what is the voluntary agreement to an action proposed by another called?
which consent is a pt's voluntary agreement to a tx plan after details of the proposed tx have been presented and comprehended by the pt?
informed consent
which consent is a pa's decision to REFUSE recommended tx after all options, potential risks, and potential benefits have been thoroughly explained?
informed refusal
t/f an informed consent can be lacking even when a document has been signed if the pt has not had the opportunity to comprehend and evaluate the risks and benefits of the tx.
_______ consent is given ORALLY or in WRITING
expressed consent
______ consent is the pt's presence in the dental chair, only applies to data collection, data analysis, and tx planning
implied consent
what do you do if someone chooses refusal of care? (3)
have them sign informed refusal
have respect for that patients decision
document in the pt's permanent record
T/F a consent:
May exist without written documentation
May be lacking with written documentation
what are the three risk factors for oral cancer?
sun exposure (lips and face)
IE, CVD, diabetes mellitus, respiratory disease, and adverse pregnancy outcomes are examples of RISK FACTORS for _______ ________ from _______ ________
periodontal disease
systemic conditions
Would someone require premed for:
All instrumentation, including probing, exploring, mobility determination
Manipulation of gingival tissue
Procedures that involve periapical region of teeth
Perforation of oral mucosa
are all examples of someone that would need to ________ for their appt
t/f smoking cessation procedure is a dh supplemental care procedure
desensitization of sensitive areas is a dh __________ care procedure
Special care for implants and fixed prostheses and
referral for retreatment evaluation are both dh ______ _________ procedures
supplemental care
what are the 4 dh supplemental care procedures?
Smoking cessation assistance
Desensitization of sensitive areas
Special care for implants and fixed prostheses
Referral for retreatment evaluation
when does recolonization of pathogens occur?
42 days!
bacteria grows after ____ hours
if recolonization of pathogens occur in 42 days, why do we schedule patients that are more at risk, in a 3 mo recall?
for pt compliance
what are six contributing factors that can affect the recolonization of pathogens quicker?
inadequate biofilm control,
lack of compliance w/maintenance appts.,
incomplete professional tx.,
tobacco use,
systemic disease,
genetic factors.
Adequate control of etiologic factors
Adequate pt. self-care ability
Adequate periodontal support
These are all _____ dh prognoses
Adequate control of etiologic factors
Adequate pt. self-care ability
Less than 25% attachment loss
Class I or less furcation involvement
What dh prognosis does this describe?
Greater than 50% attachment loss with Cl II furcation
Patient self-care difficult due to location and depth of furcation
Which dh prognoses is this?
If someone has:
Greater than 50% attachment loss with poor crown to root ration
Poor root form
Inaccessible class II furcation or class III furcation
Greater than 2+ mobility
Significant root proximity
Which dh prognosis is this?
what is a HOPELESS dh prognosis?
Inadequate attachment to maintain the tooth
some expected clinical outcomes of the gingiva/periodontal are: (7)
reduce dental biofilm
no BOP
reduce probe depths
no further loss in attachment level
decrease or no change in mobility
resolution of erythematous tissue
reduced swelling and edema
what are some dental caries expected outcomes? (6)
no new demineralized areas
demineralized areas resolved
no new carious lesions
reduced intake of cariogenic foods/beverages
dental sealants placed
increased fl2 use
what is the three-part care plan for expected outcomes?
dental caries
elimination of iatrogenic factors, increased biofilm-free areas, tobacco-free status achieved, and modification of systemic risk factors are part of the ___________ expected outcomes
The evidence-based care is:
Determined by _______ of _________ data, documented evidence of _______, and
Enhanced by the clinicians ability to assess the value of information available in product advertising and in the __________ __________
analysis of assessment
scientific literature
what is the purpose of the pre-procedural rinse?
to lower the bacterial count in aerosols and decrease the potential for bacteremia