US History Chapters 24- 28

  1. What suggested the Prosperity of 1920s was structurally unstable?
    • 1. Increased productivity didn't generate an increase in work salary
    • 2. Numerous manufacturing industries were over-producing
    • 3. Farm prices had been declining through the 1920s
    • 4. Parts of industry lagged in technology and couldn't get investments
  2. The "Bonus Army" in 1932
    WWI veterans marched to washington to lobby for immediate cash pay of veterans' bonuses
  3. Which of the following did FDR use during the early years of his administration to fight the depression?

    A)industrial recovery through business-government cooperation and
    pump-priming federal spending
    B)agricultural recovery through subsidized crop reduction
    C)short-term emergency relief for the jobless, provided directly by
    the federal government if necessary
    D)all of the above
  4. The Civilian Conservation Corps

    A)put half a million young men and women to work in camps
    throughout the country
    B)was a conservative political youth group
    C)employed jobless young men in rural projects such as reforestation,
    park maintenance, and erosion control
    D)was the precursor to the National Guard
  5. What new deal initiative paid farmers subsidies to take acreage out of production?
    Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1933
  6. After 1936 election Roosevelt attempted to undermine the powers of
    The Supreme Court
  7. All of the following were popular pastimes during the Great Depression EXCEPT
    Watching TV
  8. WHat is NOT true about the New Deal?
    It brought full economic recovery and unemployment was not a problem in 1939
  9. Was is NOT associated with the depression?
    Increasing competition with foreign markets
  10. Japan demonstrates its expansionist policies in 1931-32 by invading
  11. 1939- Overwhelming majority of American people believed
    Important to save England and France from defeat, but more important for US to stay out of the war
  12. Lend-Lease
    Extended to Britain and Soviets to help defeat Nazis
  13. Manhattan Project was
    Secret $2 billion project to make atomic bomb
  14. After what did Japan finally discuss surrender terms
    Dropping of atomic bomb
  15. Axis powers included
    Japan, Germany, Italy
  16. What was the US response to the persecution of Jews?
    US expressed sympathy for Jews, but refused to liberalize its restrictive immigration laws
  17. Sept. 1940 to help American security and help England, Roosevelt made executive agreement with Churchill that...
    Transferred 50 American destroyers to Britain in exchange for Naval bases in Western Hemisphere
  18. What impact did the wartimes economy have on AMerican income?
    Size of middle class doubled; only significant shift of income in 20th century
  19. New Deal legislation that established the principle of federal responsibility for social welfare and created framework for welfare system was
    Social Security Act
  20. What role did the American scientific community have in WWII?
    Scientists participated actively in the development of new weapons, chemicals, medicines, that would advance fight against Axis
  21. Who was convicted of conspiring to commit espionage?
    Julius Rosenberg
  22. Fair Deal refers to...
    Truman's domestic, social, and economic reform programs
  23. What was the major postwar economic problem
  24. What "lesson" of recent history impressed President Truman and his advisers and formed a basic diplomatic tenet of his administration?
    Appeasement toward aggressive dictators leads to more violence, not peace
  25. When Churchill spoke of "iron curtain", he was talking about...
    A division between soviet-dominated Eastern Europe and the rest of the continent
  26. According to the truman doctrine
    The US had to support free people everywhere who were resisting subjugation by armed minorities or outside pressure
  27. Which member was NOT a part of NATO
  28. Korean war was an example of all of the following except
    The triumph of military over political leadership.
  29. Relationship between Truman and the 80th congress was
    Antagonistic because congress was controlled by republicans and Truman was a Democrat
  30. What was accomplished during president Truman's presidency?
    Armed forces were desegregated
  31. Eisenhower's presidency was characterized by all of the following EXCEPT
    Feuds with congress
  32. Interstate Highway act
    • 1. Was the largest, most expensive public works program in American history
    • 2. Heightened American dependence on cars
    • 3. Accelerated suburban growth
    • 4. Helped to homogenize the nation
  33. Which of the following was a major Southern civil rights case in the 1950s?
    Brown vs. Board of Education
  34. The Cold War philosophy of Dulles was
  35. The US initial involvement in vietnam consisted of
    Furnishing French with aid who were trying to conquer a colony
  36. Eisenhower Doctrine said the US would send military aid and if necessary, troop to help anti-communist in
    Middle East
  37. Eisenhower's greatest crisis in Middle East started when Egypt leader Nasser
    Suez canal
  38. When Eisenhower was nominated for Rep. in 1952 election which wing of the party was he representing?
    More socially liberal wing
  39. In the late 1940s and early 1950s, what did the House Un-American Activities Committee, Hollywood, and 39 state legislatures have in common?
    They all contributed to the anticommunist hysteria of the period and tried to root out subversives in American society.
  40. MLK philosophy of civil disobedience incorporated
    • 1. the spirit of evangelical Christianity's sacrifice and redemption
    • 2. Christian notion of redemption
    • 3. Non-violent resistance
    • 4. Direct action
  41. Which of the following is NOT true about JFK?
    He had compiled a record of achievements and sponsored much notable reform
  42. In the 1960 presidential election, Nixon's advance over JFK included
    His religion and experience
  43. Why did Kennedy administration have such a poor record of legislative accomplishments?
    The administration had received a weak electoral mandate and lacked votes in congress
  44. Which captures the approach of Kennedy's administration to the issue of civil rights
    Reluctance to take affirmative action followed by introduction of civil rights legislature
  45. Most serious conflict between US and Soviet Union during Kennedy administration
  46. The man accused of assassinating Kennedy was
  47. Which suggests Johnson's policy of civil rights?
    Enactment of a sweeping civil rights law that granted federal government new power to fight segregation
  48. Who ran against Johnson for president in 1964?
  49. All of the following are part of Great Society program EXCEPT
    Interstate Highway Act
  50. In Miranda vs. Arizona, the Supreme Court declared
    Police had to advise a suspect of his or her right to remain silent
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US History Chapters 24- 28
US History