T44 Contact Stage

  1. Normal Cruise
    • 150 KIAS
    • 1900 N2
    • 650-700 Torque
  2. Fast Cruise
    • 170 KIAS
    • 1900 N2
    • 900-1000 Torque
  3. Slow Cruise
    • 130 KIAS
    • 1900 N2
    • 450-550 Torque
  4. Cruise Climb SL-10K'
    • 150 KIAS
    • 1900 N2
  5. Cruise Climb 10K-20K'
    • 130 KIAS
    • 1900 N2
    • Max allowable
  6. Cruise Climb 20K-25K'
    • 120 KIAS
    • 1900 N2
    • Max allowable
  7. Cruise Climb above 25K'
    • 110 KIAS
    • 1900 N2
    • Max allowable
  8. Vx
    • 102 KIAS
    • 1900 rpm
    • Max Allowable
  9. Vy
    • 108 KIAS
    • 1900 rpm
    • Max allowable
  10. VXSE
    • 102 KIAS
    • 1900 rpm
    • Max Allowable
  11. VYSE
    • 110 KIAS
    • 1900 rpm
    • Max Allowable
    • 227 KIAS
    • 2200 rpm
    • IDLE
  13. HIGH WORK:

    Level Speed Change
    • a. Normal Cruise 150kias
    • b. Fast Cruise 170kias
    • c. Slow Cruise 130 kias
    • d. Normal Cruise 150 kias
  14. HIGH WORK:

    150KIAS, props 1900rpm

    • a. 30o bank, 180o Turn
    • b. 30o bank, 180o reversal
    • c. 45o bank, 360o Turn
    • d. 45o bank, 360o reversal

    +- 100ft, +- 5o bank, +- 10kts, roll out +-5o
  15. HIGH WORK:

    Slow Flight
    150 KIAS, Props 1900rpm, maintain altitude

    • a. Power- 400ft/lbs (initially then as required)
    • b. Flaps- Approach (anticipate ballooning)
    • c. Gear- down, landing checklist complete
    • d. Airspeed- stabilized at 100KIAS
    • e. Turn- either direction for 90o at 30o AOB. Lead rollout by 1/3 AOB, then turn back to original HDG
    • f. Flaps- down (100%)
    • g. Airspeed- slow to 90KIAS
    • h. Turn- complete another 90o turn and reversal as before
    • i. Recover: max allowable power, flaps apprch, gear up, flaps up, airspeed 150kias
  16. HIGH WORK:

    Pre-stall Checks
    • 150KIAS
    • a. Pre-stall Checks-
    • - spin recovery procedures briefed
    • - loose gear - stowed
    • - Altitude - 5000' AGL min, or 8000' AGL (5K above cloud deck)
    • - yaw damp - off
    • - Props 1900rpm
    • - Stall Speeds- reviewed
    • - clearing turn - 90d of turn at 30d AOB
  17. HIGH WORK:

    Clean, Power OFF/ON stalls
    • CLEAN, Power off
    • - ensure stall checklist completed
    • - roll into 30o AOB (clearing turn)
    • - Power 400ft/lbs
    • - roll wings level after 90o of turn
    • - Reduce power to IDLE, pitch up 10o, trim to 100kias, stop trimming and maintain wings level 10o up.
    • - recover at first indication of stall

    • CLEAN- Power On
    • - same as Clean - Power off, except power left at 400ft/lbs
  18. HIGH WORK:

    Dirty Power OFF/ON Stalls
    • Dirty, Power OFF
    • -stall checklist complete
    • -Roll in 30deg AOB turn
    • - power 400ft/lb
    • - select flaps APPCH
    • - Select gear DOWN, complete landing check
    • - wings level after 90o of turn
    • - select flaps down, pwr to IDLE, 10deg up, trim to 100KIAS
    • - recover at first indication of stall

    • Dirty, Power ON
    • -same as dirty power off except no IDLE
  19. HIGH WORK:

    Approach Turn Stalls
    • - ensure stall checklist completed
    • - Roll into 30deg AOB
    • - Power 400ft/lbs
    • - Select flaps APPCH
    • - Select Gear DOWN
    • -After 90deg of turn maintain 30deg AOB
    • - reduce power to 300ft/lbs and pitch up 10deg
    • - trim to 100kias
    • -maintain 30deg AOB and 10deg nose up
    • -recover at first indication of stall
  20. HIGH WORK:

    Stall Indications
    • stall warning horn
    • calculated stall speed
    • Airframe buffet
    • uncontrollable loss of altitude
    • inability to maintain wings level/selected roll attitude
  21. High work:

    Stall Recovery

    • power- max allowable
    • lower nose
    • level wings
    • center ball
    • flaps- APPCH unless already up
    • Gear- Up (when positive rate of climb)
    • Flaps - UP
    • Airspeed- Vy (108kias)
  22. Contact Stage Dual Weather Requirements in the Pattern
    • 1300 feet
    • 3 SM
  23. Minimum weather for VFR
    • 1000 foot ceiling
    • 3 SM
    • (unless more stringent requirement have been determined)
  24. What distance determines our min Runway length?
    Accelerate-and-stop distance
  25. WAVE OFF
    • Power- a. As Required
    • b. establish positive climb rate
    • c. Vx Min
    • Flaps- Approach (unless already up)
    • Gear- Up
    • Flaps- Up
    • Props- 1900rpm
  26. Break Entry
    • Wings level 170kts
    • Level bank not to exceed 45o
    • reduce power (300-500ft/lbs)
    • Flaps- Approach (anticipate balloon)
    • "speed checks, gear down, landing checklist"
  27. Approach Flap Landing
    • 105 kts on final
    • cross threshold at 95kts
  28. No Flap Landing
    • Final 110
    • Threshold 105
  29. Full Flap Landing
    • Final 105
    • Threshold 95
  30. SACASA
    • S- contact seagull and req off freq to get Atis
    • A- Atis
    • C- Cabinas (contact)
    • A- Approach checklist
    • S- Seagull (contact)
    • A- Approach (contact)
  31. Pattern (closed)
    • 10o nose up
    • 300ft- props 1900rpm, 30o AOB/10o pitch up
    • 600ft- "speed checks, flaps approach, tracking"
    • - power ~600ft/lbs
    • - "speed checks, gear down, landing checklist"
    • 800ft- 120kts, AOA on Runway
    • Abeam #'s- Power(300ft'lbs), turn, trim, gr down, call tower
    • 90o off- 500ft
    • Final- "250ft, props full fwd, 3 down and locked, review me complete"
  32. No Flap Brief
    "flaps selected Approach, indicate up, checked up"

    "Open the NATOPS and review the flap system failure procedures. It will direct us to verify current flap position, reset flap handle to previously selected position, verify new flap configuration, and pull the wing flap motor circuit breaker. This will be a no flap pattern. New speeds are 110 and 105. Any questions?"
  33. Touch and Go Brief
    "once safely on the runway, ill call reset flaps, trim, and advance the power lever to the 12 oclock position. You reset the Flaps and trim. Call go with engines spooled up. Call rotate at 91kts with takeoff power set"
  34. Spin Recovery
    • Power Levers- Idle
    • Rudder- Full deflection opposite turn needle
    • Control Wheel- rapidly forward
    • Rudder- Neutralize after rotation stops
    • Control Wheel- Pull out of dive w/smooth, steady, back pressure
  35. PIC responsibilities
    • - Safe/successful accomplishment of Assigned flight
    • - monitor progression of all tasks assigned to to crew
    • - Assume custody of A/C upon signing "A" sheet
    • - Resp. for briefing Passengers on EP's and Equip.
    • - Cannot be passed in flight
  36. MOVEOFF`
    • Mechanical Malfunction
    • Overspeed
    • Vibration
    • Explosion
    • 0 N1
    • Fire
    • Fuel
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T44 Contact Stage
T44 contact stage