he/she/it approaches
he/she/it pleases, delights
he/she/it tells, reports
then, afterwards, at that time
non solum... sed etiam
not only..., but also
he/she/it is ill
Nunc Marcus et Cornelia, Aemilia et Titus sedent et gaudent, nam
Lucius et Gaius appropinquant; rident et salutant. Cornelia narrat:
"Hodie etiam Tullia et Claudia adsunt. Ecce! Ibi sedent."
Gaius rogat: "Cur Quintus non adest?"
Tum Marcus: "Quintus aegrotat, sed ibi sunt Titus et Aemilia!
Ludus non solum me delectat, sed etiam..."
Subito Aemilia vocat: "Ecce elephantus, ecce simia!"
Claudia et Cornelia et Aemilia gaudent et rident.
- Now Marcus and Cornelia, Aemilia and Titus sit and are happy, because Lucius and Gaius approach, laughing and greeting.
- Cornelia asks: "Today even Tullia and Claudia are here. See! There they sit."
- Gaius asks: "Why Quintus is not here?"
- Then Marcus: "Quintus is ill, but there are Titus and Aemilia! Ludus not only me pleases, but also..."
- Suddenly Aemilia shouts: "There elephant! There monkey!"
- Claudia and Cornelia and Aemilia are happy and laugh.
-nt (ending for what kind of verb?)
Third person plural (they)
they (male or mixed groups)
they (groups of females)
they (groups of items)