BPS Exam 2 Vocab

  1. A story based on personal experiences or imaginary incidents
  2. Selectively presenting only those facts and statistics that buttress one's point of view while ignoring competing data
  3. A brief story of an interesting, humorous, or real-life incident that links back to the speaker's theme
  4. An illustration whose purpose is to aid understanding by making ideas, items, or events more concrete and by clarifying and amplifying meaning
  5. A type of average that represents the center-most score in a distribution; the point above and below which 50 percent of the scores fall
  6. Documented occurrences, including actual events, dates, times, places, and people involved
  7. Quantified evidence; datat that measure the size or magnitude of something, demonstrate trends, or show relationships with the purpose of summarizing information, demonstrating proof, and making points memorable
  8. Examples, narrative, testimony, facts, and statistics that support the speech thesis and form the speech
    Supporting material
  9. Firsthand findings, eyewitness accounts, and opinions by people, both lay (nonexpert) and expert
  10. A personal belief or judgement that is not founded on proof or certainty
  11. A regularly published magazine or journal
  12. A collection of maps, text, and accompanying charts and tables
  13. Original firsthand research, such as interviews and surveys
    Primary research
  14. Documented occurrences, including actual events, dates, times, places, and people involved
  15. Published facts and statistics, texts, documents, and any other information not originally collected and generated by the research
    Secondary research
  16. Short for "Weblog" an online personal journal
  17. A reference work that contains facts and statistics in many categories or on a given topic, including those that are related to historical, social, political, and religious subjects
    Almanac/ Fact Book
  18. The deliberate falsification of information
  19. Data set in a context for relevance
  20. An entry point to a large collection of research and reference information that has been selected and reviewed by librarians
    Library portal
  21. Documented occurrences, including actual events, dates, times, places, and people involved
  22. A collection of library holdings available online
    Virtual library
  23. The suffix at the end of a web address that describes the nature of the Web site: business/ commercial <.com>, educational <.edu>, government <.gov>, military <.mil>, network <.net>, or nonprofit organization <.org>
  24. Information that is false
  25. A search engine that compiles its own database of Web pages, such as Google
    Individual Search Engines
  26. Information represented in such a way as to provoke a desired response
  27. A pattern of organizing speech points so that they demonstrate the nature and significance of a problem first, and then provide justification for a proposed solutions
    Problem-Solution Pattern of Arrangement
  28. A pattern of organizing main points in order of their physical proximity or direction relative to each other; used when the purpose of a speech is to describe or explain the physical arrangement of a place, a scene, or an object
    Spatial Pattern of Arrangement
  29. A pattern of organizing speech points in a natural sequential order; used when describing a series or events in time or when the topic develops in line with a set pattern of actions or tasks
    Chronological Pattern of Arrangement
  30. A pattern of organizing main points as subtopics or categories of the speech topic
    Topical Pattern of Arrangement
  31. A pattern of organizing speech points so that the speech unfolds as a story with characters, plot, and setting. In practice, this pattern often is combined with other organizational patterns
    Narrative Organizational Pattern
  32. A pattern of organizing speech points in order of causes and then in order of effects, or vice versa
    Casual (Cause-Effect) Pattern of Arrangement
  33. A pattern of organizing speech points so that one idea leads to another, which leads to a third, and so forth, until the speaker arrives back at the speech thesis
    Circle Pattern of Arrangement
  34. A delivery outline that uses a partial construction of the sentence form of each points, instead of using complete sentences that present the precise wording for each points
    Phrase Outline
  35. A preparation or rough outline using full sentences in which the speaker firms up and organizes main points and develops supporting points to substantiate them
    Working Outline
  36. Brief reminder notes or prompts placed in the speaing outline that can refer to transitions, timing, speaking rate and volume, presentation aids, quotations, statistics, and difficult-to-pronounce or remember names or words
    Delivery Cues
  37. The briefest form of outline; uses the smallest possible units of understanding associated with a specific point to outline the main and supporting points
    Key-Word Outline
  38. A delivery outline to be used when practicing and actually presenting a speech
    Speaking Outline
  39. An outline in which each main and supporting point is stated in sentence form and is precisely the way the speaker wants to express the idea; generally used or working outlines
    Sentence Outline
  40. A question that does not invite actual responses, but is used to make the listener or audience think
    Rhetorical Question
  41. A challenge to audience members to act in response to a speech; placed at the conclusion of a persuasive speech
    Call to Action
  42. A technique of language to achieve a desired effect
    Rhetocial Device
  43. Identifying with values not one's own in order to win approval from an audience
  44. A figure of speech used to compare one thing with another by using the words "like" or "as" (e.g. He works like a dog)
  45. Specialized terminology developed within a given endeavor or field of study
  46. Any language that relies on unfounded assumptions, negative descriptions, or stereotypes of a given group's age, class, gender, disability, and geographic, ethnic, racial, or religious characteristics
    Biased Language
  47. A rhetorical device in which two ideas are set off in balanced (parallel) opposition to each other
  48. The arrangement of words, phrases, or sentences in similar grammatical and stylistic form. Parallel structures can help the speaker emphasize important ideas in the speech.
  49. An informal expression characterized by regional variations of speech
    Colloquial Expression
  50. A figure of speech used to make implicit comparisons without the use of "like" or "as" (e.g. "Love is a rose")
  51. A rhetorical device in which the speaker repeats a word or phrase at the beginning of successive phrases, clauses, or sentences
  52. An extended metaphor or simile that compares an unfamiliar concept or process with a more familiar one in order to help the listener understand the one that is unfamiliar
  53. A pattern of organizing main points as subtopics or categories of the speech topic
    Topical Pattern of Arrangement
  54. The qualities that determine the value of a source, such as the author's background and reputation, the reputation of a publication, the source of data, and how recent the reference is
    Source Reliability
  55. A speech whose goal is to influence the attitudes, beliefs, values, or acts of others
    Persuasive Speech
  56. A speech providing new information, new insights, or new ways of thinking about a topic. The general purpose of an informative speech is to increase the audience's understanding and awareness of a topic
    Informative Speech
  57. Defining something by describing what it does. For example: a computer is something that processes information
    Operational Definition
  58. A brief description of the source's qualifications
    Source Qualifier
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BPS Exam 2 Vocab
Exam 2 Vocabulary for Basic Public Speaking