Kinetic Theory

  1. What are the assumptions of the Kinetic Theory?
    All collisions are elastic (no kinetic energy is lost)...

    Kinetic energy of the gas is proprtional to the temperature of the sample...

    There are negigible intermolecular forces...

    Molecules are in constant random motion...

    Molecules are small and the volume of molecules in negligible compared to the volume of the gas.
  2. What is the Ideal Gas Equation?
  3. What is the gas constant, R.
    8.31 J/K/mol or...

  4. What is Boyle's Law?
    Pressure is inversely proportional to volume at constant temperature.

  5. What is Charles' Law?
    Volume is directly proportional to temperature at constant pressure

  6. What is partial pressure?
    The partial pressure of a component gas is equal to the pressure it would exert if it alone occupied the total volume. The partial pressure of a gas is related to the number of moles of gas in the system.

    p=mole fraction x total pressure
  7. What is mole fraction?
    amount of component A / total amount

    no. of moles A / total no. of moles

    volume of A / total volume
  8. When does a real gas have ideal behaviour?
    At high temperatures and low pressure.

    At high temperature, kinetic energy increases and intermolecular forces break and become negligible...

    At low pressure, the distance between molecules increase and intermolecular forces become negligible. The volume of the molecules compared to the volume of the gas also becomes negligible.
  9. How do real gases deviate from ideal behaviour?
    The molecules have small but finite volumes and considerable intermolecular forces.

  10. Consider the graph and identify which condition is causing the deviation
    Above the line, the volume of the molecules compared to the gas is increasing as P increases. So the product PV is large due to the effects of volume.

    Below the line, P is small due to the strong intermolecular forces between molecules so the product PV is smaller
Card Set
Kinetic Theory
Kinetic Theory