Health Assessment

  1. Most common age of onset of breast cancer in women.
  2. Race breast cancer is most prominent in.
  3. Exposure to _________ to chest, commonly used to treat Hodgkin's disease, increases the chances of breast cancer.
    Ionizing radiation
  4. Risk factors for breast cancer are menarche before the age of ___ and menopause after the age of ___.
    • 12
    • 50
  5. First full-term pregnancy after the age of ___ increases a woman's risk for breast cancer.
  6. How often are clinical breast exams recommended for women ages 20-39?
    every 3 years
  7. How ofter are clinical breast exams recommended for women above the age of 40?
  8. Vitamin E supplements may be used by women to reduce _______ and _______ of the breast.
    edema and tenderness
  9. A diet high in _______ increases a woman's risk of breast cancer.
  10. A personal history or ______, ______, and ______ cancers increase the risk of breast cancer.
    • Ovarian
    • Endometrial
    • Colon
  11. Pain or edema occuring bilaterally in the breast is most likely attributed to ______.
    Hormonal effects
  12. Pain or edema in one breast is more likely to suggest __________.
    Pathologic conditions
  13. Enlargement of one or both breast in men.
  14. When is gynecomastia most prevalent?
    puberty and late adulthood
  15. Though uncommon, nipple discharge in men with breast cancer is often _______.
  16. Breast cancer is the _____ leading cancer-related cause of death in the U.S.
  17. At what age should a woman with average risk of breast cancer begin annual mammographies?
  18. A unilateral breast rash surrounding the nipple could be associated with this rare form of breast cancer.
    Paget's disease
  19. What is peau d'orange?
    Orange-like texture of the breast caused by edema.
  20. When can nipple inversion be considered normal?
    If it is not a new finding and can be manipulated into eversion
  21. Nipples pointing in different directions can be considered _______.
  22. Supranumerary nipples are considered _____ and look like pink or brown moles.
  23. A red, scaly nipple with discharge lasting more than a few weeks can be a sign of what?
    Paget's disease
  24. Types of nipple discharge -
    carcinoma, ductal ectasia
  25. Typed of nipple discharge -
    carcinoma, intraductal papilloma, prepartum women
    bloody serosanguineous
  26. Types of nipple discharge -
    pharmacological causes, carcinoma, galactorrhea
  27. Types of nipple discharge -
    infection, ductal ectasia
  28. Types of nipple discharge -
    Fibrocytic changes, carcinoma, infection, ductal ectasia
    green, gray, or brown
  29. How do you chech a patient for dimples or retraction?
    Have them raise their arms in the air
  30. Should a nurse be able to palpate lymph nodes of the breast?
  31. How do you palpate breast tissue?
    2-3 fingers in all 4 quadrants and tail of Spence
  32. 3 conditions that could cause lumps or masses.
    • Breast cancer
    • Fibroadenoma
    • Fibrocystic breast disease
  33. 3 methods of breast palpations
    • Circular
    • Wedge
    • Verticle strip
  34. 8 charactersitics to note when breast masses appear.
    • Size
    • Shape
    • Consistency
    • Tenderness
    • Mobility
    • Borders
    • Retractions (dimples)
  35. Firm transverse ridge along the lower edge of the breast that is considered normal.
    inframammary ridge
  36. Commonly manifests as a hard, painless, irregular nodule, often fixed to an area below the nipple.
    Breast cancer in men
  37. Correct term for breast development.
  38. A localized accumulation of lymph fluid in the interstitial spaces caused by removal of lymph nodes.
  39. Common causes of gynecomastia
    • Medications
    • Adrenal or Testicular tumors
    • Liver disease
    • Renal disease
Card Set
Health Assessment
Ch 17