NUTR Exam 3

  1. continuing education credits are needed every years to maintain registration.
    75 continuing education credits are needed every 5 years to maintain registration.
  2. 3 ways to move up in managment
    • 1. promotion through a series of jobs with increasing responsibilities
    • 2. seeking opportunities to recieve training beyond job responsibilities
  3. Job enlargement
    taking a job and expanding on it
  4. job enrichment
    using education to imporve on skills for a job
  5. Classes that should be considered (4 total)
    • 1. communication techniques
    • 2. human relations issues
    • 3. management and marketing
    • 4. Fianace/Accounting
  6. 3 types of courses available
    • 1. programmed instruction- do it on your own
    • 2. correspondance/distance learning
    • 3. Formal courses
  7. Places that offer instruction: (4 total)
    • 1. colleges and universities
    • 2. National Resterant Association (like serv safe)
    • 3. Dietary Manager's Association
    • 4. American School Foodservice Association
  8. Ways to help employees gain managerial skills: deligation
    deligation- sharing of responsibilities, authority, and accountability
  9. 3 things deligation does for the employee
    • 1. improves supervisory skills
    • 2. develops abiliteis and provides valuable experiences
    • 3. increases employee morale
  10. What kinds of tasks can be deligated
    • 1. routine tasks
    • 2. tasks that stimulate interest
    • 3. tasks that strengthen skills and abilities
  11. Tasks that shouldn't be deligated
    • 1. those dealing with confidential information
    • 2. those concerning budget matters
    • 3. those involvoign personnel matters
  12. 6 things to do if you delegate
    • 1. define expectations
    • 2. explain why you are delegating
    • 3. trust your employee
    • 4. tell them when, where and why but not how
    • 5. provide training and support
    • 6. provide feedback and encouragement
  13. Committees
    Group of persons in an organization who function collectively on an organized bases to perform some administrative activity
  14. Limitations and disadvantages of committees (4)
    • 1. slow in getting things done
    • 2. time pressures may result in inadequate deliberations
    • 3. poorly propared members
    • 4. group pressure can dilute decisions
  15. Teach committee members the essential group dynamics
    • - how to express themselves in a group
    • - how to keep to the point and discuss issues
    • - how to give information that advances thinking (no negative talking)
    • - how to be organized
    • - not to speak just to be heard or to say what powerful members want to hear
  16. minutes
    permanent factual record of a meeting- they should reflect on what was done not everything that was said
  17. 4 steps for inservice
    • 1. assessment
    • 2. planning
    • 3. implementation
    • 4. evaluation
  18. how to plan for an inservice
    establish objectives for learners
  19. An objective is
    A specific statement of learner responses formulated to give evidence of instructional results and to give direction to instructional planning
  20. 4 types of objectives
    • 1. attitude objectives
    • 2. skill objectives - using equipment
    • 3. knowledge objectives
    • 4. job behavior objectives
  21. Terminal objectives
    • - should be established before training objectives are written
    • - all should lead to this at the completion of the training
  22. Training stratagies (8)
    • 1. problem solving
    • 2. video/overheads
    • 3. instructional games
    • 4. role playing
    • 5. case studies
    • 6. Audio cassettes
    • 7. discussion
    • 8. demonstrations
  23. Instructor for in service
    Person should be flexible, responsive to the needs of the student, patient, organized and well versed in the topic that is to be covered
  24. using media to enhance learning (4)
    • 1. pictorial aids
    • 2. chalk or white board
    • 3. audio aids
    • 4. audio visual aids
  25. Selection of media depends on (4)
    • 1. funds available
    • 2. skill of the instructor
    • 3. availability of materials
    • 4. what points are to be stressed
  26. Lesson plan 3 parts
    • 1. tell them what you are going to tell them
    • 2. tell them
    • 3. tell them what you told them
  27. Make sure before you actually do the session that you:
    Have considered the length of the session, any language barriers, state of learning readiness, motivation and the learning environment
  28. The learning environment (3)
    • 1. temperature
    • 2. lighting
    • 3. seating
  29. Evaluation
    • 1. program is never complete without evaluation
    • 2. must determine if objectives have been met
  30. Evaluation methods (3)
    • 1. questionnaires
    • 2. pre and post tests
    • 3. direct observations
  31. Performance appraisal is used to (4):
    • 1. attain a standard of quality
    • 2. imporve performance
    • 3. validate salary increases
    • 4. suggest changes in attitudes, skills and knowledge
  32. How can we change the way people percieve performance appraisals?
    we need to put the praise back into appraisals
  33. Designing an appraisal form (3)
    • 1. should cover essential performance requirments
    • 2. provide maximum objectivity
    • 3. short form with a simple rating system
  34. Best type of form for performance appraisals has (3)
    • 1. single sheet
    • 2. numerical rating scale on one side
    • 3. reverse side lists areas for improvement and goals
  35. Discipline
    • - From the word discipline or follower, process of leading, shaping, correcting and affirming the actions of others.
    • - It is a force that develops within people that causes them to want to follow high standards
  36. Classes of misconduct
    • 1. the employee
    • 2. the supervisor
    • 3. the organization
  37. classes of misconduct: the employee becomes disciplinary problem because (3)
    • 1. lack of knowledge
    • 2. personal problems
    • 3. external problems (outside the worker's control)
  38. the manager must take action
    • 1. be firm and fair - same for everyone but slightly flexible
    • 2. be understanding
    • 3. discipline in private
    • 4. keep careful records of diciplinary action
    • 5. let the discipline fit the violation
  39. when misconduct occurs, the manager must take action and (4)
    • 1. identify the problem
    • 2. gather accurate facts
    • 3. review the factors that caused the situation
    • 4. examing past performance to see if it is chronic.
  40. Steps in progressive dicipline
    • 1. verbal warning
    • 2. writen warning
    • 3. suspension
    • 4. termination
  41. Documentation of a suspension warning needs to have
    • - employee and managers names
    • - behavioral or performance problems
    • - description events preceding this action
    • - consequenst
    • - duration of warning
    • - signatures of the employee and manager
  42. Employees rights should not be violated
    • - privacey
    • - fairness and compassion
    • - ground for termination must be justifiable
    • - infor on insurance, paid leave and serverance pay must be given
  43. Grounds for immediate termination (6)
    • - physical endangerment of others
    • - Consuming alcohol or taking drugs on the job
    • - Willful destruction of property
    • - Possession of firearms or weapons
    • - Stealing, embezzling
    • - Falsification of documents
  44. Termination due to progressive infractions (3)
    • 1. insubordination- could have fear behind it
    • 2. failure to perform the job
    • 3. absenteeism/tardieness
  45. Typical reasons for filing grievances: (6)
    • - Disagreement over wages
    • - Inequitable work schedules
    • - Disagreement over hours of work
    • - Unfair conditions of employment
    • - Discrimination and harassment
    • - Inappropriate discipline
  46. Disadvantage of grievance procedure (3)
    • 1. time
    • 2. supervisor may be threatened
    • 3. employees may feel intimidated
  47. Conflict is
    a condition that results when individuals or groups feel that other individuals or groups are causing them frustration and concern about an issue or issues
  48. Conflict can... (4)
    • 1. decrease productivity
    • 2. cause health problems
    • 3. disrupt cpmmunications and teamwork
    • 4. result in an unpleasant workplace
  49. 2 types of conflict
    1. intrapersonal- usually personal problems do to a goal being both positive and negative

    2. interpersonal- conflict between employees pr employee and supervisor or 2 supervisors
  50. Ways to deal with interpersonal conflict
    • 1. compromising
    • 2. smoothing
    • 3. avoidance
    • 4. forcing
    • 5. accommodating
    • 6. competing
    • 7. problem solving (best way to solve a ocnflict)
  51. Unionization
    Process whereby a group of employees sharing similar interests voluntarily agree to form an association for the purpose of maintaining or improving wages, hours of work and working conditions.
  52. Norris-Laguardia Act (AKA Anti-injunction Act of 1932)
    -Ended yellow dog contracts

    -The act established as United States law that employees should be free to form unions without employer interference
  53. Wagner act (AKA National Labor Relations Act of 1935)
    • - this act had the most impact on labor management relations of any legislation
    • - It: Identified unfair labor practices. Protected the employee’s efforts to bargain collectively.
  54. Taft Hartley Act (AKA Labor Management Relations Act of 1947)
    It: Balanced the powers of labor management. Exempted health care facilities (until amended in 1974). Set conditions for striking
  55. Landrum-Griffin Act (AKA Labor Management Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1959)
  56. It: Defined health care facilities and required health care facilities and unions to participate in initial and renewal contracts for employees.
  57. Newest rules for unions
    • - Union must give a 90 day notification for strike planning and contract renewal.
    • - A 60-day notice must be given before contract termination.
    • - Union must give a health care facility a 10-day notice before striking
  58. union shop
    workers must join the union within a specified period of time after hiring
  59. closed shop
    employer is required to hire union members only (not many around)
  60. Agency shop
    non-union employees must pay a fee equal to union dues
  61. Advantages of a union for managment (3)
    • 1. policies and procedures are improved
    • 2. employees are supported to express grievances so improvemnets can be made
    • 3. higher job satisfaction
  62. disadvantages of a union for management (4)
    • 1. decreases managmen's flexibility in relation to hiring and firing, job assignments
    • 2. management cannot do the employee's job
    • 3. overtime pay costs when employees go on strike
    • 4. wages are higher
  63. Supervisor guidelines when a union is voted in (4)
    • 1. the labor agreement is the basis for operation of the workplace
    • 2. managment must understand the union contract
    • 3. managment must work with the union steward (the official spokesperson from the union)
    • 4. Show willingness to compromise on issues
  64. collective bargining
    method of negotiation
  65. mediator
    3rd party who acts as a facilitator
  66. arbitrator
    3rd oarty whose decision is binding
  67. How to avoid unionization
    • 1. keep employees satisfied and appreciated
    • 2. maintain a pleasant and safe work environment
    • 3. provide competative wages and benefits
    • 4. mantina open chanels of communication
    • 5. listen and respond to employee concerns
  68. Anger is a state of emotional excitement influenced by
    intense displeasure as a result of real or imagined threat, insult or putdown. It is a feeling of being irritated, irked or annoyed
  69. Anger is can be brought on by
    • 1. extreme fatigue
    • 2. sarcastic remarks
    • 3. rejection
    • 4. embarrassment
    • 5. insecurity
    • 6. frustration
  70. Aggressiveness
    - The act of bullying or pushing others around.
  71. The aggressive person is
    arrogant, demanding, critical and overbearing
  72. Jealousy
    Jealousy involves fear of loss. It relates to the feeling someone feels when more attention, praise and power are given to another person
  73. Envy
    Envy is an extension of jealousy.It is a resentful feeling that an employee may have toward a fellow employee who seems to have more possessions, talents, friends,than he/she and is perhaps on a higher pay scale.
  74. Resentment
    —Resentment is closely related to envy, and is usually felt by a group---related to not being treated fairly
  75. Guilt
    A feeling of being unworthy,remorseful self-blaming and self hating
  76. Blame
    to hold responsible, to accuse, to find fault with or to place responsibility for something on a person
  77. Criticism
    Criticism is the act of making judgments either favorable or unfavorable
  78. Resistance to change
    - This reduces the effectiveness of employees working together

    - Employees may resist any changes that might threaten their beliefs or habits including procedures and routines to which they have become accustomed
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NUTR Exam 3
Info for nutr 504 exam 3