Theory II

  1. how are stains classified?
    • location
    • source
  2. what are two locations of stain?
    • extrinsic
    • intrinsic
  3. what type of stain occurs on the external surface of the tooth and may be removed by procedures of toothbrushing, scaling and/or polishing
  4. what type of stain occurs within the tooth substance and cannot be removed by techniques of scaling or polishing
  5. what are the two sources of stain
    • exogenous
    • endogenous
  6. what are stains that develop or originate from sources outside the tooth. May be extrinsic and stay on outer surface or intrinsic and become incorporated within the tooth structure
  7. what stain develops or orginates from within the tooth and are alwasy intrinsic and usually are discolorations of the dentin reflected through enamel
  8. what are 8 types of extrinsic stain?
    • yellow
    • green
    • black line stain
    • tobacco
    • brown
    • orange
    • red
    • metallic
  9. what is the cause of yellow stain?
    food pigments
  10. what are three causes of green stain?
    • chlorophyll prep
    • metallic dusts
    • drugs (MJ)
  11. what type of stain happens because of natural tendencies?
    black line stain
  12. what are four causes of brown stains?
    • stannous fluoride
    • foodstuffs (tea, coffee, soy sauce)
    • chlorhexidine and alexidine
    • betel leaf
  13. what color of stain would chlorhexidine and alexidine cuase
  14. what causes orange and red stain?
    chromogenic bacteria
  15. what causes metallic stains?
    • industrial workers inahle dust
    • drugs
  16. what are eight examples of endogenous instrinsic stains
    • pulpless teeth
    • tetracyclines
    • amelogenesis imperfecta
    • dentinogenesis imperfecta
    • systemic hypoplasia
    • local hypoplasia
    • dental fluorosis
    • blood borne pigments
    • erythroblastosis fetalis
    • okay okay so that was nine get over it I was too lazy to change the question!
  17. what type of stain is a pulpless tooth
    endogenous intrisic
  18. what type of stain is a green stain
    extrinsic but can become exogenous intrinsic
  19. what type of stain is amelogenesis imperfecta?
    endogenous intrinsic
  20. whaty type of stain is an enamel partiall or completely misssing because of generalized disturbance of the ameloblasts
    amelogenesis imperfecta
  21. what stain is dentin is abnormal because of disturbances in odontoblastic layer?
    dentinogenesis imperfecta
  22. what happens with pulpless teeth?
    pigemnts from decomposed hemoglobing and pulp tissue penetrate the dentinal tubules
  23. when do children get tetracycline stain?
    when given to mother in third trimester or early childhood
  24. whaty type of stain is an amelobalstic disturbance, teeth erupt with white spots or pits
    systmic hypoplasia (part of enamel hypoplasia)
  25. what type of stain is when a single tooth erupts with white spots
    local enamel hypoplasia
  26. what four stains can become exogenous intrinsic stains?
    • green stain
    • tobacco stain
    • restorative materials (silver and copper amalgam)
    • endodontic therapy
  27. what is tetracycline absorbed by?
    bones and teeth
  28. t/f tetracycline is transferred through the placenta and enters fetal circulation
  29. what color is tetracycline stains?
    • light gree to dark yellow or gray brown
    • depends on dosage, length of time used and type of tetracycline taken
  30. is tetracycline stain generalized or localized?
    can be either depends on when it was administered
Card Set
Theory II
ch19 MOD 8