ANTH2700 T16 3

  1. the process whereby cells differentiate into different and specialized units; change over time from an immature to a mature or specialized state.
  2. The human body has how many cells?

    How many bacterium?
    100 trillion (10 to the thirteenth)

    10 to the fourteenth
  3. Growth by virtue of increase in the total number of cells resulting from mitosis.
  4. Growth by virtue of increase in the size of cells.
  5. Growth by virtue of an increase in intercellular material.
  6. tonsils, thymus gland, and lymph nodes are all composed of what kind of tissue?
    lymphoid tissue
  7. What type of tissue traps foreign particles and plays a role in the immunity to disease?
    lymphoid tissue
  8. The...system has reached 90% of its adult size by age 5 or six.
  9. The study of bones.
  10. Area of the first appearance of bone within the cartilage model of a long bone.
    primary center of ossification
  11. Process of bone formation.
  12. Area of bone development, usually near the end of a long bone.
    secondary center of ossification
  13. Narrow zone on a bone where bone growth occurs.
    growth plate
  14. what becomes thinner and disappears as the centers of ossification fuse?
    growth plate
  15. A standard age based on the appearance of centers of ossification and fusion of growth plates.
    bone age
  16. Period of time since birth.
    chronological age
  17. two kids of the same...age can be of different...age.
    • bone
    • chronological
    • (or the reverse)
  18. The first set of teeth that develop in mammals.

    How many do humans have?
    • deciduous teeth
    • 20
  19. The second set of teeth that erupts in mammals.

    How many do humans have?
    • permanent teeth
    • 32
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ANTH2700 T16 3
ANTH2700 T16 3