marketing communications
means means by which firms attempt to inform, persuade, and remind consumers about brands
six steps to attention
- exposure. attention. comprhension. yielding. intentions. behavior.
- each step is succesfully accomplished at 50%
any paid form of nonpersonal presentation by an identified sponsor
message strategy
positioning of an ad
creative strategy
the way the ad expresses teh brand claims
copy testing
a sample of consumers are exposed to a candidate ad and their reactions are gauged in some manner
critical ad points
- identify your brand early
- identify often
- promise the listener early
- repeat often
direct repsonse
uses mail, telephone, internet, or other non-personal tools to communicate or solicit a response from specific customers
out of home advertsising
- broadly defined category that captures advertising outside traditional media
- billboards, movies, airlines, lounges, product placement, point of purchase
sales promotions
short term incentives to encourage trial or usage of a product or service
event marketing
is a public sponsorship of events or activities related to sports, art, entertainment, or social causes
event sponsorship rationale
- identify with particular market
- increase awareness of company
- reinfornce perceptions
- enhance image
- evoke feeling or experience
- express commitment to community
- entertain key clients or employees
- permit merchandising or promotional opportunities
non-personal comminucations such as press releases, media interviews, press confrerences, feature articles, newsletters
buzz marketing
creation of consumer word of mouth
personal selling
face-to-face interaction with one or more perspective purchasers for the purpose of making sales
proportion of the audience reached by each communication option, as well as how much overlap exists among communication
inherent ability of a marketing communication to create the desired response and communication effect from consumers in the abscense of exposure to any other communication option
consistency and comprehensiveness of the brand
the extent to which different associations and linkages are emphasized across communication options
multiple information provision strategy
provide different information within a communication option to appeal to different consumers
broad information provision strategy
provide information that is rich or ambiguous enough to work regardless of prior consumer knowledge
leveraging secondary brand knowledge
- borrowing brand equity from another entity
- countries, countries, channels, other brands, characters, spokesperson, events, awards
factors for leveraging (3)
- awareness
- meaningfulness
- transferability
commonality in leveraging
leveraging with entities that have desired brand associations
complementarity in leveraging
choosinga brand to leverage because it allows for departure for the brand
occurs when two or more existing brands are combined into a joint product or marketed togther in some fashion
ingredient branding
creation of brand equity for materials, components, or parts that necesarily contained within other branded products
creates contractual arrangements whereby firms can use the names, logos, characters,and so forth of other brands to market their own brands
corporate trandemark liscensing
liscensing of company names, logos, or brands for various often unrelated products
qualitative research techniques
identify possible brand associations and sources of brand equity
rorschach test
test where inkblots are used to peer into one's suboncious and unconscious
quantitative reserach
typically employs various types of scale questions from which reserachers can draw numerical representations and summaries
requires consumers to identify the brand under a variety of circumstances and can rest on the identification of any brand elements
consumers must retrieve brand element from given a related cue or probe
aided vs unaided cues
- unaided idenitifies stringest of brands
- aided uses various cues to help consumer recall
descriptive thoughts a person holds about something
multimensional sealing
- determines the percieved relative images of a set of objects, such as products or brands
- determines uniquesness
brand relationship quality
measures a brand's strenth, depth, and durability of thge consumer-brand relational bond
brand relationship quality factors (6)
- interdependanc - in daily life
- self concept connection - identity deliverances
- commitment - dedication to continues brand association
- love - aodration toward the brand
- intimiacy - a sense of deep familiarity with a brand
- partner quality - trust aith
comparitive methods
research studies or experiments that examine consumers attitudes and behavior toward a brand to directly estimate the benefits arising from having a high level of awareness and strong favorable unique brand associations
brand based comparitive approaches
use experiments in which consumers respond to changes in elements of the marketing program or marketing activity for the target brand or competitive brands
a brand that is the perceipeved representative of the category
conjoint analysis
is a survey-based multivariate technique that enables marketers to profile the consumer decision process with respect to products and brands
part worth
the value each consumer places on a particular attribute level
hollistic method
place an overall value on the brand in either abstract utility terms or concrete terms.
residual approach
examines the value of a brand by subtracting consumers' preferences for the brand based on physical product attributes alone
perception biased component
difference between subjectively placed values and objectively measures attributes levels
non-attribute preference component
difference between subjectively percieved attribute values and objectively overall preference
intangible assets that augment the earningpower of a firm
interbrand valuation (5)
- market segmentation
- financial analysis
- demand analysis
- competitive benchmarking
- brand vale calculation npv