Latin,Greek plurals

  1. Terms derived from Latin or Greek:

    Singular words ending in -en become plural by changing:
    -en to -ina
  2. Terms derived from Latin or Greek:

    Singular term ending in -a change to plural by changing:
    -a to -e
  3. Terms derived from Latin or Greek:

    Single words ending in -us change to plural by changing:
    -us to -i
  4. Terms derived from Latin or Greek:

    To make the plural of a word ending in -on, change:
    Change -on to -a
  5. Terms derived from Latin or Greek:

    To make plural from a word ending in -is, change:
    -is to es
  6. Terms derived from Latin or Greek:

    Make a word ending in -um by changing:
    -um to -a
  7. Terms derived from Latin or Greek:

    To make the plural form of a word ending in -ix or -ex, change:
    -ix or -ex to -ices
  8. What is the plural of foramen?
  9. What is the plural form for conjunctiva?
  10. What is the plural form for urethra?
  11. What is the plural form for vertebra?
  12. What is the plural form for the term fossa?
  13. What is the plural form of meniscus?
  14. What is the plural form for embolus?
  15. What is the plural form for monticulus?
  16. What is the plural form for staphylococcus?
  17. What is the plural forrm for meatus?
    • meatus
    • (exception to usual rule)
    • Usual rule: change -us to -i
  18. What is the correct plural form for processus?

    (Exception to usual rule)

    The usual rule is to change -us to -i
  19. What is the correct plural form for ganglion?
    ganglia is the plural form of
  20. What is the plural form of criterion?
    criteria is the plural form of
  21. What is the plural form of encephalon?
    encephala is the plural form of ...?
  22. What is the plural form of epiphysis?
    epiphyses is the plural form of ...?
  23. What is the plural form of arthritis?
    arithrotides is the plural form of what singular term?

    (exception to usual rule)
  24. What is the correct plural form of the term epididymis?
    epididymides is the plural form of ...?

    (exception to usual rule)
  25. What is the plural form for folium?
    folia is the plural form of ....?
  26. What is the plural form of endocardium?
    endocardia is the plural form of ...?
  27. What is the plural form of fornix?
    fornices is the plural form of ....?
  28. What is the correct plural form of cortex?
    cortices is the plural form of ...?
  29. Is the following Latin term singular or plural?

    abrupto placentae

    Latin term meaning rupture of the placenta
  30. Is this Latin term singular or plural:
  31. What is the correct transcription for the following:

    D: neuroforaminal narrowing
    T: neural foraminal narrowing
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Latin,Greek plurals
Plural forms for Latin and Greek terms