western history chp. 5

  1. the three stages of hellinism
    The hellenic age (800 B.C to 322 B.C), The hellenistic Age (323B.C to 30 B.C) and the Greco-Roman Age (30 B.C to 400 A.D.)
  2. After alexanders death, what happened to his empire?
    His empire fractured into three dynasties: the Ptolemies in egypt, the Seleucids in westerb asia, and the Antigonids in Macedonia.
  3. Hellenistic cities were founded...
    On the patterb of greek city-states and served to protect trade routes and serve as fortresses against hostile tribes.
  4. The cities founded in the east by the seleucids
    drew substantial greek populations and rembled greek cities.
  5. The economy of the hellenistic world
    grew as business methods were refined and regional trade expanded.
  6. As a result of the spread of greek civilization
    The Hellenistic world acquired a cultural common denominator - a common language and a set of customs.
  7. The Alexandrain scholar-poet Callimachus
    Urged his fellow poets to write short, finely crafted works rather than epics.
  8. The plays of Menander
    Portrayed everyday life in all its variety.
  9. hellenistic and hellenic philosophers differed in that
    the individuals' relationship of the polis, while hellenistic philosophy was more concerned with the individuals' relationship to humanity.
  10. Epicurus believed that a wise person should
    seek to escape from all sources of worry and fear
  11. According to Stoics, the wise person
    ordered their lives according to natural law.
  12. The Skeptics
    held that all systems of belief were flawed and did not seek a single path to happiness.
  13. The Cynics
    saw no value in loyalty to family, state or religion.
  14. What was the center of political life during the first phase of hellenism?
    The polis
  15. Who is Aristotle?
    Alexander's tutor from whom he learned to appreciate Greek culture, particularly the homeric epics
  16. What was the greatest cilty of the hellenistic age?
  17. who is Polybius?
    A Greek, who sought to trace the development of Rome and its ryse to the status od great power.
  18. Who is Aristarchus
    Aristarchus proposed that the sun was the center of the universe.
  19. epicurus believed
    that the wise person should stay out of public life.
  20. Zeno's teaching
    Called Stoicism, centered he belief of a fundimental oder in the universe.
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western history chp. 5
History chp. 5