BIBLE test

  1. discerning a call to missions
  2. subjective factors:
    • do you have a heart for missions?
    • when you talk about your dreams for missions, how do people respond?
  3. Experiential factors: Go on a 6 week missions trip or internship
    how did it go?
  4. your "calling" should be more than
    "God laid x on my heart"
  5. God may be calling you without you
    realizing it, conclusions conerning calling
  6. T or F Not all Christians are "gifted" for full-time or cross-cultural ministry
  7. Many who ARE called to full-time or cross-cultural ministry
  8. "For most of us, God does not lay out the entire life plan in a single call. Rather, he leads step-by-step along the way."
  9. Paul's primary concern
    community of mature believers
  10. Missionary Preparation
    character traits: both spiritual, importance of flexibility. ministry or professional skills: engaging, specialized knowledge: knowledge specific to culture, social skills: social skills of the culture in order to prevent culture shock.
  11. culture=
  12. Why the Need to be strong spiritually on the Mission field?
    • less direct supervise (fall into temptation)
    • pressure to compromise
    • you cannot transfer what you do not have
    • increased responsibility, pressure and stress (2 Cor. 11:23- 29)
    • visibility and prominence may lead to pride
    • failure does more damage
    • (James 3: 1-6)
  13. spiritual warfare (reality)
    the struggle that Christians have to live faithful Christian lives in the face of onslaughts of spiritual powers of darkness
  14. spiritual character traits important for missions
    • genuine dependence on God
    • humility/teachability
    • fruit of the spirit (through spiritual discipline)
  15. The measure of spirituality is change lives
    resulting in sacrifice.
  16. The ultimate reason for developing a strong devotional life is to
    develop a relationship with God.
  17. you cannot know unless you are
    learning about God.
  18. How toe read theologically:
    • pray
    • What does this say about God?
    • What does this say about God's people?
    • examine context:
    • literary context-book as whole
    • immediate context- before and after
    • narrative itself
    • canoncial context-scrip
    • historical
    • focus on theological care
    • consider the level at which a text is authorative
    • consider the role of culture
  19. Prototype
    the first way something was done
  20. archetype
    the way it was always intended to be done
  21. biblical role of prayer in evangelism
    NOT to pray for God to open hearts, but rather to pray for workers anf for opportunities and courage to proclaim the message
  22. Jn 1:14
    • becomes flesh, dwells among us. (incarnation)
    • *incarnational ministry- identificational, becoming like those of whom we minister.
  23. Jn 20:21
    21 Again Jesus said, “Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.”
  24. Mt 9:35
    • 35 Jesus went through all
    • the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the
    • good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness.
  25. Phil 2: 6-8
    6 Who, being in very nature[a] God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; 7 rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature[b] of a servant, being made in human likeness. 8 And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death— even death on a cross!
  26. I Cor 9:19- 22
    • 19 Though I am free and belong to no one, I have made myself a slave to everyone, to win as many as possible. 20
    • To the Jews I became like a Jew, to win the Jews. To those under the
    • law I became like one under the law (though I myself am not under the
    • law), so as to win those under the law. 21
    • To those not having the law I became like one not having the law
    • (though I am not free from God’s law but am under Christ’s law), so as
    • to win those not having the law. 22
    • To the weak I became weak, to win the weak. I have become all things to
    • all people so that by all possible means I might save some.
  27. Mt. 25: 31-46
    eat and drink
  28. James 4:13- 17
    boasting about tomorrow
  29. Lk 4:18-19
    proclaim good news
  30. Rev. 5:9
    worthy, purchased by God
  31. Jn 4: 35-38
    hardwork, labor
  32. Ps. 50:10-12
    mine (God's world)
  33. Acts 10: 34
    4 Then Peter began to speak: “I now realize how true it is that God does not show favoritism
  34. acculturation and enculturation:
    the process by which one acquires the knowledge, skills, attitudes, values, and behaviors that enable one to become a functioning participant of a new host culture.
  35. contextualization
    finding appropriate wys to communicate so that comm is understandable to ppl in their context
  36. identification
    recognizing, adapting to, and working within the individuals needs and social contexts of peoples
  37. extractionism
    the method of pulling people out of their own cultures and into the missionaries' arena
  38. GOAL of identification
    achieve cross-cultural understanding in order to effectively communicate the message of Christ.
  39. SLA and LAMP
    methods of learning languages.
  40. worldview
    the way people understand and interrupt the world around them.
  41. monoculturalism
    assumption that all other people are like us, resulting in the tendency to judge other peoples' actions and attitudes on the basis of our own. caused when one grows up knowing only one culture and language.
  42. ethnocentrism
    belief that one's own people group or cultural ways are superior to others. it is deep-seated cultural pride, the belief that my type of person is better thatn other types of people.
  43. egocentrism
    I am better than you
  44. ethocentrism
    belief that my culture is better than yours
  45. cross- culturalism
    the learned skill of relating to people of other cultures within the contexts of their cultures. Cross-culturalists learn to recognize both cultural strengths/weaknesses.
  46. Motives for Missions
    • fundamental: God's love and compassion (most foundational of fundamental motivations for missions)
    • secondary: humaritarian and personal
    • (desire to help, desire for adventure)
    • defective motives:
    • making a name for oneself
    • reacting to guilt
  47. Stages of the On Field Missionary Cycle:
    • galmour (honeymoon stage)
    • anxiety stage, culture shock
    • adaptation or rejection stage
  48. before you go:
    • personality
    • methodology
    • doctrine
    • (agree on atleast 2)
  49. number is not important
    (team=# committed to go)
  50. disadvantages of a team:
    • danger of dominating a church
    • learning to relate to one another
  51. advantages of a team:
  52. Must be at least one person or couple who simply says, " We're going."
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BIBLE test
BIBLE test