Mechanism of Action
adsorbs toxins by chemical binding and prevents gastrointestinal adsorption
Poisoning following emesis or when emesis is contraindicated
oral administration to comatose pt., after ingestion of corrosives, caustics, or petroleum distillates (ineffective and may induce vomiting); simultaneous administration with other oral drugs
Adverse reactions
Nausea and vomiting, constipation
Drug interactions
bonds with and generally inactivates whatever it is mixed with, eg, syrup of ipecac
How supplied
25g (black powder)/125mL bottle (200 mg/mL); 50g (black powder)/250mL bottle (200mg/mL)
Dosage and Administration
- Note: if not in premixed slurry, dilute with 1 part charcoal/4 parts water.
- Adult: 1-2 g/kg PO of via NGT.
- Pediatric: 1-2 g/kg PO or via NGT
Duration of action
Depends in gastrointestinal function; will act until ecxcreted.
Special Considerations
often used in cponjunction with magnesium citrate. Must be stored in a closed container. Does not adsorb cyanide, lithium, iron, lead, or arsenic.