consists of lymph fluid, collecting ducts and various tissues including the lymph nodes, spleen, thymus, tonsils, adenoids, and Peyer patches
lymphatic system
protects the body from antigenic substances of invading organisms, removes damaged cells from circulation and provides partial, but often ineffecient barrier to maturation of malignant cells w/in body
immune system
Every tissue supplied by blood vessels has lymphatic vessels except
brain and placenta
is a clear, sometimes opalescent or yellow-tingued fluid that contains a variety of WBCs (mostly lymphocytes) and on occasion, RBCs
the drainage point for the right upper body is a lymphatic trunk that empties into the
right subclavian vein
drains lymph from the rest of the ody into the left subclavian vein
thoracic duct
are discrete structures surrounded by capsule composed of connective tissue and few elastic fibers and usually occur in groups
lymph nodes
located in subcu connective tissues
superficial nodes
lie beneath the fascia of muscles and w/in various body cavities
deeper nodes
defend against invasion of microorganisms and other particles w/ filtration and phagocytosis and aid in the maturation of lymphocytes and monocytes
lymph nodes
central to the body's response to antigenic substances; not identical in size or fcn; small - 5 times that; arise from number of sits in body; primarily produced in bone marrow
sense the difference in cells of the body that have been invaded by any foreign substance or even a malignant change; have important role in controlling immune responses brought about by B-lymphoctyes
type of immunity involving the antibodies produced by B cells
type of immunity involving attacks on "invaders" by the cells themselves
located in superior mediastinum, extending upward into lower neck; essential for development of protective immune fcn; site for production of T-cells
situated in left upper quadrant of ab cavity btwn stomach and diaphragm; blood forming organ early in life, site for storage of red corpuscles and part of body's defense system with blood-filtering macrophages
made up of lymphatic noduls and diffuse lymphatic tissue of the spleen
white pulp
made up of venous sinusoids of the spleen
red pulp
set btwn palatine arches on either side of pharynx just beyond base of tongue; organized as follicles and crypts; covered by mucous membrane
palatine tonsils
located at nasopharyngeal border
pharyngeal tonsils or adenoids
located near the base of the tongue
lingual tonsils
small, raised areas of lymph tissue on the mucosa of the small intestine and consist of many clustered lymphoid noduls and serve the intestinal tract
Peyer's patches
the immune system and lymphoid system begin developing at what week of gestation
at its largest relative to rest of body shortly after birth, reaches its greates absolute weight at puberty; then involutes replacing much of its tissue w/ fat and becoming rudimentary organ in adult
inguinal, occipital and postauricular nodes are common before ? age
2 years
cervical and submandibular nodes are uncommon during the ? year but more common in older children
_____nodes are not usually found in infants and their presence assoicated w/ high incidence of malignancy, is always a cause for concern
_____ is a state of altered immune fcn
an increased number of lymphocytes in the blood represents a systemic response to _____ and some ______
viral infections and bacterial infections
the nodes of older adults are more likely to be _____ and ____, a contributing factor in impaired ability to resist infection
fibrotic and fatty
to gently palpate for superficial lymph nodes, use what?
pads of second, third, and fourth fingers
____ is almost always indictaive of inflammation
small, multiple nodes that feel like BBs under the skin; movable, discrete and move under your fingers
"shotty" nodes
a node that is ______ is cause for concern
enlarged lymph node(s)
inflamed and enlarged lymph node(s)
inflammation of lymphatics that drain an area of infection; tender erythematous streaks extend proximally from infected area; regional nodes may also be tender
edematous swelling due to excess accumulation of lymph fluid in tissues caused by inadequate lymph drainage
congenital malformation of dilated lymphatics
wavelike motion that is felt when node is palpated
group of nodes that feel connected and seem to move as a unit
____ nodes are not usually tender
nodes may become warm or tender to the touch, matted, and much less discrete with
bacterial infections
involvement of lymph nodes to which a ______ has spread is often asymmetric; contralateral nodes in similar location may not be palpable
is the dividing line for the anterior and posterior traingles of the neck and is useful landmark for describing location
anterior border of the sternocleidomastoid muscle
a _____ node in the left supraclavicular region may be result of either ab or htoracic malignancy
To palpate the inguinal and popliteal area, have the pt lie _____ w/ knee slightly flexed
facial muscles are innervated by cranial nerves
V trigeminal and VII facial
is the major accessible artery of the face
temporal artery
glands located anterior to the ear and above the mandible
glands located medial to mandible at the angle of the jaw
glands located anteriorly in the floor of the mouth
is formed by cervical vertebrae, ligaments, and sternocleidomastoid and trapezius muscles which give it support and movement
is formed by the medial border of the sternocleidomastoid muscles, mandible, and midline
anterior triangle
is formed by the trapezius and sternocleidomastoid muscles and clavicle and contains the posterior cervical lymph nodes
posterior triangle
is the largest endocrine gland in the body, producing thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3); has two lateral lobes that are butterfuly shaped and joined by isthmus at lower aspect
thyroid gland
a ____ lobe extending upward from the isthmus slightly to the left of midline, is present in about 1/3 of the population
_____ are the membranous spaces formed where four cranial bones meet and intersect
anterior and posterior fontanels
ossification of the sutures begins after completion of brain growth at about ____ and is finished by adulthood
6 years
the posterior fontanel ossifies usually blosing by ____ and the anterior fontanel closing by ____
2 months and 24 months
pregnancy is a _____ state
the rate of ___ production and degradation gradually decreases with aging and the thyroid gland becomes more______
T4; fibrotic
a horizontal jerking or bobbing motion may be associated with a
nodding movement may be associated with ____, esp. if nodding is synchronized with the pulse
aortic insufficieny
is defined as an expression or appearance of face and features of head and neck that, when considered together, is characteristic of a clinical condition or syndrome
suspect _______ when the entire side of the face is affected
facial nerve paralysis
suspect ____ when the lower face is affected
facial nerve weakness
if only the mouth is involved, suspect a problem with the peripheral _______
trigeminal nerve
spasmodic muscular contractions of the face, head, or neck; may be associated w/ pressure on or degenerative changes o the facial nerves, a feature of Tourette syndrome or possibly pyschogenic in origin
_____ of the head and neck is not routinely performed with one exception when evaluating for hypercalcemia, where may produce hyperactive masseteric reflex, the Chvostek sign
is not routinely performed but if you suspect a vascular anomaly of the brain, use the bell and listen over temporal region, over eyes, and below occiput
webbing, excessive posterior cervical skin or an unusually short neck may be associated w/
chromosomal anomalies
the transverse portion of the omohyoid muscle in the posterior triangle can sometimes be mistaken for a
marked edema of the neck may be associated w/
local infections
mass filling the base of the neck or visible thyroid tissue that glides upward when pt swallows may indicate an enlarged
the thyroid and cricoid cartilages should be smooth and nontender and move under your finger when the pt
a tugging sensation, synchronous with the pulse, is evidence of ________ suggesting the presence of an aortic aneurysm
tracheal ring sign (Cardarelli's sign or Oliver's sign)
____ can actually make exam of thyroid more difficult
if the thyroid gland is enlarged, auscultation for vascular sounds w/ the ______; in a hypermetabolic state, blood supply is dramatically increased and vascular bruit, a soft rushing sound, may be heard
bell of stethoscope
is subcu edema over the present part of the infant's head at birth; most common form of birth trauma of the scap and usually occurs over the occiput and crosses suture lines
caput succedaneum
is a subperiosteal collection of blood and is therefore bound by the suture lines; commonly found in the parietal region and may not be immediately obvious at birth; firm and edges are well defined; does not cross suture lines; may liquefy and become fluctuant on palpation as it ages
preterm infnats often have long, narrow heads (______) because their soft cranial bones become flattened w/ positioning and weight of the head
can result from premature fusion of one of the sutures (craniosynotosis) or from external deformation
is common among infants with toritcollis
positional plagiocephaly
bulging of the skill of the frontal areas is associated w/ prematurity, thalassemia, and rickets
resistance to flexion of the neck is associated w/ meningeal irriation
nuchal rigidity
a third fontenal (mastoid fontanel) located btwn anterior and posterior fontanels, may be an expected variant but is also common in infants w/
Down syndrome
in infants younger than 6 months, the anterior fontenal diameter should not exceed_____; should get progressively smaller beyond that age, closing completely by_____
4-5 cm; 18-24 months
a ____ fontanel with marked pulsations may indicate increased intracranial pressure from a space-occupying mass or meningitis
a softening of the outer table of the skull
a ___ upon palpation of clavicles is indicative of fracture that occured at time fo birth in newborns
a ring of 2 cm or less byond the rim of the trnasilluminator is expected on all regions of the head excep the ____, where ring should be 1 cm or less
direct prercussion of the skull with one finger is useful to detect
Macewen sign
___ are common in children up to 5 years or in children with anemia; after 5, presence may suggest vascular anomalies or increased intracranial pressure
cranial bruits
"mask of preg"; blotchy, brownish hyperpigmentation of the face, particularly over the malar prominences and forehead; may further darken w/ sun expsoure, generally fades after delivery