What ABO phenotype would agglutinate in the presence of anti-A,B produced by group O individuals?
A and B
Which ABO phenotype selection contains the most H antigen and the least H antigen, respectively, on the red cell surface?
O, A1B
A patient's red cells are agglutinated by anti-B, but not by anti-A. This person would have which of the following ABO phenotypes?
Group B
The test procedure that combines patient's serum with commercial A1 and B reagent red cells is called:
ABO reserve grouping
According to Landsteiner's rule, what ABO antibody will be detected in a group A individual's serum?
Select the appropriate strategy if the results of red cell and serum testing in the ABO typing procedure have negative agglutination reactions.
Incubate tubes at room temperature or 4°C with an autocontrol.
What would be the agglutination reaction of red cells from a Bombay phenotype with anti-H lectin?
Group B
D- Galactose
Group O
Group A
H Antigen
none of the above
Most naturally occurring ABO system antibodies fall into the IgG class
To distinguish between an A1 and A2 blood type, the reagent Dolichos biflorus lectin is used
How would a donor who tested negative with anti-D reagent in the immediate spin test but positive at antihuman globulin with anti-D reagent be labeled?
How is it genetically possible for a child to phenotype as D-negative?
Both parents are heterozygous D-positive
Anti-D reagent and the Rh control were tested with red cells. Both tests were 2+ agglutination reactions. What is the interpretation of the results?
Unable to interpret without further testing
The frequency of the D-negative phenotype in the population is:
Testing for the weak D expression is performed by:
performing the indirect antiglobulin test with anti-D.
The numeric Rh4 nomenclature refers to which antigen in the Rosenfield notation?
c (little c)
Why is the determination of the D antigen important for women during pregnancy?
A D-negative mother should be given Rh Immune Globulin to prevent potential formation of anti-D during delivery of a D-positive infant.
The inheritance of the Rh antigens are:
Most Rh antibodies are IgG
Which of the following phenotypes will react with anti-f?
The Kell system antigens are affected by proteolytic enzymes
The Duffy system antibodies do not react with enzyme treated cells.
The expression Fy(a+b+) is homozygous.
Antibodies to the Duffy system show dosage
Lewis antibodies are IgM
Lewis antibodies will cross the placenta
The I antigen is present on cord cells.
Antigens of the P system are structurally related to which of the following blood group systems?
Antibodies in this system often fall below detectable levels and are associated with delayed transfustion reactions.
This system is associated with resistance to malaria