Lesson 76 - Lesoni Fitu Ono

  1. Our (exclusive dual)
  2. their (dual)
  3. our (inclusive dual)
  4. Mother (respect), elderly woman, madame
  5. your (dual)
  6. class
  7. parents, adults, elders
  8. father (respect, elderly man, distinguished sir
  9. Did you recived a letter from home?
    Na'a ke ma'u ha tohi mei 'api?
  10. Yes, here is a letter from my mother
    'Io, ko e tohi eni mei he 'eku fa'e
  11. Do you often right to your famliy?
    'Oku ke fa'a fai tohi ki ho Famili?
  12. Just to my mother
    Ki he 'eku fine'eiki pe.
  13. from my mother
    mei he 'eku fa'e
  14. with my father
    ('i) he 'eku tamai
  15. to his parents
    ki he 'ene matu'a
  16. with our children
    he 'ema fanau
  17. to my class
    ki he 'eku kalasi
  18. to our students
    ki he 'eta tamaiki ako
  19. from our parents
    mei he 'ema matu'a
  20. from my little firl
    mei he 'eku ta'ahine
  21. My boy did it
    Na'e fai ia 'e he 'eku tamasi'i
  22. My parents take care of me
    'Oku tauhi au 'e he 'eku matu'a
  23. Your parents are looking for you
    'Oku kumi koe 'e ho'i matu'a
  24. Your (you two) mother wants you.
    'Oku fiema'u kimoua 'e ho'omo fa'ee
  25. Your father protects you
    'Oku malu'i kimoutolu 'e ho'omou tamai
  26. Where is our thing?
    Ko fe 'eta me'a
  27. I often help my teacher
    'Oku ou fa'a tokoni ki he 'eku faiako
  28. I like his little girl
    'oku ou sai'ia he 'ene ta'ahine
  29. Our trying will never end
    'E ikai ke 'osi 'eta feinga
  30. Your father is looking for you
    'Oku kumi koe 'e ho'o tangata'eiki
  31. My boy will do the errant
    'E fai 'e he 'eku tamasi'i e fekau
  32. Where's our lesson book?(dual inclusion)
    Ko fe 'eta tohi lesoni
Card Set
Lesson 76 - Lesoni Fitu Ono