- mutualistic relationship b/t plant roots and fungi
- mycelium inc root surface area
nutrient absorbing hyphal tips that penetrate tissues of the host
Characteristics of Fungi
- eukaryotic
- mostly multicellular
- no locomotion
- heterotrophic by absorption
- decomposers
- chitin
- club fungi
- ex: mushrooms
- produce basidiocarps from dikaryotic mycelium, which are lined with basidia. releases basidiospores
- asexually: none or conidia
- sac fungi
- ex: cup fungi
- produce ascocarps lined with asci. each ascus contains 8 ascospores
- asexually by conidia (naked spores released from tips of specialized hyphae)
- conjugation fungi
- ex: Rhizopus
- asexually by sporangia
- + and - hyphae combine to form zygosporangia, which releases zygospores
Asexually vs Sexual
- both produce spores
- asexual: conidia, sporangia, none
- sexual: ascospores, basidiospores, zygospores
closest relative
- animals
- comparisons of proteins and rRNA
- symbiotic association of photosynthetic microorganisms (algae or cyanobacteria) held in a mesh of fungal hyphae
- 3 shapes - shrublike, leaflike, paint smearlike
- asexual reproduction - soredia or fragmentation of parent lichen
- sexual reproduction - ascocarps/basidiocarps
small clusters of hyphae with embedded algae
Septate vs Aseptate (coencytic)
- septate: divide hyphae into cells. have pores large enough for ribosomes,mitochondria, nuclei
- aseptate: continuous cytoplasm with hundreds or thousands of nuclei
interwoven mat formed by the hyphae
- karyogamy- fusion of the haploid nuclei
- plasmogamy- fusion of the cytoplasms
- imperfect fungi
- no sexual reproduction
- asexual by conidia
- ex: ring worm fungi