What is the muscle? And the function
Temporalis—close jaw elevates and retracts mandible.
What is the muscle? And the function
Masseter—elevates mandible.
What is the muscle? And the function
Sternocleidomastoid—Flexes and laterally rotates the head.
What is the muscle? And the function
Rectus abdominus—flex and rotate lumbar region of vertebral column
What is the muscle? And the function
External oblique—flex vertebral column and compress abdominal wall, trunk rotation and lateral flexion
What is the muscle? And the function
Pectoralis major— prime mover of arm flexion; rotates arm medially; adducts arm
What is the muscle? And the function
Pectoralis minor—with ribs fixed, draws scapula forward and downward
What is the muscle? And the function
Trapezoid—stabilizes, raises, retracts, and rotates the scapula
What is the muscle? And the function
Latissimus dorsi—prime mover of arm extension; powerful arm abduction; medially rotates at shoulder
What is the muscle? And the function
Deltoid—prime mover of arm abduction when all its fibers contact simultaneously
What is the muscle? And the function
Biceps brachii—flexes elbow joint and supinates the forearm
What is the muscle? And the function
Triceps brachii—powerful forearm extensor
What is the muscle? And the function
Brachioradialis—a major forearm flexor
What is the muscle? And the function
Gluteus maximus—major extension of thigh
What is the muscle? And the function
Sartorius—flexes , abducts, and laterally rotates thigh; flexes knee
What is the muscle? And the function
Semimembranous—extends thigh and flexes knee
What is the muscle? And the function
Semitendinous—extends thigh and flexes knee
What is the muscle? And the function
Rectus femoris—extends knee and flexes thigh at hip
What is the muscle? And the function
Vastus medialis—extends knee
What is the muscle? And the function
Vastus lateralis—extends and stabilizes the knee
What is the muscle? And the function
Biceps femoris—extends thigh and flexes knee
What is the muscle? And the function
Gastrocnemius—plantar flexes the foot
What is the muscle? And the function
Soleus—plantar flexes the foot
What are the parts of the knee?
A. lateral collateral ligiment
- B. medial collarteral ligiment
- C. lateral meniscus
- D. medial meniscus
- E. anterior cruciate ligiment
- F. posterior cruciate ligiment
- G. patellar ligament