set
unit 2
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