Theory II

  1. what is an individual index used for?
    • education, motivation and evaluation
    • progress of healing and maintenance
    • measure personal daily care efforts
  2. what is an example of an individual index?
    plaque free score
  3. what are clinical trials used for?
    effect of an agent or procedure on the prevention prgression and control of a disease (compare experimenta group to control group
  4. what are two example of a clincial trial?
    • plaque index of silness and loe
    • pt hygiene performance of podshadley and haley
  5. what is an epidemiologic survey used for?
    study of disease characteristics of populations, info and trends and patterns of oral health and disease in populations
  6. what is an example of a epidemiologic survey?
    DMFT index (decayed, missing and filled teeth)
  7. what is an community surveillance index used for?
    • assess needs of community, provide info to help plan community based health promotion/disease prevention programs
    • compare the effects or evaluate the results of community based programs
  8. what is an example of a community surveillance?
    association of state and territorial dental directors basic screening survey
  9. what are six indices used for gingival and perio health?
    • perio screening/recording (PSR)
    • Community perio index (CPI)
    • sulcus bleeding index (SBI)
    • Gingival bleeding index (GBI)
    • eastman interdental bleeding index (EIBI)
    • gingival index (GI)
  10. what is a SCREENING procedure to help determine need for PERIO?
    perio screening/recording PSR
  11. what is the purpose of the perio screening/recording PSR index used for?
    • SCREENING for need of PERIO
  12. how are the teeth divided up for PSR?
  13. what is used for the PSR? (instrument wise)
    special probe with a .5mm ball at tip it is color coded btw 3.5-5.5
  14. what index is used by the world health organization?
    community perio index CPI
  15. what teeth are probed in the CPI for adults? children?
    • adult:10 teeth (8 molars, max right cent and man left cent incisor)
    • child:6 teeth (4 molars, max right cent and man left cent incisor)
  16. what index is used to locate areas of sulcus bleeding?
    sulcus bleeding index SBI
  17. what is the procedure for the SBI?
    probe all 4 areas of tooth and wait 30 seconds btw areas
  18. what is the coding for the SBI?
    • 0-5 for each of the 4 areas
    • total scores and divide by 4
    • total scores for each tooth and divide by number of teeth
  19. what index is the presence or absence of gingival inflammation by bleeding from the INTERPROXIMAL SULCI?
    gingvial bleeding index GBI
  20. where is the GBI measured?
    two interprox sulci per tooth
  21. what do you use to measure the GBI?
    unwaxed floss
  22. how long do you wait between testing areas of the GBI?
    30 seconds
  23. what index is used to assess the presence or absence of inflammation in INTERDETNAL AREA as indicated by bleeding
    eastman interdental bleeding index EIBI
  24. what teeth are used in the EIBI?
  25. how long must you wait between use of triangular wooden interdental cleaner in the EIBI when insterting 4 times?
    15 seconds
  26. what are five indices used for oral health status?
    • plaque index Pl I
    • plaque control record
    • plaque free score
    • patient hygiene performance PP
    • simplified oral hygiene index OHI-S
  27. what is the purpose of the plaque index?
    assess thickness of biofilm at cervical third
  28. which index assess the THICKNESS of BIOFILM at the cervical third
    plaque index
  29. what index is used to record the presence of biofilm?
    plaque control record
  30. what index is used to see the biofilm free surface (we use this)
    plaque free score
  31. what is documented in the plaque free score?
    • biofilm free surfaces
  32. when scoring the plaque free score what is across the top on the chart? what is down the side?
    • across-#teeth/surfaces
    • down-#surfaces WITH biofilm
  33. what is the purpose of the patient hygiene performace index?
    assess extent of biofilm and debris
  34. what index assesses the biofilm and debris?
  35. how do you score PHP for a group?
    total individual scores and divide by the # people examined
  36. what index assesses debris and CALC?
  37. what are the two parts of the OHI-S?
    • simplified debris index DI-S
    • simplified CALC index CI-S
  38. what teeth are selected for the OHI-S?
    3, 8, 14, 24, 19, 30
  39. what are the four dental caries experience indices?
    • perm teeth DMFT and DMFS
    • primary teeth df and def
    • early childhood caries (ECC and S-ECC "severe" )
    • root caries index
  40. what teeth are not counted for the DMFT? 4
    • wis teeth
    • unerupted teeth
    • congen/supernumerary teeth
    • teeth removed/restored for other than caries
  41. what teeth are selected for the dmfs?
    • primary teeth
    • 8 molars 4 canines
  42. what teeth are not counted for the df/def?
    teeth removed/restored for other than caries (ortho/fractures)
  43. what is the procedure for early childhood caries (ECC and S-ECC-severe)
    examine each tooth surface for decay
  44. what is the tooth selection for the root caries index
    • 4 surfaces per tooth
    • tooth counted only once despite possible multiple lesions
  45. what is the procedure for the RCI?
    examine each tooth for root caries
  46. an inactive substance or preparation with no intrinsic therapeutic value given to satisfy a pts symbolic need for drug therapy; used in controlled resarch studies in a form identical in appearance to the material being tested
  47. the total number of cases of a specific disease or condition in existence in a given population at a certain time
  48. assessment of many individuals to disclose certain characteristics or diseases in a population
  49. the study of the relationships of various factors that determine the frequency and distribution of diseases in the human community; study of health and disease in populations
  50. ability of an index or test procedure to measure what it is intended to measure
  51. ability of an index or test procedure to measure consistently at different times and uder a variety of conditions; reproducibility; consistency
  52. the rate at which a certain event occurs as the number of new cases of a specific disease occurring during a certain period of time
  53. what are the 8 criteria for a useful and effective index?
    • simple to use and calculate
    • requires minimal equipment and expense
    • uses a minimal amount of time to complete
    • does not cause pt discomfort nor is otherwise unacceptable to a pt
    • has clear cut criteria that are readily understandable
    • is as free as possible from subjective interpretation
    • reproducible by the same examiner or differnet examiners
    • is amenable to statistical analysis; has validity and reliability
  54. t/f an index should be simple to use and calculate
  55. t/f an index should be clear cut and readily understandable
Card Set
Theory II
Mod 8 chapter 20