English Exam 2

  1. Stephen Crane
    • novelest and journalist
    • conflict between external reality and internal reality
    • naturalism
  2. Charles Darwin
    • Evolution
    • Natural Selection
    • Survival of the fittest
  3. Naturalism
    • replicate everyday reality
    • influenced by Darwin/ evolution
    • skeptical of free will ( say god and people are not in charge, nature is)
    • Nature determines fate
    • Nature is uncaring
  4. who wrote the open boat?
  5. " they then briefly exchanged some addresses and admonitions. As for the resflections of the men, there was a great deal of rage in them. Perchance they might be formulated thus " if i am going to be drowned- if i am going to be dorwned, why in thename of the seven mad gods who rules the sea, was I allowed to come thus far and comtemplate sand and trees?"
    the open boat by crane
  6. " was i brought here merely to have my nose dragged away as i was about to nible the sacred cheese of life? it is preposterous. If this old ninny woman, fate, cannot do better than this, she should be deprived of the management of mens fortunes. she is an old hen who knows not her intention. If she has decided to drown me, why did she not di it in the beggining and save me all this trouble. the whole affair is absurd... but no she cannot mean to drown me. she dare not drown me. she cannot drown me. not after all this work." afterward the manmight ave had the impulse to shake his fist at the clouds: "Just you drown me , now and then here what i call you"
    the open boat by crane.
  7. " during this dismal night, it may be remarked that a man would conlucde that it was really the intention ofthe seven mad gods to drown hi, despite the abominable injustice of it. For it was certainly an abominable justice to drown a man who had worked so hard, so hard. the man felt it would be a crime most unnatural. other people had drowned at sea since galleys swarmed with painted sais, but still"
    the open boat by crane
  8. "when it occurs to a man that nature does not regaurd him as important, and that she feels she would not maim the univeree by disposing of him, he at first wishes to throw bricks at the temple, and he hates deeply the fact that there are no bricks and no temples. any visible expression of nature would surley be pelleted with his jeers"
    the open boat by crane
  9. " then if there be no tangible thing to hoot he feels, perhaps, the desire to confront a personification and induldge in pleas, bowed to one knee, and with hands sipplicant, saying "yes but i love myself"
    the open boat by crane
  10. " the correspondent wondered if non ever ascended the tall wind tower, and if then they never looked seaward. this tower was a giant, standing with its back to the plight of the ants. it represented in a degree, to the correspondednt, the serenity of nature amid the struggles of the individual- nature in the wind and natur in the vision of men."
    the open boat by crane
  11. " she did not seem cruel to them then, not beneficent, nor treacherous, nor wise. But she was indiffernect, flatly indifferent. It is perhaps, plausible that a man in this situation, impressed witht the unconcern of the universe, should see the innumerable flaws of his life and have them tast wickedly in his mind and wish for another chanve. A distiction between right and wrong seems absurdly clear to him, then, in this new ignorance of the grave edge and he understands that if her were given another opportunity he ouwl mend his conduct and his words and be better and brighter during an introduction or at tea"
    the open boat by crane
  12. slave naratives focus on:
    struggles, sorrows, and hopes of the slave
  13. slavery is
    moaraly, physicaly and emotioanl depriving
  14. setting of a slave narative
    • hell on earth bc
    • not free
    • no liberty
    • no individual choice
  15. slave naratives
    • lone protagonist struggling against an unjust society
    • "love they neighbore"
  16. narraration
    act of telling a story
  17. 3rd person ominscent
    • uses he and she
    • most objective sees all
  18. 3rd person limited
    • uses he and she
    • only seen through one character
  19. nat turner's rebellion
    goes from plantation to plantation killing people which upped the protection of slaves
  20. fugitive slave law
    • because of nat turner's rebellin
    • makes it legal to return an escaped slave in free states back to owneres
  21. what is the true woman?
    marriage and motherhood
  22. what is the new woman?
    educated, social mobility, financial security, and sexual freedom
  23. womens movement
    • 8 hr work day
    • equal wages
    • child care
    • temperance (against drinking)
    • right to vote
  24. Charlotte Perkins Gilaman
    member of womens movement
  25. who wrote the yellow wallpaper?
    charlotte gilman
  26. rest cure
    • total confinement
    • total isolation
    • bed rest
  27. who wrote an incident in the life of a slave girl?
    harriet jacobs
  28. Harlem renaissance
    • great migration
    • jim crow laws
    • harlem becomes the center of black middle class in the U.S.
    • gies african americans freedom to politicaly and economicaly thrive
  29. jim crow laws
    deniel of political and economic feddoms in the south
  30. great migration
    ovement of southern african americans to the north where u find less segregation and jobs
  31. Langston Hughes
    • lived all over the world and settled in harlem
    • inspired by harlem:
    • Jazz and blues
    • Explains black condition
    • Human Rights
    • Chalenges steryotypes
    • prompotes integration
    • creates black pride
  32. Hughes writing style
    • uses couplet
    • seperates couplet with refrains
    • like music lyrics
    • provides lyrics in poems
    • non traditional topics
    • rhyming and singing( hip hop like)
  33. modernism
    • irrational
    • frued
    • undermines reality
    • unconscious drives and instincts
    • power of humans to create
    • rejects reason and tradition
  34. t.s. eliot
    • literary critic and poet
    • leading proponent for modern in literature
    • stream of consciousness
  35. who wrote the love song of J. Alfred Prufrock?
    t.s. eliot
  36. t.s eliot to look for
    • negro
    • blues
    • piano
  37. " aint nobody in all this world, aint got nobody but ma self. I's gwine to wuite ma frownin and put ma troubles on the shelf" thump thump thump went his foot on the floor. he played a few cords the he sang some more"
    langston hughes, the weary blues
  38. "let us go then, you and i,
    when the evening is spread out against the sky.
    like a patient etherised upon a table;
    let us go, through certain ha;f-deserted streets,
    The muttering retreats.
    Of restless nights in one night cheap hotels
    And sawdust resturants with oystr-shells:
    streets that follow like a tedious argument
    Of insidous intent
    To lead you to an overwheliming question...
    Oh, do not ask, what is it?
    Let us go and make our visit"
    the love song of j. alfred prufrock by Eliot
  39. "the yellow fog that rubs its back upon the window panes,
    the yellow smoke that rubs its muzzle on the window panes,
    licked its tongue into the corner of the evening
    Lingered upon the pools that stand in drains.
    let fall upon its back the soot that falls from chimmneys,"
    the love song of j. alfred prufrock byt.s. eliot
  40. "slipped by the terrace, made a sudden leap,
    and seeing that it was a soft october night,
    curled once about the house, and fell asleep"
    t.s. eliot
  41. " and indeed there will be time
    for the yellow smoke that slides along the street
    rubbing its back upon the window panes,
    ther will be time, ther will be time
    to prepare a fae to meet the faces that you meet; there will be time to murder and creat"
    t.s. eliot
  42. " and time for all the works and days of hands
    that life and drop a question on your plate;
    time for u and time for me,
    and time yet for a hundred indecisions,
    and for a hundred visions and revisions,
    before the taking of tast and tea."
    t.s. eliot
  43. " and indeed ther will be time
    to wonder " do i dare?" and "do i dare?"
    time to turn back and descend the stair
    witha a bald spot in the middle of my hair-
    they will say how his hair is growing thin)
    my morning coat, my collar mounting firmly to the chin,
    my necktie rich and modest, but asserted by a simple pin-"
    t.s. eliot
  44. " do i dare disturb the universe?
    in a minute there is time
    for decisions and revisions which a minute will reverse"
  45. t.s. eliot
  46. for i have known them all already, known them all
    I have measured out my life with coffee spoons
    I knoe the voices dying with a dying fall
    beneath the music from a farther room.
    so how should i presume?"
    t.s. eliot
  47. "let us go then you and i
    whe the evening is spread out against the sky
    like a patient etherised upon a table
    let us fo, through certain half deserted streets,
    the muttering retreats
    of restless nights in one cheap hotels
    and sawdust restuarants with oyster-shells
    streets that follow like a tediuos arguement
    of insidious intent
    to lead you to an overwheliming question..
    oh do not ask, what is it?
    let us go and make our visit"
    t.s. eliot
  48. " in the room the women come and go talking of michelangelo"
    t.s. eliot
  49. the love song of h. alfred prufrock
  50. about a one night stand
    daydream (stream of thought)
  51. William faulkner
    • influenced by freud
    • oedipus complex
    • death drive
    • influenced by eliot's stream of consciousness and divided self
  52. who wrote barn burning?
    william faulkner
  53. flannery o'connor
    • georgia
    • catholic
    • grotesque writting
    • sacred vs fallen
    • southern writing- post civil war
    • irony
  54. who wrote A good man is hard to find?
    flannery o'connor
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English Exam 2