Health Assessment

  1. Flow of gastric secretions into the esophagus
  2. Caused by weakening of lower esophageal sphincter or intraabdominal pressure.
  3. Clients complain of heartburn, regurgitation, and dysphagia that is aggrivated by lying down and relieved by sitting up.
    • GERD
    • Hiatal hernia
  4. Pertrusion of the stomach through esophageal hiatus of diaphragm into the mediastinal cavity.
    Hiatal hernia
  5. Primary factor for development of hiatal hernia.
    Muscle weakness
  6. Peptic ulcers can occur where?
    • Stomach
    • Duodenum
    • Esophageal
  7. Gastric and duadenal ulcers may result from infection with what?
    H. pylori
  8. Gastric ulcers can be caused by what?
    Stress, NSAIDs, corticosteroids, aspirin
  9. Complain of burning in left epigastrium and back 1-2 hours after eating.
    Gastric ulcers
  10. Complain of burning 2-4 hours after eating, midmorning, midafternoon, and middle of the night.
    Duodenal ulcers
  11. What is Crohn's disease?
    • Chronic IBD
    • Inflammation that can occur from the mouth to anus but most common where the ileum and cecum meet.
    • Diseased sections become thicker narrowing the lumen.
  12. Complains of severe abdominal pain, cramping, diarrhea, nause, fever, chills, weakness, anorexia, and weight loss.
    Crohn's disease
  13. Chronic IBD that starts in the rectum and works its way up to the large intestine.
    Small ulcers in colon and rectum cause bleeding in stools.
    Ulcerative colitis
  14. Pouches form in the colon and become inflammed. Herniations through the muscular wall in the colon.
  15. Cramping in the LLQ, nausea, moniting, altered bowel habits, and constipation. Deistended abdomen with decreased bowel sounds and tenderness.
  16. Chronic degenerative disease of the liver. Cobblestone appearance.
  17. What can viral hepatitis, bilary obstructions, and alcohol abuse cause?
  18. Liver becomes palpable and hard, ascites, jaundice, cutaneous spider angiomas, dark urine, tan stools and spleen enlargement appear.
  19. RUQ colicky pain that may radiate to the mid torso or right scapula.
    Gallbladder diseases
  20. Can be caused by alcohol abuse or obstruction of sphincter of Oddi by gallstones.
  21. Pain described as steady, boring, dull, or sharp that radiates from the epigastrium to the back.
  22. Cirrhosis is commonly caused by alcoholism but it is also caused by ________.
    autoimmune disorders
  23. Inflammation of the renal glomeruli caused by an autimmune process.
  24. Fever, chills, nausea, malaise, arthralgia, and CVA tenderness
  25. Formation of kidney stones that is more common in men.
  26. Flank pain that may radiate into the groin and genitals.
Card Set
Health Assessment
Ch 14