module 7

  1. what are the two objectives of instrument sharpening?
    • to produce a sharp cutting edge
    • preserve the original shape (contour) of the instrument
  2. the contour of a curet toe is a ______, continuous ________ with no _______ or ______ edges
    • smooth
    • curvature
    • points
    • flat
  3. t/f greater precision of tx, improved quality of results and more working time is an advantage of sharp instruments
    false!!! LESS working time
  4. t/f decreased tactile sensitivity during instrumentation is an advantage of a sharp instrument
    false! INCREASED tactile
  5. t/f greater control of instrument, lighter grasp needed; less pressure on the tooth and finger rest
  6. t/f fewer strokes, less burnishing, prevention of unnecessary trauma to gingival tissues, and less fatigue for clinician are all disadvantages of a sharp instrument
    false! ADVANTAGES
  7. t/f there is a decreased possibility of nicking, grooving, or scratching tooth with a dull instrument
    FALSE! SHARP instrument
  8. stress and frustration of ineffective instruments, wasted time effort and energy, loss of control and increased likelihood of slipping and lacerating gingival tissue are all ________ of _______ instruments
    disadvantages of dull
  9. t/f a pt will have loss of confidence in the clinician if they take a long time to get calculus removed
    true! they want it quick and they dont understand how hard we are working!
  10. t/f there is an increased likelihood of developing work related musculoskeletal disorders from excessive muscle strain and increased number of stroke repetitions when using a dull instrument
  11. what are 4 indications that and instrument is dull?
    • -dull edge is rounded and has thickness
    • -reflects light
    • -dull is round, shiny
    • -plastic testing stick: cutting edge does not catch without pressure
  12. when sharpening and instrument with the stationary instrument technique, the cutting edge should be at a ___ to ___ degree angle
  13. the angle of the stone to the cutting edge when sharpening should be _____ degrees
  14. when using the stationary instrument technique, the instrument should be stabilized in the ________ hand, and face of the instrument _______ to the floor
    • nondominant
    • parallel
  15. when sharpening, the stone should move ___ and ______, ____ inch high, more pressure on the _________ stroke, and work in a heal or toe to tip direction with ____-____overlapping strokes
    • up and down
    • 1/2
    • downward
    • 3-4
  16. what should be done after using the stone to sharpen an instrument?
    test it
  17. name four common sharpening errors
    • alteration of working end
    • unnecessary metal removal
    • altered shape
    • flattened cutting edge
  18. abedeebeddddbeeddeeee
    thats all folks!
Card Set
module 7
test 2 theory II module 7