Lab 3 Tissue

  1. what is the tissue?
    Simple Squamous Epithelium Cheek cells (Mesothelium)

  2. what is the tissue?
    Stratified Squamous Epithelium

  3. what is the tissue?
    Simple Cuboidal Epithelium

  4. what is the tissue?
    Simple Columnar Epithelium

  5. what is the tissue?
    Adipose Connective Tissue

  6. what is the tissue?
    Areolar Connective Tissue

  7. what is the tissue?
    Hyaline Cartilage Connective Tissue

  8. what is the tissue?
    Elastice Cartilage Connective Tissue

  9. what is the tissue?
    Fibrocartilage Connective Tissue

  10. what is the tissue?
    Bone Connective Tissue

  11. what is the tissue?
    Blood Connective Tissue

  12. what is the tissue?
    Skeletal Muscle Tissue

  13. what is the tissue?
    Cardiac muscle Tissue

  14. what is the tissue?
    Smooth Muscle Tissue

  15. what is the tissue?
    Giant Multipolar Neuron
Card Set
Lab 3 Tissue
bio 100