Leadership 1

  1. ____________ is the process of influencing others toward goal achievement. It's the ability of one person to influence, without force, one or more in a directions of his/her choice to achieve organizational or group goals.

    C. Leadership
  2. What are the 2 types of leadership? Explain.
    Formal: based on position ("assigned leadership"

    Informal: leadership demonstrated outside the scope of formal leadership role or as a member of a group
  3. ____________ is an engaged process of guiding others through a set of derived practices and procedures that are evidence-based and known to satisfy pre-established outcomes on repeated clinical situations.

    A. leadership

    B. management

    C. followership
    B. management
  4. What is the difference between leadership and management?
    • Leadership: creating change
    • Management: coping w/ complexity, rules & goals of org
  5. _______________ is a complementary set of actions that contribute to problem solving, task attainment, and eval w/ the use of healthy and assertive behaviors to support those who are leading or managing
  6. _____________ _______________ is the possession of social skills, interpersonal competence, psychological maturity, and emo awareness devoted to helping people work well together.
    Emotional intelligence
  7. The 5 domains of emo intelligence
    • Self-awareness
    • Handling relationships
    • Empathetic
    • Managing emotions
    • Motivate self
  8. 4 major theories of leadership. give examples.
    behavioral: autocratic, participatory, laissez-faire, democratic

    trait: "great man" theory by aristotle

    situational-contingency: contingency, fiedler's, hersey & blanchards's

    contemporary: charismatic, transformational
  9. 4 examples of behavioral approaches. explain
    autocratic: centralized decision making; leader makes decisions

    participatory: seeks input in decisions

    democratic: participatory; authority is delegated to others; disadv: takes time

    laissez-faire: passive and permissive; defers decision making
  10. Fiedler's contingency theory; 3 factors
    taking everything into consideration

    • 1. leader-member relations
    • 2. task structure
    • 3. position power
  11. Hersey and Blanchard's theory; 4 leadrship styles for a situation
    • it depends on willingness and ability of learner.
    • follower readiness=maturity

    • participating: low task, high relat
    • telling: high task, low relat
    • selling: high task, high relat
    • delegating: low task, low relat
  12. A _____________ leader is a person who has a desire and motivation to lead, will, b/c he will work hard and do what is needed to achieve his goal to lead.
    Charismatic leader
  13. ______________ theory is based on idea of empowering others to engage in pursuing a collective purpose by working together to achieve a vision of a preferred future.
    Transformational theory
  14. 7 habits of effective people. created by?
    Stephen Covey.

    • 1 be proactive
    • 2 begin w/ end in mind
    • 3 put first things first
    • 4 think win-win
    • 5 seek first to understand, then be understood
    • 6 synergize
    • 7 sharpen the saw
  15. leadership can be learned. t/f?
  16. all styles of leadership are effective in certain circumstances. t/f?
  17. Gardner's tasks of leadership?
    p 14-18
  18. Bleich's tasks of management and followeship
    p 19.
  19. _________ is the process of coordinating actions and allocating resources to achieve org goals
  20. Person employed by the organization who is responsible for efficiently accomplishing goals of the org
  21. drucker's basic fns of managers; basic and nurse manager
    p 55.

    Nurse managers are specific to an assigned area
  22. 2 degrees of freedom of a manager?
    1st: can make initial decisions that will define his commitments

    2nd: take advantage of obligations incumbent w/ the position
  23. Bureaucratic theory of management
    efficiency achieved through impersonal relations w/in formal structure

    based on position



    ***expect compliance

    by Max Weber
  24. Hawthorne effect
    people change their behaviors when they are being observed/studied
  25. Classical approach to management; by who?
    Henri Fayol

    • Planning
    • organizing
    • directing
    • controlling
  26. Theory X and Y
    by McGregor

    • X: authoritarian
    • people
    • dont like to work
    • need threat/punishment
    • want to be told

    • Y: participative
    • like work
    • use self-control
    • accept responsibility
    • like to solve problems
  27. #1 priority of NMs is?
    quality pt care
  28. _______ is a process that occurs internally to influence and direct a person's behavior in order to satisfy his or her needs
  29. Intrinsic v extrinsic motivation
    Intrinsic: coming from inside; personal accomplishment

    extrinsic: based on incentive
  30. Herzberg's 2 factor theory

  31. McClelland's basic needs theory
    • Need for achievement
    • need for power
    • need for affiliation
  33. 3 branches of govt
    • Executive
    • Legislative
    • Judicial
  34. Gives states the power to be sure principles of the constitution are being carried out. Includes practice of nursing.
    10th amendment
  35. Collective action taken by workers to secure better wages or working conditions
    collective bargaining
  36. 2 elements of org structure
    Formal: depicted in chart/diagram; who's who

    Informal: how things really get done; connections
  37. Span of control
    widens as rank decreases

    narrows as rank increases
  38. Basic principles of org structure
    unity of command

    requisite authority

    continuing responsibility
  39. Org climate and culture
    climate: what u see; measurable; phys attributes; values, mission, vision, goals

    culture: sum of everything; social agreements
  40. effective v efficient
    effective: achieving an obj w/out concern for resources

    efficient: obtaining an obj w/ least amt of resources
  41. 5 general charac of bureaucracy accdg to weber
    • 1. division of labor
    • 2. centralization of authority
    • 3. rational program for personnel management
    • 4. rules & regulations
    • 5. written records
  42. statement of purpose
  43. values and beliefs that guide all actions of the org
  44. aspiration of the org
  45. goals need to be ____, _____, _____
    • clear
    • measurable
    • realistic
  46. "Establishes objectives and goals for each area and communicates them to the persons who are responsible for attaining them" is a management fn described by:
    Peter Drucker
  47. What leadership style states that leaders are not born to lead but learn leadership behaviors?
    Behavioral theory
  48. The authoritarian style of management is one in which:

  49. What leadership style states that the status quo changes when the staff adopts the leader's vision and beliefs for reaching a goal?

  50. What leadership style states that leadership behaviors are dictated by a situation?

  51. Emo intelligence is a popular NM concept that focuses on managing emotions.
  52. ________ is the use of impartial third party to seek a solution to a dispute bet parties involving the content of the collective bargaining agreement
    Arbitration (interest)
  53. _______ is the organization that the employees in a bargaining unit select to represent the employees in that unit in negotiations with the employer.
    Bargaining agent/representative
  54. _______ is the official designation by the labor agency of a bargaining agent as the exclusive representative of employees concerning matters of employment w/ management.
  55. ______ is the process used by reps of an employer and the bargaining agent to write and sign an agreement covering terms of employment.
    Collective bargaining
  56. _______ is the written agreement bet the employees in a bargaining unit and the employer regarding the conditions of employment.
  57. _______ is the performance of the mutual obligation of the employer and rep of employees to meet at reasonable times and confer in good faith to conditions of employment.
    Good faith bargaining
  58. ______ is the allegation by an employee/ bargaining agent that management has violated the coll barg agreement.
  59. _____ is a deadlock in negotiations bet management and employee representation over the terms of employment.
  60. _____ is the use of a neutral 3rd party to facilitate negotiations bet employees and employer.
  61. ______ is an allegation made by an individual, an employer, or a labor organization of a violation of the law pertaining to collective bargaining.
    Unfair labor practice
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Leadership 1
Exam 1 Study Guide