Unit 5 IDs

  1. Message that contained a German proposal to Mexico for an anti-American alliance
    Zimmerman note
  2. The nations that dominated the Paris Peace Conference - namely, Britain, France, Italy, and the United States
    Big Four
  3. Wilson's proposed international body that constituted the key provisionof the Versailles treaty
    League of Nations
  4. Controversial peace agreement that compromised many of Wilson's treaty and League of Nations
    Treaty of Versailles
  5. American government propaganda agency that aroused zeal for Wilson's ideals and whipped up hatred for the kaiser
    Committee on Public Information
  6. Radical antiwar labor unionwhose members were prosecuted under the Espionage and Sedition Act
    Industrial Workers of the World
  7. Weak federal agency designed to organize and coordinate U.S. industrial production for the war effort
    War Industries Board
  8. Constitutional provision endorsed by Wilson as a war measure whose ratification achieved a long-sought goal for American women
    Nineteenth Amendment
  9. A hard core of isolationist senators who bitterly opposed any sort of league; also called the "Battalion of Death"
  10. The "tiger" of France, whose drive for security forced Wilson to compromise at Versailles
    George Creel
  11. Socialist leader who won nearly a million votes as a presidential candidate while in federal prison for antiwar activities
    Eugene V. Debs
  12. Head of the War Industries Board, which attempted to impose some order on U.S. war production
    Bernard Baruch
  13. Head of the Food Administration who pioneered successful voluntary mobilization methods
    Herbert Hoover
  14. Leader of the pacifist National Women's Party who opposed U.S. involvement in World War I
    Alice Paul
  15. Wilson's great senatorial antagonist who fought to keep America out of the League of Nations
    Henry Cabot Lodge
  16. Folksy Ohio senator whose 1920 presidential victory ended the last hopes for U.S. participation in the League of Nations
    Warren G. Harding
  17. The movement of 1919-1920, spawned by fear of Bolshevik revolution, that resulted in the arrest and deportation of many political radicals
    red scare
  18. Hodded defenders of Anglo-Saxon and "Protestant" values against immigrants, Catholics, and Jews
  19. Restrictive legislation of 1924 taht reduced the number of newcomers to the United States and discriminated against immigrants from southern and eastern Europe
    Immigration Quota Act
  20. U.S. attorney general who rounded up thousands of alleged Bolsheviks in the red scare of 1919-1920
    A. Mitchell Palmer
  21. Italian American anarchists whose trial and execution aroused widespread protest
    Sacco and Vanzetti
  22. Top gangster of the 1920s; eventually convicted of income-tax evasion
    Al Capone
  23. Former presidential candidate who led the fight against evolution at the 1925 Scopes trial
    William Jennings Bryan
  24. Mechanical genius and organizer of the mass-produced automobile industry
    Henry Ford
  25. Humble aviation pioneer who became a cultural ehro of the 1920s
    Charles Lindbergh
  26. Baltimore writer who criticized the supposedly narrow and hypocritical values of American society
    H.L. Mencken
  27. Minnesota-born writer whose novels were especially popular with yough people in the 1920s
    F. Scott Fitzgerald
  28. Innovative writer whose novels reflected the disillusionment of many Americans with propaganda and patriotic idealism
    Ernest Hemingway
  29. U.S. treasury secretary who attempted to promote business investment by reducing taxes on the rich
    Andrew Mellon
  30. Poker-playing cronies from Harding's native state who contributed to the morally loose atmosphere in his administration
    Ohio Gang
  31. World War I veterans' group taht promoted patriotism and economic benefits for former servicemen
    American Legion
  32. Toothless international agreement of 1928 taht pledged nations to outlaw war
    Kellogg-Briand Pact
  33. Naval oil reserve in Wyoming that gave its name to one of the major Harding administration scandals
    Teapot Dome
  34. Farm proposal of the 1920s, passed by Congress but vetoed by the president, that provided for the federal government to buy farm surpluses and sell them abroad
    McNary-Haugen Bill
  35. American-sponsored arrangement for rescheduling German reparations payments that only temporarily eased the international debt tangle of the 1920s
    Dawes plan
  36. Southern Democrats who turned against their party's "wet," Catholic nominee and voted for the Republicans in 1938
  37. Sky-high tariff bill of 1930 that deepend the depression and caused international financial chaos
    Hawley-Smoot Tariff
  38. The climactic day of the October 1929 Wall Street stock-market crash
    Black Tuesday
  39. Hoover-sponsored federal agency taht provided loans to hard-pressed banks and businesses after 1932
    Reconstruction Finance Corporations
  40. Encampment of unemployed veterans who were driven out of Washington by General Douglas MacArthur's forces in 1932
    Bonus Army
  41. Strong-minded leader of Harding's cabinet and initiator of major naval agreements
    Charles Evans Hughes
  42. Weak, compromise Democratic candidate in 1924
    John Davis
  43. Harding's interior secretary, convicted of taking bribes for leases on federal oil reserves
    Albert Fall
  44. U.S. attorney general and a member of Harding's corrupt Ohio Gang who was forced to resign in administration
    Harry Daugherty
  45. The "Happy Warrior" who attracted votes in the cities but lost them in the South
    Al Smith
  46. Weak-willed president whose easygoing ways opened the door to widespread corruption in his administration
    Warren G. Harding
  47. Leader of a liberal third-party insurgency who attracted little support outside the farm belt
    Robert La Follete
  48. Tight-lipped Vermonter who promoted frugality and pro-business policies during his presidency
    Clavin Coolidge
  49. International economic conference on stabilizing currency taht was sabotaged by FDR
    London Conference
  50. FDR's repudiation of Theodore Roosevelt's Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine, stating his intention to work cooperatively with Latin American nations
    Good Neighbor policy
  51. A series of laws enacted by Congress in the mid-1930s that attempted to prevent any American involvement in future overseas wars
    Neutrality Acts
  52. Conflict between the rebel Fascist forces of General Francisco Franco and teh Loyalist government that severely tested U.S. neutrality legislation
    Spanish Civil War
  53. Roosevelt's 1937 speech taht proposed strong U.S. measures against overseas aggressors
    Quarantine Speech
  54. Leading isolationist group advocating that America focus on continental defense and non-involvement with the European war
    America First
  55. Controversial 1941 law that made America the "arsenal of democracy" by providing supposedly temporary military material assistance to Britain
  56. Courageous prime minister who led Britain's lonely resistance to Hitler
    Winston Churchill
  57. Dynamic dark horse Republican presidential nominee who attacked FDR only on domestic policy
    Wendell Willkie
  58. Fascist rebel against the Spanish Loyalist government
    Francisco Franco
  59. FDR's secretary of state, who promoted reciprocal trade agreements, especially with Latin America
    Cordell Hull
  60. Fanatical Fascist leader of Germany whose aggressions forced the United States to abandon its neutrality
    Adolf Hitler
  61. Women's units of the army and navy during WWII
  62. Mexican American workers brought into the United States to provide an agricultural labor supply
  63. Symbolic personification of female laborers who took factory jobs in order to sustain U.S. production during WWII
    Rosie the Riveter
  64. The federal agency established to guarantee opportunities for AFrican American employment in WWII industries
    Fair Employment Practices Commission
  65. Site of 1943 Roosevelt-Churchill conference in North Africa, at which the Big Two planned the invasion of Italy and further steps in the Pacific War
  66. Iranian capital where Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin met to plan D-Day in coordination with Russian strategy against Hitler in the East
  67. The bieginning of the Allied invasion of France in June 1944
  68. The December 1944 German offensive that marked Hitler's last chance to stop the Allied advance
    Battle of the Bulge
  69. Big Three wartime conference that later became the focus of charges that Roosevelt had"sold out" Eastern Europe to the Soviet communists
  70. The extended post-WWII confrontation between the U.S. and the Soviet Union that stopped just short of a shooting war
    Cold War
  71. New international organization that experienced some early successes in diplomatic and cultural areas but failed in areas like atomic arms control
    United Nations
  72. Term for the barrier that Stalin erected to block off Soviet-dominated nations of Eastern Europe from the West
    iron curtain
  73. American-sponsored effort that provided funds for teh economic relief and recovery of Western Europe
    Marshall Plan
  74. The new anti-Soviet organization of Western nations taht ended the long-time American tradition of not joining permanent military alliances
  75. Key U.S. government memorandum that militarized American foreign policy and indicated national faith in the economy's capacity to sustain large military expenditures
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Unit 5 IDs