What is Tuberculosis?
Is massage Allowed?
A chronic lung infection caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Typically trasmitted by inhalation and exhalation of infected droplets. Can effect lungs, liver, bone marrow & spleen. Lung tissue destroyed by bacteria & replaced by fibrous connective tissue, limting gas exchange.
Massage is contrainindicated until client is no longer infective
What is Sinusitis?
Is Massage allowed?
an inflammation of the paranasal sinuses. Swelling of nasal mucosa may obstruct the openings from sinuses to the nose, resulting an accumulation of sinus secretions, causing local tenderness, pain, headache and fever.
If client has fever, massage is contraindicated otherwise massage is fine.
What is Pneumonia?
Is massage allowed?
An infection or inflammation of the alveoli caused by the bacterium Streptococcus pneumoniae, but other infectious agents such as protozoans, viruses and fungi may be responsible. Alveoli fill with fluid and exudates such as dead white cells and pus. Most common infectious cause of death in the US, effecting elderly, children and infants.
Massage in contraindicated.
What is Pleurisy?
Is massage allowed
inflammation of the pleural membranes characterized by stabbing pain during breathing. Caused by friction created by swollen pleural membranes rub against each other. May result in permanent pleural adhesions.
Obtain physician clearance. If not caused by contraindicated disease, massage is okay.
What is Laryngitis?
Is massage allowed?
inflammation of the larynx that often results in loss of voice. Respiratory infections or irritants such as cigarette smoke cause this. Most long-term smokers acquire permanent hoarsness from damage. Edema of the vocal cord may accompany this disorder, with coughing and scratchy throat.
Massage is okay as long its not cause by pathogen.
What is influenza?
Is Massage Allowed?
an acute viral infection of the respitory tract caused by different strains of viruses designated A, B, C. These viruses have a 3-day incubation period, with the illness lasting between 3 and 10 days. Characterized by an inflamed nasal mucosa and pharynx with fever and chills.
Massage is contraindicated.
What is Hay Fever?
Is massage allowed?
A general term used to denote any allergic reaction of the nasal mucosa and is characterized by sudden attacks of sneezing, swelling and profuse water discharge of nasal mucosa with itching, watery eyes caused by allergens such as house plants, dust, pet dander, pollen.
Massage is contraindicated during acute allergic reaction
What is Emphysema?
Is massage allowed?
Involves overinflation and desctruction of the alveoli, which produces abnormally large air spaces that remain filled with air during expiration. May inhale easily but has to labor to exhale. Caused by long-term irritation such as cirgarette smoking, air polution, and exposure to industrial dust.
Position client for comfort. Focus on muscles of respitory. Adjust to clients strength and stamina.
What is the Common Cold?
Is massage allowed?
an acute inflammation of the mucosa of the upper respitory tract, usually confined to the nose and throat, but the larynx can be involved as well. Symptoms include coughing, sneezing, watery eyes, nasal congestion, and discharge, sore throat and hoarsness. Fever and chills may also occur.
Massage is contraindicated for 2 to 3 days after symptoms start.
What is Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease?
Is massage allowed?
a group of pulmonary disorders charactarized by persistant or recurring obstruction of air flow, such as asthma, emphysema, cystic fibrosis, peumoconious or chronic brochitis. Unable to breathe freely.
Position client for comfort. Contraindicated if client has fever or is contagious.
What is Bronchitis?
Is massage allowed?
- Inflammation of bronchial mucosa that causes bronchial tubes to swell and extra mucus to be produced. Two types are acute and chronic.
- Acute, caused by upper respitory tract infection, produces cough, high fever. Chronic typically last 3 full months for 2 successive years. usually caused by smoking
Massage is contraindictated if client has fever or is contagious.
What is Asthma?
Is massage allowed?
A chronic inflammatory disorder in which the smooth muscles of the smaller bronchi and bronchioles spasm close, completely or partially, causing labored breathing. As the inflammation happen, usually is preceded by emotional stress, respitory infections, exercise, inhalation of allergens.
Position for comfort. Ascertain and avoid all known allergens.
What is Apnea?
Is massage allowed?
A tempory cessation (usually lasting 15 seconds) or absence of spontaneous breathing. Sleep can be affected by this during the deep sleep where oxygen levels decrease.
Position client for comfort.
what are the (7) effects of massage on the Respitory System?
Is Massage Allowed?
- 1. Reduces Respiration rate
- 2. Strengthens Respitory of muscles
- 3. Decreases the sensation of Dyspnea
- 4. Decreae Asthma Attacks
- 5. Reduces laryngeal tension
- 6. Increases fluid discharge from lungs
- 7. Improve pulmonary functions