Functions of the Digestive System
- Break down nutrients into a form that the body can use
- Absorb nutrients into bloodstream
- Eliminate parts of food that can't be digested
Materials enter digestive tract
- Mechanical: Materials are crushed, sheared, and churned to allow them to fit through digestive tract and to increase surface area
- Chemical Break down food
Nutrients, vitamins, electrolytes move into the interstitial fluid of the digestive tract, then into the blood
Water and indigestible residue consolidated into feces
Feces is eliminated
Digestive System Anatomy
- Digestive tract (alimentary canal): mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine and GI tract includes stomach and intestines
- Accessory Organs: include teeth, tongue, salivary glands, live, gallbladder, pancreas
Lines the lumen and consists of inner epithelium, lamina propia (loose connective tissue), and Muscularis mucosa (thin layer of smooth muscle)
- Thicker layer of loose connective tissue
- Contains blood vessels, lymphatic vessels, nerves, and mucous glands
Muscularis Externa
- Two layers of muscle
- Inner circular layer: sometimes thickens to form valves
- Outer longitudinal layer: responsible for moving food through tract
Thin layer of tissue between end of esophagus and beginning of rectum
Fibrous connective tissue in pharynx, esophagus, and rectum
Peritoneal Cavity
- Fluid-filled sac
- Visceral peritoneum: serosa layer of GI tract
- Parietal peritoneum: lines inner surface of the body cavity
- Membrane secrete fluid for lubrication
- Intraperitoneal organs are enclosed by mesentery (stomach, liver, parts of small intestine and colon)
- Retroperitoneal organs lie against posterior body wall and are only covered by mesentery on anterior side (duodenum, pancreas, parts of colon)
- Connective tissue sheets that suspend the stomach and intestines from the parietal peritoneum
- Allows freedom of movement while still holding abdominal viscera in proper place
- Prevents tangling (twisting) of intestines
- Holds blood vessels and nerves in contact with GI tract
Lesser Omentum
- Mesentery that extends from the liver to the stomach
- Stabilizes the stomach
- Provides route for blood vessels entering and leaving the liver
Greater Omentum
- Pouch of adipose tissue that hangs from the stomach and over the small intestine
- Provides protection and insulation
Mesentery Proper
Provides support for the small intestine
- Mesentery fused to posterior body wall
- Provides support for the colon
Enteric Nervous System
- Nervous system network in the esophagus, stomach, and intestines
- Regulates tract motility, secretion, and blood flow
- Can function independently of the CNS, but influenced by it
Submucosal Plexus
- In submucosa
- Controls secretion from glands in mucosa
- Controls movement of muscularis mucosa
Myenteric Plexus
- Parasympathetic fibers between layers of muscularis externa
- Controls contractions of these muscles
Sensory Neurons
Monitor tension in gut wall
Short (myenteric) Reflexes
Stretch or chemical stimulation activates contractions in nearby muscularis externa
Long (vasovagal) Reflexes
Parasympathetic activation regulates digestive motility and secretion
Hormonal Control
Gastrin and secretin regulate digestion
Paracrine Control
Chemical messengers produced by digestive tract diffuse to nearby target cells
Oral Cavity Functions
- Senses taste of food
- Mechanically processes food
- Lubricates food with saliva
- Begins chemical digestion of carbohydrates and lipids
Cheeks and Lips
- Hold food in mouth and push it between teeth
- Essential for sucking and blowing
- Consist of subcutaneous fat, buccinator muscle of cheek, and orbicularis oris of lips
Cutaneous Area of Lips
Colored like rest of face, has hair follicles and sebaceous glands
Red Area of Lips
- Red, hairless region where lips meet
- Blood vessels very close to epidermal surface
Labial Mucosa
Inner surface of lips
Labial Frenulum
Fold that connects lip of gum
The Tongue
- Manipulates food between teeth
- Covered in nonkeratinized stratified squamous epithelium
- Body: anterior 2/3 in oral cavity
- Root: posterior 1/3 in oropharynx
Vallate Papillae
Row of papillae marking boundary between body and root
Terminal Sulcus
Groove behind vallate papillae
Lingual Frenulum
Fold that attaches tongue to floor of mouth
Lingual Tonsils
Contained in the root of the tongue
Intrinsic Muscles
- Entirely within tongue
- Produced subtle tongue movements
Extrinsic Muscles
- Insert into tongue
- Produce strong tongue movements
Lingual Glands
- Serous and mucous glands among extrinsic muscles
- Secrete some saliva
The Palate
Separates oral cavity from nasal cavity
Hard Palate
Anterior part supported by maxillae and palatine bones
Palatine Rugae
Ridges that help tongue hold food
Soft Palate
- Posterior part composed of muscle and glands
- Contains uvula, which keeps food in the mouth until swallowing occurs and prevents food from entering nasal cavity
- Masticate food into smaller pieces
- Makes it easier to swallow
- Increases surface area for enzymes to digest it
- 32 adult teeth, 20 deciduous (baby) teeth
- 16 in mandible, 16 in maxilla
- From midline to rear-
- 2 incisors to bite food
- 1 canine to puncture/shred
- 2 premolars and 3 molars to crush and grind
Deciduous Teeth
- Teeth develop beneath gums to erupt in predictable order
- Erupt from 6-30 months
- Replaced by permanent teeth from ages 6-25
- Root of baby teeth dissolves as permanent tooth develops
- Wisdom teeth (3rd molars) can be crowded against neighbors so that they can't erupt (impacted)
Tooth socket in the bone
Periodontal Ligament
Anchors tooth in alveolus
Gingiva (Gum)
Covers alveolar bone
Where crown, root, and gum meet
Gingival Sulcus
Groove between tooth and gum
Hard, yellow tissue
Hard covering for crown formed before tooth erupts
- Hard covering for root
- Dentin and cementum can regenerate but enamel can't
Root Canal
Tube for nerves and blood vessels to reach pulp cavity in crown
Tooth Disease
Plaques of sugars and bacteria left on the teeth can erode enamel and dentin to for caries (cavities)
Root Canal Procedure
- Endodontic Therapy required if cavity extends into pulp
- Pulp is removed and replaced with new material
Functions of Saliva
- Moistens mouth
- Begins digestion of starch and fat
- Cleanses teeth
- Inhibits bacterial growth
- Dissolves tastants to stimulate taste buds
- Moistens and binds food for swallowing
Saliva Components
Mostly water
Salivary Amylase
begins starch digestion
Lingual Lipase
activated by stomach acid and digests fat after food is swallowed
binds and lubricates food
Immunoglobulin A:
inhibits bacterial growth
Intrinsic Salivary Glands
Small glands that constantly secrete saliva
Extrinsic Salivary Gland
Large glands with ducts
Parotid Gland
Anterior to earlobe
Submandibular Gland
Along Mandible
Lingual Gland
Along tongue
Salivary Glands
- Mucous cells secrete mucous
- Serous cells secrete thin fluid full of amalyse and electrolytes
- The fluids combine to salivary ducts
- Salivatory nuclei in medulla and pons regulate saliva production
- Three pharyngeal constrictors force food downward during swallowing
- When not swallowing, inferior constrictor remains closed to prevent air from entering esophagus
- Extends from pharynx to cardiac orifice of stomach
- Passes through esophageal hiatus in diaphragm
- Lower esophageal sphincter prevents stomach contents from entering esophagus and prevents stomach acid from eroding esophagus (heartburn)
- Bolus of food pushed down through mouth, pharynx, and esophagus
- Swallowing center in medulla coordinates muscles of pharynx and esophagus through trigeminal, facial, glossopharyngeal and hypoglossal nerves
Buccal Phase of Swallowing
- Under voluntary control
- Tongue collects flood, forms bolus, pushes it posteriorly
- Food accumulates in oropharynx, epiglottis moves, and bolus enters laryngopharynx
- Bolus activates tactile receptors that trigger phase 2
Pharyngoesophageal Phase of Swallowing
- Involuntary
- Tongue, soft palate, and epiglottis/larynx block food from mouth, nasal cavity, and larynx
- Food driven downward by pharyngeal constrictors
- Bolus triggers peristalsis once it enters esophagus
- Lower esophageal sphincter relaxes to let bolus enter stomach