- hornworts, liverworts, mosses
- nonvascular plants
- gametophyte dominant
- contain gametangia
- sporophyte remains attached to parent gametophyte
produces megaspores and microspores
Plant Ancestors
- green algae, charophyceans
- had chl a, accessory pigments, cellulose, stored carbs as starch, formed cell plates in cytokinesis
Terrestrial Adaptations
- gametangia
- cuticles
- stomata
- vascular tissue
- lignin
- seeds
- large leaves
- served by a branched vascular system
- evolved from the fusion of branched stems
Characteristics of Plants
- photoautotrophic
- multicellular
- eukaryotic
- store carbs as starch
- chl a, b, and caratenoids
- mit and mei
- jacketed sex organs
- produced by gametophyte forms of bryophytes, pteridophytes, and gymnosperms
- archegonia - doesn't release egg. zygote develops inside
- antheridia - releases sperm. sperm must swim
Sporophyte vs Gametophyte Dominant
- trend towards sporophyte
- forms differ in morphology
Seedless Vascular Plants
- Pteridophytes
- Sporophyte Dominant
- Homosporous
- Lycophytes (club mosses) - sporophylls
- Psilophytes (whiskferns)
- Sphenophytes (horsetails)
- Pterophytes (ferns)