Discuss the Older Adult: Complicated Mental Health Problem
- Co-morbidities
- Other Sx mask psychiatric d/o
- More likely to report physical sx before psychiatric sx
List Mental Health Problems in Older Adults
- Sleep
- Anxiety
- Somatoform (psychiatric d/o with physical sx)
- Thought
- Substance Use
- Cognitive
- Mood/ Major Depression/ Suicide
Define Paraphrenia
- Late onset (after 65 years)
- Dellusional d/o
- Persucatory dellusions and schizo
Discuss Polypharmacy
- Don't tell their physican about non-prescription drugs
- Inc depression and dec quality of life (pt perception of too many drugs)
- 10 meds... 100% chance of drug-drug interaction
Discuss ECT
- Avoids polypharmacy
- Effective for depression
- Safe
- Reccommended for Elderly
Discuss Use of Psychotropic meds in Older Adults
- Start w/ low dose
- Predisposed to more adverse drug rxns
- Benzos have long half-life, not appropriate
- Account or 85% of pt falls
Discuss Acetylcholine and aging
- Acetylcholine is responsible for memory and dec w/ age
- Meds with acetylcholine may cause: acute cognitive impairment, confusion, chronic cognitive defects
- ACE inhibitors dec effectiveness of enzyme breaking down acetylcholine
List Anticholinergic Meds
- Tricycline Antidepressants
- Paxil
- GI anti-spasmodics
- First gen antipsychotics
- Lithium
- Antihistamines
- Anti-Parkinsonian
- Muscle relaxants
- Zantac
- Calcium channel blockers
- SSRIs help depression b/c they dec anticholinergic effects
List Assess for Psychological Changes
Cognitive fxn intactRxn time slowsLearning is importantMemory loss is not part of agingGerotranscendence: continued growth in dimensions such as spirtuality and inner strengthRelationship strains
Discuss Assess for Social Changes
- Functional status may decrease
- Retirement: most are successful
- Cultural impact
- Social activities change
- Community strains: Residential care, Assisted living
Discuss Social Role Transitions
- Changes in family roles: loss of spouse, poverty, sexuality
- Retirement: Affects social roles, income, use of health services, and participation in leisure
- Widowed women more impacted
- Restrictions from health conditions
Discuss Social Support
- In 2 wks: have others said they care about you, have you provided help to others
- Could you call on someone if needed
- Besides children, do you have family you talk to 1x/mo
Discuss Biologic Domain Assessment
- Dec renal clearance
- Dec blood flow to liver
- Neuronal cell loss
- Sexuality maintained (check adverse effects of psychotropic meds)
Discuss Assess for Normative Biologic Changes
- Changes in organs
- Slow neurologic
- Brain changes
- Neuroplasticity- less able to make new pathways
- All 5 senses decline w/ age
Discuss Cognitive Development Changes
- Dev task of adjusting to changes
- Growth in spirituality, generativity, and inner strength
List Risk Factors for Geriatric Psychopathology
- Chronic illnesses: Arthritis, hypertension, heart disease, respiratory disorders, substance abuse
- Polypharmacy
- Bereavement and loss
- Poverty
- Lack of social support
- Psychiatric Disorders: Depression
- Shared living arrangements and
- elder mistreatment
Discuss Prevention of Mental Illness
- Reduce stigma
- Access to services
- Monitor meds SE to inc adherence
- Avoid premature institutionalization
- Prevent depression and suicide- counseling
Discuss Promotion of Mental Health
- Social support
- Lifestyle support
- Self-care
- Spiritual support
- Community services
Define Cognitive Mental Disorders
- A disruption or deficit in cognitive function
- Affecting orientation, attention, memory, vocabulary, calculation ability, and abstract thinking
- APA defines 3 distinct categories:
- 1. Delerium, dementia, and amnestic disorders
- 2. Mental disorders resulting from a general medical condition.
- 3. Substance –related disorders
Define Delirium
- Acute cognitive impairment with rapid onset caused by medical condition
- Ex- “ICU psychosis”; Acute Brain Syndrome (ABS); Acute confusion; Acute psychosis
Define Dementia
- Chronic cognitive impairment
- Differentiated by cause, not symptoms
Discuss Risk Factors of Delirium
- Children: can be related to medications or fever
- Elderly: most commonly occurs in
- this population group, often mistaken for dementia- (caregiver prejudice)
List Delirium Etiology: Identified causes
- Medications
- Infections
- Fluid and electrolyte imbalances
- Hypoxia/ischemia
Discuss Delirium Etiology: Variety of brain alterations
- Reduction in cerebral functioning
- Damage to enzyme systems, blood–brain barrier, or cell membranes
- Reduced brain metabolism
- Imbalance of neurotransmitters
- Raised plasma cortisol level
List 3 Main Features of Delirium
- 1. Cognitive changes with rapid onset(several scales i.e. MMSE) disordered cognition
- 2. attention deficit: difficulty focusing, sustaining, or shifting attention
- 3. disturbed Consciousness: reduced level of consciousness
- May be disoriented to time and place, but rarely to person
- *Develops over a short period of time
- Usually reversible if underlying medical cause is identified
- Serious, should be treated as an emergency
List Behavior Change of Delirium
- –Hyperkinetic delirium
- Psychomotor hyperactivity
- Excitability
- Hallucinations
- –Hypokinetic delirium
- Lethargic
- Somnolent
- Apathetic
List 3 Classic Autonomic Responses
Discuss Biologic Assessment of Delirium
- Id nml
- Health status
- Physical exam and Sx
- Labs
- Physical fxn
- Substance abuse hx
- Rx Meds and OTC
List Nsg Diagnoses for Delirium
- Acute confusion
- Disturbed thought processes
- Disturbed sensory perception
- Hyperthermia
- Acute pain
- Risk for infection
- Disturbed sleep pattern
- Interrupted family processes
- Ineffective protection
- Ineffective role performance
- Risk for injury
List Nsg Interventions for Delirium
- Safety- from self
- r/o life-threatening illness
- stop suspected meds
- monitor VS, behavior, mental status
- correct underlying cause
- supportive measures- hydrate, pain
List Pharmacologic Interventions for Delirium
- Antipsychotics
- Atypical antipsychotics (cardiac SE)
- Benzos (use before antip for hepatic problems)
- Manage SE
Discuss Restraints
- Avoid
- Unless pt in danger to self or others
- Inc agitation- causes rhabdomyolysis
Discuss Psychological Interventions of Delirium
- Frequent brief interaction
- Support for confusion or hallucinations
- Encouraged to express fears and discomforts
- Adequate lighting
- Easy-to-read calendars and clocks
- Reasonable noise level: decrease stimulation
- Frequent verbal orientation
- Devices available: eyeglasses and hearing aids
- Comfort measures to instill trust
Discuss Evaluation of Delirium
- Correction of underlying physiologic alteration
- Resolution of confusion
- Family member verbalization of understanding
- Prevention of injury
List Sx of Delirium
- Sudden onset
- Fluctuating course
- dec consciousness
- dec attention
- dec cognition
- Hallucinations
- dec activity ( hypokinetic v. hyperkinetic delirium)
- Incoherent speech
- Involuntary motor movement
- Illness, toxicity
List Sx of Dementia
- Insidious onset
- Stable course
- Clear
- dec cognition
- Hallucinations may be present
- Activity baseline Normal
- Speech baseline Normal
- Normal motor movement
- No underlying illness or abnormal lab findings
- depends on stage of illness
List Etiology of Dementia
- Beta-amyloid plaques
- Neurofibrillary tangles
- Cell death and neurotransmitters
- Genetic factors
- Oxidative stress and free radicals
- Inflammation
Discuss DSM IV for Dementia
- A syndrome with cognitive deficits resulting from a general medical condition, use of a substance, or multiple biologic etiologies. ..severe enough to compromise social or occupational function, and decline from previous functioning.
- All forms affect memory and cognition
- Degenerative, progressive neuropsychiatric disorder that results in cognitive impairment, emotional and behavioral changes, physical and functional decline, and ultimately death
Discuss Diagnosing Dementia
- Essential feature: multiple cognitive deficits
- One or more of the following:
- Aphasia (alterations in language)
- Apraxia (impaired ability to execute movement)
- Agnosia (failure to recognize or identify objects)
- Disturbance of executive functioning- i.e. making decisions
Differentiate 2 Types of Alzheimers
- Early-onset (65 years and younger) Rapid progression
- Late-onset (over 65)
Discuss Mild Dementia
Forgetfulness, misplace articles, decreased recall, social withdrawal, frustrated with self, changes may not be apparent to others
Discuss Moderate Dementia
decreased ability for self-care; way-finding; disoriented to time and place; wandering, pacing, possible hallucinations or delusions begin, decreased visual perception leading to accidents; needs supervision; emotional lability-big swings; symptoms noticeable
Discuss Severe Dementia
cannot care for self; loss use of language; minimal long term memory; constant complete care
List Priority Care Issues of Dementia
- Priorities will change throughout the course of the disorder
- Initially, delay cognitive decline
- Moderate level: protect patient from hurting self
- Late stages: physical needs become the focus of care
Discuss Biologic Assessment of Dementia
- Health Status
- Physical Exam
- Physical Fxns: self-care, sleep-wake disturbance, activity and exercise, nutrition, pain
Discuss Psychological Assessment of Dementia
- Responses to mental health problems: personality changes
- Cognitive status (MMSE and others)
- Memory
- Language
- Visuospatial impairment
- Executive functioning
List Psychotic Sx of Dementia
- Suspiciousness, delusions, and illusions
- Hallucinations
- Mood changes
- Anxiety
- Catastrophic reactions
List Behavioral Responses of Dementia
- Apathy and withdrawal
- Restlessness, agitation, and aggression
- Aberrant motor behavior
- Disinhibition
- Hypersexuality
- Stress and coping skills
Discuss Social Domain Assessment of Dementia
- Functional status, social systems, spiritual assessment, legal status, and quality of life
- Extent of primary caregiver’s personal, informal, and formal support systems
Discuss Interdisciplinary Tx of Dementia
- Confirm Dx
- Establish baseline
- Therapeutic relationship
- Tx efforts: mgt of cognitive sx, delay in cognitive decline, tx of noncognitive sx, support caregiver
Discuss Biologic Intervention of Dementia
- Self-care
- Nutiriton
- Support elimination
- Sleep
- Activity and exercise
- Pain and comfort
- Relaxation
Discuss Pharmacologic Interventions of Dementia
- ACE Inhibitors
- Antipsychotics
- Anti-anxiety (caution)
- Avoid meds with Anticholinergic effects
List Psychological Interventions of Dementia
- Cognitive Impairment
- Psychosis
- Alterations in Mood
List Social Interventions of Dementia
- Patient safety interventions adjusted for progression through stages of dementia
- Environmental interventions
- Socialization activities
- Home visits
- Community actions
List Other Interventions for Confusion
- Speak clearly, slowly, directly
- Don’t approach from behind
- Face patient
- Use of para-verbal and nonverbal communication techniques
List Other Dementias
- Vascular dementia
- Dementia caused by other conditions:
- Head trauma
- Parkinson’s disease
- Huntington’s disease
- Pick’s disease
- Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease
- Substance-induced persisting dementia
Discuss Amnestic Disorder
- Impairment in memory caused by medical condition or persisting effects of a substance
- Severe memory impairment without other significant cognitive symptoms
- Can be caused by a variety of pathologic processes