AGNR 70 Review 1

  1. Define the term Niche:
    an animals niche is its role in its community or its job. This includes everythigs about its daily life from the time it was born. Such as what it eats, where it sleeps, where it travels during the day and who or what it comes into contact with on a daily basis.
  2. Define the term Wildlife:
    Anything not under our direct control such as domesticated animals.
  3. Define the term Interspersion:
    Mixing and mingling of habitats. Territory sizes may be reduces and higher population densities of desired species may be achieved by intermingling resources in ways that enrich the habitat. Helping to supply resources to a species that would naturally be in an area so that it can continue to thrive there.
  4. Define the term Edge Species:
    Species that thrive in edges. Edge is where two or more habitats meet. This allows more species to live closer than normal because there are different resources for them to use and different animals to them to eat than there would be if it where just in one habitat.
  5. Define the term Circadian Rhythm:
    Approximately one day. Refers to the activites of animals that show a regular pattern (24 hours) Eg. Most animals feed at certain times (day or night) and rest during others.
  6. List the 4 types of wildlife values:
    • *1 Commercial: something done with wildlife to make money such as killing an animal to sell its body parts.
    • *2 Recreation: Such as hunting and fishing. This makes money for the state to pay ologists, and for habitat. Also includes camping, hiking, etc. Helps to support other industries as well such as the hotels that people would stay in and the store that they would buy camping gear from.
    • *3Scientific: Use wildlife for studying to gain knowledge about them and their habitat.
    • *4 Aesthetic: Use wildlife just for viewing. Can include things like photography safaris. Also raise some money that supports local business.
  7. Discuss the ways that cover can affect wildlife and how we use it to manage their habitat. Be certain to also briefly discuss habitat selection:
    • Cover as shelter: Gives animals a place to sleep and hide to keep them covered from predators.
    • Help animals from wasting energy: Helps animals to stay warm so that they do not need to waste energy trying to keep themselves warm.
    • Protects animal from effects or windchill: Cover helps to keep animals from being chilled by wind. Also covers animals so that they are not exposed to the elements.
    • Habitat Selection: Selection of appropriate habitat which favors successful reproduction and survival. Proper habitat will have effective cover.
  8. Briefly discuss how Wildlife species respond to humans and what impact that has on wildlife behavior:
    Animals behavior changes in the presence of humans. Many learn that humans are not dangerous and therefore are not afraid of humans. Or they can think that humans pose a danger and become aggressive and attack. They can also learn that humans can be a source for food and become accustom to being fed or to stay in areas they normally would not be in because humans are doing something to attract them.
  9. List and briefly discuss the 3 basic things a wildlife manager does:
    • *1 Conduct Research: to further understand the animal that they are managing or interested in.
    • *2 Management: Apply knowledge to management, review scientific literature, find answers with research and implement studies.
    • *3 Public relations: Resource management is people management.
  10. Define sexual segregation and list 2 examples that illustrate sexual segregation:
    Sexual segregation is when different sexes of the same species use different things such as living areas or food sources to avoid competition or possibly predation. Eg. 1: Female hawks are generally larger than males which allows them to eat larger food, leaving smaller male to eat smaller food. Eg. 2: Female mountain goats are more petite which allows them to stand and walk in very tight, small areas with their young to avoid predation. Males are larger and cannot stand on such fragile ground.
  11. Define, Compare, contrast and provide one example for each of the concepts of "Home Rangeand Territory":
    • *Home Range: Includes everything an animal species needs year round. Including an area for nesting, foraging, watering areas, and travel routes to and from the area:
    • *Territory: Usually part of a larger unit called the home range. Species claim and defend specific areas against members of the same species. Size of territories an vary greatly.
  12. How do the digestive systems of herbivores and carnivores differ? Provide specific examples:
    • *Herbivores: Have beaks for breaking into hard shells to get at seeds. Because they don't have teeth they have gizzards which is a firm muscle that breaks down and pulverizes hard seeds. They also have a crop which allows them to collect a large amount of food and store it in their crop so that they can eat all day without having to be out in collecting food and in danger of predation. Ceca aides in bacterial decomposition of fiber.
    • *Carnivores: Have teeth to pulverize food. The have complex stomachs so that they too can eat a large amount of food. It passes into the stomach where its decomposition starts. It is brought back up and chewed more them swallowed again. Eg. 4 chamber stomach.
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AGNR 70 Review 1
Review 1