antithetical adj. (antithesis)
diametrically opposed
apathy n (apathetic)
lack of interst or feeling
apocryphal adj (think religious)
of dubious authenticity or origin; spurious
apogee n
farthest or highest point; culmination; zenith
perigee n. (nadir)
lwest or closest point
apostate n.
one who abandons long-held religious or political confvictions, a betrayer of cause
apotheosis n. (theo)
deification, glorification to godliness
apposite adj.
appropriate, pertinent, relevan, apropos
apprise v.
give notice to, inform
approbation n (approbate)
an expression of apporval or praise
appropriate v. (pronounce ending with "ate" not "at")
to take for one's own use, confiscate