A&P Test 1

  1. Ectoderm organs
    • hypothalamus
    • pineal
    • pituitary
    • adrenal medulla
  2. Mesoderm organs
    • adrenal cortex
    • ovaries
    • testes
  3. Endoderm organs
    • thyroids
    • parathyroids
    • pancreas
  4. Functions of Endocrine System
    • control/regulate body activities
    • control/regulate growth and development
    • control/regulate homeostasis
  5. Actions of Endocrine System
    • alter cell permeability
    • activate enzymes
    • activate genes
  6. Controls of Endocrine System
    • direct nerve pathway
    • positive feedback
    • negative feedback
  7. Protein-like Hormones
    • end with in, on, or hormone
    • typically do not enter target cells
    • bind with surface protein on the cell which activates g-protein in the cell membrane
    • water soluble
    • ex: growth hormone
  8. CAMP
    • cyclic adenosine monophosphate
    • internal messenger of protein-like hormones
    • made from ATP by the enzyme Adenylate Cyclase
  9. Steroid Hormone
    • end with ol or one
    • enter target cells and activate genes
    • made from cholesterol
    • fat soluble
    • ex: testosterone
  10. Corticotroph cell
  11. Somatotroph cell
  12. Lactotroph Cell
  13. Thyrotroph Cell
  14. Gonadotroph Cell
  15. Target of ACTH and MSH
    adrenal cortex
  16. Target of GH and STH
    • liver
    • body cells
  17. Target of PRL
  18. Target of TSH
    thyroid gland
  19. Target of FSH, LH, ICSH
  20. ACTH
    adrenocorticotropic hormone
  21. MSH
    melanocyte stimulating hormone
  22. PRL
  23. TSH
    • thyroid stimulating hormone
    • thyrotropin
  24. LH
    luteinizing hormone
  25. OT
  26. ADH
    • antidiuretic hormone
    • vasopressin
  27. STH
    somatotropic hormone
  28. IGF1
    insulin-like growth factor 1
  29. FSH
    follicle stimulating hormone
  30. ICSH
    interstitial cell stimulating hormone
  31. HCG
    human chorionic gonadotropin
  32. HPL
    human placental lactogen
  33. Diabetes Insipidus
    hypo ADH
  34. Dwarfism
    hypo GH
  35. Giantism
    hyper GH
  36. Simmond's Disease
    hypo GH
  37. Acromegaly
    hyper GH
  38. Corpus Luteum produces
    • estradiol
    • progesterone
  39. Spermatogonia
    pre-sperm cells
  40. Where sperm develop
    seminiferous tubules
  41. Pineal
    epiphysis cerebri
  42. Hypophysis
  43. Adrenal Gland
    supra renal gland
  44. Hypothalamus cavity
  45. Pineal cavity
  46. Hypophysis cavity
  47. Thyroid cavity
  48. Parathyroid cavity
  49. Pancreas cavity
    abdomenal (retroperitoneal)
  50. Adrenal cavity
    abdomenal (retroperitoneal)
  51. ovary cavity
  52. testis cavity
    abdomenal and scrotum
  53. Anterior Pituitary
  54. Posterior Pituitary
  55. Hypothalamus production site hormones
    • OT
    • ADH
  56. Interemediate lobe of pituitary production site hormone
  57. Anterior Pituitary production site hormones
    • STH
    • PRL
    • ICSH
    • TSH
    • FSH
    • LH
    • ACTH
    • GH
  58. Liver production site hormone
  59. Production site of HGC and HPL
  60. Production sites of Estradiol
    • placenta
    • ovary
    • adrenal cortex
  61. Production site of Progesterone
    • placenta
    • ovary
  62. Neurosecretory cell hormones
    • OT
    • ADH
  63. Chromophobe cell hormones
    • MSH
    • ACTH
  64. Hepatic cell hormone
  65. Chromophil /Acidophil hormones
    • GH
    • STH
    • PRL
  66. Chromophil/Basophil hormones
    • TSH
    • FSH
    • LH
    • ICSH
  67. Estradiol cell type
    • follicle (ovary)
    • zona reticularis (adrenal cortex)
  68. Progesterone cell type
    follice (ovary)
  69. Testosterone cell type
  70. Target of OT
    • breast
    • uterus
  71. Target of ADH
    kidney tubules
  72. Target of MSH
    epidermal melanocytes of fetus
  73. Target of IGF1
    epiphyseal plate of bones
  74. Target of LH
    ovarian/graffian follicles
  75. Target of ICSH
    interstitial/leydig cells
  76. Target of HCG
    corpus luteum
  77. Target of Estradiol
    • breast
    • uterus
  78. Target of Progesterone
    • uterus
    • placenta
  79. Target of HPL
  80. Target of Testosterone
    • muscle
    • bone
  81. Action of OT
    • release of milk
    • onset of labor
  82. Action of ADH
    increased water absorption
  83. Action of MSH
    increased pigmentation
  84. Action of GH and STH
    • increased blood glucose
    • stimulate somatomedins
  85. Action of IGF1
    stimulates cartilage growth
  86. Action of ACTH
    stimulate release of cortisol
  87. Action of TSH
    stimulate release of thyroxine
  88. Action of PRL
    stimulate production of milk
  89. Action of FSH
    • development of ovarian follicle
    • development of sperm
  90. Action of LH
    • ovulation
    • formation of corpus luteum
  91. Action of ICSH
    stimulate production of testosterone
  92. Action of HCG
    causes corpus luteum to remain active
  93. Action of Estradiol
    • breast enlargement
    • development of uterine lining
  94. Action of Progesterone
    • stimulates development of placenta
    • maintains uterine lining
  95. Action of HPL
    promotes growth of breast tissue
  96. Action of Testosterone
    • promotes male sex characteristics
    • thickens bones
    • increases muscle mass
  97. Male hormones
    • ICSH
    • testosterone
  98. Female hormones
    • HPL
    • OT
    • PRL
    • HGC
    • estradiol
    • LH
    • progesterone
  99. Gland controlled by a direct nerve connection
    adrenal medlla
  100. Hormone controlled by positive feedback
  101. Menarche
    first menstrual cycle
  102. Contributing factors to the onset of menstruation
    • genetics
    • hormone levels
    • nutrition
    • body fat composition (17%)
  103. Menopause effects on the body
    • low estrogen levels
    • uterine atrophy
    • vaiginal atrophy
    • vaginal dryness
    • hot flashes
    • night sweats
    • thinning of the genitals
    • increased risk of osteoporosis
    • back and muscle pain
    • breast atrophy
    • itching/dry skin
    • mood swings
    • fatigue
    • irritability
    • memory loss
    • decreased libido
    • facial and chest hair
    • deeper voice
Card Set
A&P Test 1
Endocrine System