Biological Perspectives

  1. How many divisions take place in meiosis?
  2. What is the synaptonemal complex?
    Protein that binds to chromosomes to split them
  3. When a cell is about to go through meiosis, how many strands of DNA does it have?
  4. Why do chromosomes need to become unduplicated (split)?
    Because chromosomes can't function as dyads
  5. During which stage of meiosis does DNA replicate?
    Premeiotic Interphase (Interphase preceding meiosis)
  6. During which phase of meiosis do tetrads form, and the nuclear envelope breaks down?
    Prophase 1
  7. During which phase of meiosis does crossing over occur?
    Prophase 1
  8. During which phase of meiosis does cytokinesis occur & 1 of each pair of homologous chromosomes is at each pole?
    Telophase 1
  9. What happens during interkinesis?
    Nothing new.
  10. During which phase of meiosis do chromosomes condense again?
    Prophase 2
  11. During which phase of meiosis do chromosomes line up along equatorial plant of cell?
    Metaphase 2
  12. How many ways are there to pair up chromosomes?
    8.4 million
  13. Where does meiosis take place?
    Germinal tissue
  14. What kind of sex organs do plants have?
    Anther and ovaries
  15. What kind ofsex organs to animals have?
    Testes and ovaries
  16. During which phase of meiosis do tetrads line up on the equatorial plane of the cell?
    Metaphase 1
  17. During which phase of meiosis do homologous chromosomes seperate and move to opposite poles?
    Anaphase 1
  18. During which phase of meiosis do sister chromatids seperate and chromosomes move to opposite poles?
    Anaphase 2
  19. During which phase of meiosis does nuclei form at opposite poles of each cell?
Card Set
Biological Perspectives
Unit 3