Exam practice Q's
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antigenic drift involves small/large changes in the viron structure. Which size change?
antigentic shift occurs because of mutation/aquisition of new genes. which is it?
aquisition of new genes
which one need's a co-infection to occur, antigenic drift of shift?
which of the following is
considered a function of antibody?
A. they can enhance phagocytosis
B. They can produce toxins that directly kill bacteria
C. they can bind 2 microbial cells together, leading to agglutination
D. they can bind to crucial parts of toxins and deactivate them
B. They can produce toxins and directly kill bacteria
what type of immunity is produced by the body when a person recieves a vaccine?
A. artificially acquired passive immunity
B. naturally acquired active immunity
C. artifically acquired active immunity
D. inborn immunity
E. naturally aquired immunity
C. artificially acquired immunity
what type of immunity is produced by the body when an infant recieves breastmilk?
A. artificially acquired active immunity
B. naturally aquired passive immunity
C. naturally aquired active immunity
D. inborn immuniy
E. artificially aquired passive immunity
B. naturally required passive immunity
what type of immunity is produced by the body when a prson recieves anti-toxin?
A. inborn immuniy
B. artificially acquired active immunity
C. artificially aquired passive immunity
D. naturally aquired passive immunity
E. naturally aquired active immunity
C. artificially aquired passive immunity
the humoral immune response is attributed action of?
A. monocytes
B. B cells
C. neutrophils
D. T cells
B. B cells
Antigens are?
specific molecules that the body recognizes as foreign
pyrogens stimulate which of the following processes?
A. fever
B. margination
C. blood clotting
D. interferon
A. fever
which of the following is a type of phagocytic cell?
A. neutrophil
B. basophil
C. erythrocyte
D. monocyte
A. neutrophil
which cell leaves the blood stream to become a macrophage?
A. neutrophil
B. basophil
C. monocyte
D. lymphocyte
E. eosiniphil
C. monocyte
which of the following cells increase in # during a helminth infection?
A. neutrophils
B. macrophages
C. eosinophils
D. basophils
C. eosiniphils
is antibodies specific or nonspecific?
is memory specific or non-specific?
is plasma cells specific or non-specific?
is lymphocytes specific or non-specific?
is lysozyme specific or non-specific?
is immediate specific or non-specific?
is T helper cell's specific or non-specific?
is skin specific or non-specific?
is mucous membranes specific or non-specific?
is a fever specific or non-specific?
where is the lymphatic system found?
throguh-out the body
what is the function of dendritic cells?
to grab bacteria (antigens) and present it to the immune cells.
what are the 4 or 5 steps of phagocytosis?
1.) chemotaxis
2.) adherence
3.) ingestion
4.) digestion
5.) excretion
tell me the key words associated with the malaria cycle
1.) sporognoic
2.) injection
3.) schizogony
4.) exoerytherocytic
5.)blood destruction
6.) meroziotes
whats the hallmark sign of malaria & why phisiologically does it occur?
fever due to erythocytic phase of the malaria cycle
viral infections can be any of the following except?
A. slow
B. temporary
C. latent
D. persistent
E. acute
B. temporary
acute infections are represented by?
rapid production of virus and rapid resolution of infection by host defense
a person who is asymptomatic for viral infection is...
infected but shows no symptoms of the infection
cytotoic T cells can be killed by?
fas molecules on the infected host cell
what are the chacteristics of latent infections?
absense of a productive infection
reduced or absent immune response
viral genome remains intact
no large-scale production of virus
latent viruses can integrate into
the host chromosome
what helps to determine viral pathogenesis?
ability of the infection to kill cells
interactions of the virus w/ the target cells
the host response to infection
what is most improtant for a viral infection to occur?
permissive host cell
when a virus is released from the basement membrane of a host cell it will
cause systemic infection
iatrogenic transmission of virus is caused by?
health care workers
viral vaccines are usually composed of?
non-virulent virus & attenuated virus
waht are some things that can affect virulence of a virus?
route of infection
age of the host
sex ofthe host
ability of the virus to replicate
the vaccine taht is most potentially dangerous contains?
live attenuated virus
what are the requirement s for an effective vaccine?
must be safe
must iduce a protective response
must be stable
protozan parasites are?
plasmodium falciparum is the most ___ of the malaria causing
what do flagellates do?
invade the blood and cause chronic illness
protozoan parasites can be...
faculative anaerobic
the body of a worm is covered by?
what type of worm is a nematode?
what type of worm is a tramatode?
the severity of a helminth infection is directly related to?
the # of worms that are present
the organism that causes malaria is transmitted by?
the bite of mosquito
the intermediate host for plasmodium species is?
a human
merozoites of plasmodium are found in?
human hepatocytes
transmission of helminthic disease to human is usually by?
gastrointestinal route
what do tapeworms eat?
intestinal contents
Ringworm is caused by?
what does mycology mean?
study of fungi
fungal plasma membranes cotnain?
fungal cell walls contain?
mannon & glucan
the branching structures seen in fungi are called?
succesful host defense against fungal infection are?
a combonation of phagocytosis & the production of antibody, and T cell response
the most commonly seen yeast infections are caused by?
candida albicans
what are non-specifc defenses?
body's defense against any kind of pathogen
the innate response includes all of the following except?
A. phagocytosis
B. activation of complement
C. inflammation
D. production of interferon
E. production of antibody
E. production of antibody
which of the following is not a mechanical barrier to protect the skin & mucous membranes from infection?
A. lysozyme
B. layers of cells
C. gastric juices
D. saliva
E. tears
C. gastric juices
what is the purpose of the mucocillary escalator?
to remove microorganisms fromthe lower respiratory tract
what do tears cotnain?
persipiration inhibits bacteria because?
it flushes them away & contains lysozyme
toll-like receptors are responsible for all of the following except.
A. regonitionof host cell DNA
B. recognition of flagellar proteins
C. recognition of structures on bacterial pathogens
D. recognition of viral double-stranded RNA
E. recognition of peptidoglycan
A. recongition of host cell DNA
what cells are involved in the innate response?
define diapedesis
neutrophils attatch to the vascular linings & move out of the blood & into the tissues
margination is the process in which WBCs...
slow down, stop, and attach to vessel walls
the primary phagocytes in the blood are?
the most phagocytic WBCs are?
what are the characteristics of cytokines?
regulate infalmatory response
secreted from WBCs
reaction w/ specific receptros on target cells
having overlapping function w/ other cytokines
what mediators are released by mast cells?
dendritic cells found in the skin are called?
langerhans cells
NKC's are involved in..
survelliance & response to pathogens
phagolysomes are formed during which phase of phagocytosis?
the complement system is activated by...
alternative pathway & lectin-binding pathway
the classical pathway for activation of the complement system requires?
antigen-antibody complexes
gamma interferon is produced by?
T lymphocytes and NKC's
the antibody response is part of the?
humoral response
specifity is seen in each of the following except
A. adaptive
B. cellular
C. antigen-antibody complexes
D. innate
E. humoral
D. innate
adaptive response relies upon distinguishing
self from non-self antigens
presentation of antigen is done by?
macrophages and dendrtic cells
antibody is produced by?
plasma cells
T cells mature in the?
B cells mature in?
bone marrow
there are two classes of T cells called
cytotoxic T and helper T cells
clonal selection invovles of the following except
A. reversible genetic rearrangement
B. rearrangement of gene segments
C. irreversible genetic rearrangement
D. specific antigen receptors
E. passage of genetic rearrangement to progeny
A. reversible genetic rearrangements
The thymus becomes filled w/ activated T cells when?
puberty is reached
antibody generally recognizes a specific
the antibody that is found in colostrum (mothers milk) is?
T cells that have not been presented w/ antigen are reffered to as?
immunological memory
allows protection on re-exposure to a previous pathogen
is associate d w/ both T and B cells
is the responsibilty of long-lived T cells
is the responsibily of bone marrow B cells
all of the following are examples of features of the immune response except
A. inflammation
B. autoimmunity
C. primary immunodeficiency
A. inflamation
HIV makes its entry form all of the following except
A. M cells of the digestive system
B. mucousal system
C. needlestick
D. respiratory
D. respiratory
the number of T cells drops bellow 200/cubic millimeter in which pahse of HIV infection?
symptomatic phase
major mode of HIV transmission is?
sexual transmission
intial symptom of HIV infection is?
antigenic variation is caused by?
latency is most often seen in?
viral infections
defects in antibody production can result in?
frequent infection w/ capsulated bacteria
which of the following immunoglobin molecules is associate w/ hypersensitivity and allergy?
which cells are most prominently involved in hypersensitivity reactions?
mast cells
whcih of the following best describe the pattern of microbial death?
A. all the cells in a culture die at once
B. pattern varies depending on the species
C. all of the cells in a culture are never killed
D. the pattern varies depending on the antimicrobial agent
E. the cells in a pop die at constant rate
E. the cells in a pop die at a constant rate
bacterial death will result from damage of what structures?
plasma membrane
nucleic acid
cell wall
sterilization involves?
removal of all microbes and spores
which factors affect the rate of bacterial cell death?
# organisms present
time of exposure
endospose formation
cidal/stasis of disenctant can be determined by?
dilution method
effectiveness of chemical disinfectants varies w/?
length of exposure
presence of organic material
ability to form endospore
which of the following substances is the least effective antimicrobial agent?
A. phenol
B. soap
C. iodine
D. alcohol
E. cationic detergents
B. soap
which of the following is unaffected by alcohol?
A. endospores
B. fungi
C. viruses
D. bacteria
A. endospores
pasturization kills?
only pathogens
which of the following can sterilize?
A. autoclaving
B. pasteurization
C. regrigeration
D. freezing
D. autoclaving
Card Set
Exam practice Q's
chapters 14-18 questions