HR Study Guide CH8

  1. training
    Process whereby people acquire capabilities to perform jobs.
  2. knowledge management
    The way an organization identifies and leverages knowledge in order to be competitive.
  3. performance consulting
    Process in which a trainer and an organization work together to decide how to improve organizational and individual results.
  4. orientation
    Planned introduction of new employees to their jobs, coworkers, and the organization.
  5. self-efficacy
    People's belief that they can successfully learn the training program content.
  6. adult learning
    Ways in which adults learn differently than younger people.
  7. active practice
    Performance of job-related tasks and duties by trainees during training.
  8. spaced practice
    Practice performed in several sessions spaced over a period of hours or days.
  9. massed practice
    Practice performed all at once.
  10. behavioral modeling
    Copying someone else's behavior.
  11. reinforcement
    Based on the idea that people tend to repeat responses that give them some type of positive reward and to avoid actions associated with negative consequences.
  12. immediate confirmation
    Based on the idea that people learn best if reinforcement and feedback are given as soon as possible after training.
  13. informal training
    Training that occurs through interactions and feedback among employees.
  14. cross training
    Training people to do more than one job.
  15. blended learning
    Learning approach that combines methods, such as short, fast-paced, interactive computer-based lessons and teleconferencing with traditional classroom instruction and simulation.
  16. cost-benefit analysis
    Comparison of costs and benefits associated with training.
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HR Study Guide CH8