Sound and Sense CH 11-14

  1. The repetition of initial consonant sounds
  2. The repetition of vowel sounds
  3. The repetition of final consonant sounds
  4. The repetition of the accented vowel sound and any succeeding consonant sounds
  5. When the rhyme sounds involve only one syllable
    masculine rhyme
  6. When the rhyme sounds involve two r more syllables
    feminine rhyme
  7. When one or more rhyming words are within the line
    internal rhyme
  8. When the rhyming words are at the ends of lines
    end rhymes
  9. Words with any kind of sound similarity, from close to fairly remote
    approximate rhyme (slant rhyme)
  10. When repetition is done according to some fixed pattern
  11. Any wavelike recurrence of motion or sound
  12. One or more syllables given more prominence in pronunciation
    accented (stressed)
  13. Used to make our intentions clear
    rhetorical stresses
  14. The end of the line corresponds with an natural speech pause
    end-stopped line
  15. The sense of the line moves on without pause into the next line
    run-on line
  16. Pauses taht occur within lines, either grammatical or rhetorical
  17. Nonmetrical poetry in which the basic rhythmic unit is the line, and in which pauses, like breaks, and formal patterns develop organically from the requirements of the individual poem rather than from established poetic forms; the predominating type of poetry now being written
    free verse
  18. Usually a short compostition having the intentions of poretry but written in prose rather than verse
    prose poem
  19. The identifying characteristic of rhythmic language that we can tap our feet to
  20. Consists normally of one accented syllable plus one or two unaccented syllables, though occasionally there may be no unaccented syllables
  21. Consists of a group of lines whose metrical pattern is repeated throughout the poem
  22. Call to attention to some of the sounds because they depart from what is regular
    metrical variations
  23. Replacing the regular foot with another one
  24. Syllables added at the beginnings or endings of lines
    extrametrical syllables
  25. The omission of an unaccented syllable
  26. The process of defining the metrical form of a poem
  27. The silent drumbeat set up in our minds
    expected rhythm
  28. the actual rhythm of the words
    heard rhythm
  29. A pause introduced into the reading of a line by a mark of punctuation
    grammatical pause
  30. A natural pause, unmarked by punctuation, introduced into the reading of a line by its phrasing or syntax
    rhetorical pause
  31. Iambic pentameter and unrhymed
    blank verse
  32. the use of words that sound like what they mean
  33. its sound, by a process as yet obscure, to some degree connects with their meaning
    phonetic intensives
  34. A smooth, pleasant-sounding choice and arrangement of sounds
  35. A harsh, discordant, unpleasand-sounding choice and arrangement of sounds
  36. the stimulation of two or more senses simultaneously
  37. the internal organization of poem's content
  38. The external pattern or shape of a poem, describable without reference to its content
  39. The lines follow each other without formal grouping, the only breaks being dictated by units of meaning
    continuous form
  40. written in a series of stanzas
    stanzaic form
  41. a traditional pattern that applies to a whole poem
    fixed form
  42. founrteen lines, almost always in iambic pentameter
  43. divided usally between eight lines, using two rhymes arranged abbaabba, and six lines
    Italian (Petrarchan) sonnet
  44. consists of three quatrains and a concluding couplet
    English (Shakespearean) sonnet
  45. A 19 line fiexed form consisting of five tercets rhymed aba and a concluding quatrain rhymed abaa
Card Set
Sound and Sense CH 11-14
Sound and Sense