personality psych

  1. freuds two factors
    • 1. childhood
    • 2. conflict btwn conscious and subconscious
  2. ID
    • subconcious
    • "i want"
  3. ego
    • conscious mind; wants to fufill the id
    • "i can"
  4. superego
    • ethics and morals
    • "i should"
  5. defense mechanism
    general techniques that people use to defend agains anxiety by distorting reality
  6. repression
    unconsciously forgeting
  7. regresion
    reverting to childish tendencies
  8. rationalization
    put the blame elsewhere
  9. reaction formation
    make feelings the opposite of what you actually feel
  10. projection
    explaining your feelings as someone elses
  11. displacement
    directing your emotions to a different source other than the actual cause
  12. psychoanalytic theory
    freuds theory of personality development
  13. neofreudians
    • people are positive; its not all sexual/aggresion
    • the conscious is just as important as sub
  14. Carl Jung
    famous neofreudian who deviated from being under freud
  15. the personal unconscious
    Jung's term analogous to Freud's subconscious
  16. the collective unconscious
    a shared, collected reservoir of human memories and crap
  17. archetype
    inherited universal themese; the collecteve unconscious is made of many of these
  18. maslow
    • a humanist
    • self actualization
  19. Carl Rogers
    • believed that there are two parts to each person; organism and self
    • called his patients clients
    • a humanist
    • genuiness, acceptance and empathy
  20. Rollo May
    sees people as good and evil
  21. humanistic approach
    people are good and strive to be the best
  22. unconditional positive regard
    an attitude of total acceptance towards others
  23. behavioralist theory
    focused on predicting behavior; action oriented
  24. BF Skinner
    • behavioralist
    • 'pragmatic'
  25. alfred adler
    • neofreudian
    • inferiority complex
  26. albert bandura
    • behavioralist
    • social-cognitive perspective -personality influenced by three factors
  27. reciprocal determinism
    the interaction between behavior, internal personal factors, and environmental factors
  28. trait theorist
    • every trait applies to everyone
    • descriptions can be quantified
  29. homothetic approach
    • study people in large groups to find general laws of personality
    • Allport
  30. idiographic apprach
    • study individuals in detail
    • Allport
  31. Eysenck
    • trait theorist
    • three dimensions of personality; stability, extraversion vs introversion, psychoticism
  32. stability
    the extent of control one has over their own feelings
  33. psychoticism
    the extent of ones self image; self-centered vs not
  34. robust five
    extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, openess, stability
  35. external locus
    forces outside our control determine fate
  36. internal locus
    we control our own destiny
  37. tyranny of choice
    when given too much freedom we regret and second guess
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personality psych
make up test: march 31