
  1. ice age
    and humans appear
    • Phanerozoic Eon
    • Cenzoic Era
    • Neogene Period
    • Pleistocene Epoch
  2. Phanerozoic Eon
    • Cenzoic Era
    • Neogene and Paleogene Periods
    • Holoccene, Pleisotocene, Pliocene. Miocene, Oligocene, Oeocen and Plaeocene Epochs.
  3. Eons
    • Hadean*
    • Archaean
    • Proterozoic
    • Phanerozoic

    Not recognized by textbook
  4. Hadean Eon
    Formation of Earth and Solar system 4.6 bill years ago.
  5. Archaean Eon
    • 3.5 bya prokaryotes appear
    • photosynthetic bacteria in sandy stromatolite mats
  6. Proterozoic Eon
    • 2.1 bya oldest fossils of eukaryotes appear
    • Edicaran Period: soft bodied invertebrate animals appear
  7. Phanerozoic
    • Paleozoic Era:
    • Cambrian
    • Ordovician
    • Silurian
    • Devonian
    • Carboniferous
    • Permian Periods
  8. Cambrian explosion:
    sudden increase in diversity of animal phyla
    • cambrian period
    • Palozoic Era
    • Phanerozoic Eon
  9. colonization of land by diverse fungi, plants, and animals
    • Ordovician Period
    • Paleozoic Era
    • Phanerozoic Eon
  10. Diversification of early vascular plants
    • Silurian Period
    • Palozoic Era
    • Phanerozoic Eon
  11. Diversification of bony fish
    first tetrapods and insects
    • Devonian period
    • Paleozoic era
    • Phanerozoic eon
  12. origin of reptiles and amphibians dominate. first seed plants
    • Carboniferous period
    • Paleozoic era
    • Phanerozoic eon
  13. extinciton of many marine and terrestial organisms
    • Permian period
    • paleozoic era
    • Phanerozoic eon
  14. dinosaurs evolve and origin of mammals
    • Triassic Period
    • Mesozoic Era
    • Phanerozoric Eon
  15. Dinosaurs abundant and diverse; gymnosperms still dominant
    • Jurassic Period
    • Mesozoic Era
    • Phanerozoic Eon
  16. Most dinosaurs becme extinct at the end of period; flowering plants appear and diversify.
    • Cretaceous Period
    • Mesozoic Era
    • Phanerozoic Eon
  17. major radiation of mammals, birds, and pollinating insects
    • Paleocene Epoch
    • Paleogene Period
    • Cenozoic Era
    • Phanerozoic Eon
  18. Origins of many primate groups
    • Oligocene Epoch
    • Paleogene Period
    • Cenozoic Era
    • Phanerozoic eon
  19. apelike ancestors of humans appear
    • Miocene epoch
    • Neogene period
    • Cenozoic era
    • Phanerozoic eon
  20. origin of genus Homo.
    • Pliocene epoch
    • Neogene period
    • Cenozoic era
    • Phanerozoic eon
Card Set
Geologic Record