measure of total population relative to land size
Population Density
The population of a country expressed as an average per unit area
Arithmetic Population Density
number of people per unit area of agriculturally productive land
Physiological population density
Descriptions of locations on the Earth's surface where individuals or groups live
Population Distribution
huge urban agglomerations
amount of time it takes for a population to double
doubling time
the number of live births per year per thousand people in the population
Crude Birth Rate
the number of deaths per year per thousand people
Crude Death Rate
Stages of the Demographic Transition
- 1. Low-growth stage
- 2. High-growth stage
- 3. Moderate-growth stage
- 4. Stationary-stage
Low Growth Stage
high birth and death rates
High Growth Stage
high birht rate and declining death rate
Moderate Growth Stage
declining birth rate and low death rate
Stationary Stage
low birth and death rate
the difference betweenthe number of births and the number of deaths
Rate of natural increase
the number of babies that die during the first year of their life
Infant Mortality Rate
amount of deaths of children between ages 1 and 5
child mortality rate
the number of years someone is expected to be alive
life expectancy
afflictions of middle and old age people, often reflecting higher life expectancies
Chronic diseases
policies that encourage large families and rate of natural increase
Expansive population policy
population policies that favor one particular racial of cultural sector of the population
Eugenic population policy
policies that seek to reduce the rate of natural increase
Restrictive population policies
monies that migrants send home to their family
movement in short periods away from home
Cyclic movement
Movement that involves longer periods away from home
Periodic Movement
when movement results in permanent relocation across significant distances
a daily routine or a regular sequence of short moves within a local area
activity spaces
type of cyclic movement that is seasonal
typeof periodic movement which involves people seeking areas for work
migrant labor
specialized form of periodic movement, a system of pastoral farming where ranchers move livestock according to availablity
movement across country borders
International migration/external migration
migration that occurs within a single country's borders
Internal Migration
the imposition of authority or power, producing involuntary movements that cannot be understood based on theories of choice
Forced Migration
occurs after a migrant weighs options and choices
Voluntary migration
Ravenstein's Laws of Migration
- 1. Every migration flow generates a return or counter-migration
- 2. The majority of migrants move a short distance.
- 3. Migrants who move longer distances tend to choose big-city destinations.
- 4. Urban residents are less migratory than inhabitants of rural areas.
- 5. Families are less likely to make international moves than young adults.
predicts the interaction between places on the basis of their population size and distance between them.
Gravity model
conditions and perceptions that help the migrant decide to leave a place
Push factors
things that attract the migrant to a different location
Pull factors
the effects of distance on interaction, generally the greater the distance the less interaction
migration in a series of stages
step migration
the presence of a nearer opportunity that greatly diminishes the attactiveness of sites farther away
Intervening opportunity
when a migrant chooses a destination and writes, calls, or communicates through others to tell family and freinds at home about the new place
Chain migration
place built up by a government or corporation to attract foreign investment and which has relatively high concentration of paying jobs and infrastructure
Islands of Development
a person who has a well founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group, or political opinion.
people who have been displaced within their own country
internal refugee
people who have crossed one or more international borders during their move and encamped in a country other than their own.
International refugee
individuals with certain backgrounds are barred from entering a country
Selective immigration