1. abrasion
    -- Loss or damage of the superficial layer of skin as a result of a body part rubbing or scraping across a rough or hard surface.
  2. avulsion -
    - An injury in which soft tissue either is torn completely loose or is hanging as a flap.
  3. burn -
    - An injury in which the soft tissue receives more energy than it can absorb without injury from thermal heat, frictional heat, toxic chemicals, electricity, or nuclear radiation.
  4. closed injury -
    - Injury in which damage occurs beneath the skin or mucous membrane but the surface remains intact.
  5. compartment syndrome -
    - Swelling in a confined space that produces dangerous pressure; may cut off blood flow or damage sensitive tissue.
  6. contamination -
    - The presence of infectious organisms on or in objects such as dressings, water, food, needles, wounds, or a patient''s body.
  7. contusion -
    - A bruise, or ecchymosis.
  8. dermis -
    - The inner layer of the skin, containing hair follicles, sweat glands, nerve endings, and blood vessels.
  9. ecchymosis -
    - Discoloration of the skin associated with a closed wound; bruising.
  10. epidermis -
    - The outer layer of skin that acts as a watertight protective covering.
  11. evisceration -
    - The displacement of organs outside the body
  12. full-thickness burn -
    - A burn that affects all skin layers and may affect the subcutaneous layers, muscle, bone, and internal organs, leaving the area dry, leathery, and white, dark brown, or charred; traditionally called a third-degree burn
  13. hematoma -
    - A mass of blood in the soft tissues beneath the skin
  14. incision -
    - A sharp or smooth cut.
  15. laceration -
    - A jagged open wound.
  16. mucous membrane -
    - The lining of body cavities and passages that are in direct contact with the outside environment.
  17. occlusive dressing -
    - Dressing made of Vaseline gauze, aluminum foil, or plastic that prevents air and liquids from entering or exiting a wound.
  18. open injury
    -- An injury in which there is a break in the surface of the skin or the mucous membrane, exposing deeper tissue to potential contamination.
  19. partial-thickness burn -
    - A burn affecting the epidermis and some portion of the dermis but not the subcutaneous tissue, characterized by blisters and skin that is white to red, moist, and mottled; traditionally called a second-degree burn.
  20. penetrating wound -
    - An injury resulting from a sharp, pointed object.
  21. rabid
    -- Describes an animal that is infected with rabies.
  22. Rule of Nines -
    - A system that assigns percentages to sections of the body, allowing calculation of the amount of skin surface involved in the burn area.
  23. superficial burn -
    - A burn affecting only the epidermis, characterized by skin that is red but not blistered or actually burned through; traditionally called a first-degree burn.
Card Set
Soft-Tissue Injuries,VOCABULARY