test II review ch 22

  1. what is used in the steps developing a care plan?
  2. who do you present ADPIE to?
    to the dentist THEN the patient
  3. Demographic data
    Assessment Findinga and risk factors
    Perio Dx/case tyoe and Status
    Dx Statement
    Planned interventions
    Expected Outcomes
    Treatment Plan
    These are all ________ of a ______ ______ _______
    components of a written care plan
  4. pt's name, DOB, gender
    designation of initial or maintenance therapy
    name of clinician who prepared the written plan
    date plan was prepared
    chief complaint or statement for pt's reason for presenting for tx
    are all ___________ _______
  5. factors affecting sequence of tx are: (4)
    • urgency
    • existing etiologic factors
    • severity and extent of tissue condition
    • individual patient requirements
  6. what is the #1 factor to treat?
    Discomfort or Pain!
  7. perioi or gingival infection or dental caries depends on the success of daily biofilm removal, these are ______ ________ factors
    existing etiologic
  8. change in color, size, shape, and consistency of the gingiva, probe depths, BOP, mobility, radiograph signs of attachment or bone loss, are all _________ and ________ of tissue condition
    severity and extent
  9. what is the first step in planning?
    goal setting
  10. evidence based care, individualized pt care are based on ________ data, _________ of success, assess value of info available in _________ literature
    • assessment
    • evidence
    • scientific
  11. dental biofilm is necessary to ________ or control _______ and predisposing factors
    • eliminate
    • etiologic
  12. to eliminate the signs and symptoms of disease, what should be done?
    measures to eliminate the signs of infection (gingival bleeding and probe depths) in care plan?
  13. to promote oral health disease and prevent recurrent disease, what methods are used to achieve optimum health care? (4)
    • education on etiology of oral disease
    • counseling on prevention measures and elimination of risk factors
    • instruction and supervision in daily self-care techniques
    • encouragement of regularly scheduled maintenance follow up for dental hygiene care
  14. what are the four sequencing and prioritizing objectives?
    • to provide evidence-based, individualized pt care
    • eliminate or control etiologic and predisposing disease factors
    • eliminate the signs and symptoms of disease
    • promote oral health and prevent recurrence of disease
  15. who diagnoses periodontal disease?
    the DENTIST!
  16. when are the four assessment findings and risk factors found?
    • medical history
    • dental history
    • clinical examination
    • link to risk factors
  17. when is the care plan presented to the patient?
    BEFORE the tx has begun
  18. t/f an informed consent is a legal concept that can exist even without written document
  19. what is implementation in ADPIE?
    the actual treatment
Card Set
test II review ch 22
test II review theoryII ch 22