Female Reproductive System

  1. Gametes are also known as ______________.
    sex cells. They specialize in containing half of the # of chromosomes that a normal body cell contains. Sex cells are produced in the gonads.
  2. The femal gonads are the __________ as the male gonads are the testes.
    • Ovaries. Located in the lower abdomen and connect to the uterus by the fallopian tupes.
    • OVA - are produced in the ovaries from pubety to menopause.
  3. Anteflexion is __________.
    a bent forward position. The uterus is a muscular organ that sits in an anteflexion position.
  4. The mucosa of the uterus has three layers:
    • 1. inner- endometrium
    • 2.middle-myometrium
    • 3. outter-perimetrium
  5. graafian follicle
    each ovary are graafian follicles. each graafian follicle contains an ovum. When the ovum matures, the graafian folice ruptures and the ovum is relased from the ovary. (ovulation)
  6. fimbriae
    the ends of each uterine tube or fallopian tube contain fimbriae- finger-like projections lined with hairs that sweep the ovum along. It takes approximately 5 days for the ovum to go throug hthe fallopian tube. If fertilization dos not occur, menstruation occurs.
  7. hormones of the ovaries are ______ and ___________.
    estrogen and progesterone. They play a big part in pregnancy, menstruation and devloping sex characteristics.
  8. Bartholin glands
    Two small rounded glands on either side of the vaginal orifice. These glands produce a mucous secretion that lubricates the vagina.
  9. clitoris
    organ of sensitive, erectile tissue located in front of the urethral meatus.
  10. the region between the vaginal orifece and the anus
    perineum (both the the male and female)
  11. Female external genitalia
    • VULVA
    • 1. labia majora, outer lip of vagina, surrounds inner lips
    • 2. labia minor, inner lips
    • 3. HYMEN, a thin membrane partially covering the entrance to the vagina, is broken apart during the first episode of intercourse.
    • (the clitoris and Bartholin glands also are parts of the vulva.)
  12. Adnexa
    • Collectively the: Fallopian tubes, ovaries and supporting ligaments.
  13. Fondus
    round uppor portion of the uterus
  14. corpus
    (body of an organ) is the larger, central section of the uterus.
  15. cervix
    narrow, lowermost portion of the uterus (means neck)
  16. glandular tissue
    Tissure of the breasts (mammary glands) contains milk glands or lobules that develop in response to hormones from the ovaries during puberty. The breast also contains fibrous and fatty tissue, special lactiferous ducts and sinuses that carry milk to nipple.
  17. breast nipple aka _________.
    mammary papilla. The dark pigmented area around the mammary pailla is the areola.
  18. Parturition is ___________.
    giving birth.
  19. Know the order to the breast milk development.
    lymph nodes --> glandular tisue--> lactiferous (milk carrying) ducts--> sinuses (cavities) -->mammary papilla (nipple)--> outside
  20. When is the Menstrual Period?
    • During the first 5 days, the pituitary-->FSH-->ovary-->egg development FSH also stimulates the ovaries to produce estrogen.
    • The discharge of bloody fluid.
  21. When is the Postmenstral Period? What happens then?
    A.k.a. follicular phase. Days 6-12, after bleeding, endometrium repairs self. Maturing follicle in the ovary releases estrogen. The period of growth for the follicle.
  22. When is the ovulatory period? What happens?
    • Ovulation occurs by day 13-14. The follicle ruptures and the egg leaves the ovary, pasing through the fallopian tube.
    • ESTROGEN REACHES PEAK, is dominant, for about 48 hours.
  23. When is the premenstral period? What happens?
    day 15-28, the empy follicle fills with a yellow material & is corpus luteum-functions as an endocrine organ and secretes the hormone progestrone into the blood stream. Low levels of hormones cause PMS. Progestrone builds up lining of uterus (in case of pregnancy, if not, it stops), this is also known as the luteal phase. If pregnancy occurs, it keeps building uterine walls, and fetilized egg implants into uterine endometrium.
  24. HGC
    human chorionic gonadotopin hormone. A hormone produced by the placenta. The placenta forms within the uterine wall.
  25. chorion
    chorion is the outer membrane around the embryo.
  26. Amnion
    The amnion is the inner most of embryonic membranes, which holds the fetus in amniotic fluid. (nutrients, oxygen and waste are exchanged)
  27. The pituitary gland secretes these two hormones ________ and ___________.
    FSH, follicle-stimulating hormone and LH, luteinizing hormone. Negative Feedback, where high level of hormones (estrogen and progesterone) shut off production of FSH and LH during pregnancy or while taking BIRTH CONTROL PILLS.
  28. AMNI/O

    • amniocentesis
    • amniotic fluid
  29. cervic/o
    cervix, neck

  30. chori/o, chorion/o

    • choriogenesis
    • chorionic
  31. colp/o

  32. culd/o

  33. episi/o

  34. galact/o

    galactorrhea, abnomal persistent dischare of milk
  35. gynec/o
    woman, female

  36. hyster/o
    uterus, womb

  37. lact/o

  38. mamm/o

    • mammary
    • mammoplasty
  39. mast/o

    • mastitis
    • mastectomy
  40. men/o
    menses, menstruation

    • amenorrhea
    • dysmenorrhea
    • oligomenorrhea, infrequent scanty menstrual periods
    • menorrhagia, abnormalli heavy or long
  41. metr/o, metri/o

    • metrorrhagia, bleeding between menses
    • menometrorrhagia, execesive uterine bleeding during & between periods
    • endometriosis
  42. my/o, myom/o
    muscle, muscle tumor

    • myometrium
    • myomectomy, removal of fibroids from the uterus
  43. nat/i

    neonatal, pertaining to new birth
  44. obstetr/o
    pergnancy and childbirth

    obstetrics (obstetrix=midwife in Latin)
  45. o/o

  46. oophor/o

    bilateral oophorectomy (oophor/o means to bear, o/o means egg) removal of both ovaries
  47. ov/o

  48. ovari/o

  49. ovul/o

  50. perine/o

  51. phor/o
    to bear (think of FOR bearing/carrying)

  52. salping/o
    fallopian tubes

  53. uter/o

    uterine prolapse
  54. vagin/o

    • vaginal orifice (an orifice is an opening)
    • vaginitis, usually caused by bacteria or yeast
  55. bradytocia
    slow labor and/or delivery
  56. eutocia
    normal delivery
  57. neonatology
    study of treatment of newborn children
  58. para II
    women having given birth to 2 live infants
  59. grava III
    Woman who has had three prenancies
  60. D&C
    Dialation and curettage, used to remove growth such as polyps, to diagnose cancer of the uterus and/or fallopian tubes to correct menstrual iffegularites and may be done follwing abortion to remove fragments of placenta
  61. cauterization
    buring to seal off tissue
  62. PMS symptoms
    depression, withdrawal, food cravings, mood swings, hostility, neuroticism, nervousnes, confusion, forgetfulness, loss of emotional control
  63. Physical syptoms of PMS
    acne, headaches, migraines, joint pain, muscle pain, food cravings, clumsiness, changei n sex drive, constipation, diarrhea, sweating, shaes, dizzy, sore throat, cystitis, less urination, decreased alcohol tolerance, increase in appetite, thirst or sugar cravings, weight gain, hives, allergies, breast tenderness, swelling, insomnia, backaches, gastrointestinal upsetting
  64. vulv/o

  65. -arche

    menarche, beginning of menses
  66. -cyesis

  67. -gravida

    • primigravida, 1st pregracy.
    • gravida I, II, III, IV, V, etc.
  68. -parous
    bearing, bringing forth

    primiparous, an adjective describing a woman who has given birth to at least one child.
  69. -rrhea

  70. -salpinx
    uterine tube

  71. -tocia
    labor, birth

    • dystocia, painful labor, excessive
    • oxytocia, rapid labor
  72. -version
    act of turning

    cephalic version, fetus turns so head is clost to cervix
  73. dys-

    dysparenunia (parenunia=intercourse)
  74. endo-

  75. in-

    involution of the uterus (vol- means roll)
  76. intra-

    intrauterine device (IUD)
  77. multi-

    • multipara
    • multigravida, woman who has been pregnant more than once
  78. nulli
    no, not, none

    • nulligravida
    • nullipara
  79. pre-

  80. primi-

  81. retro-

    retroversion, the uterus is abnormally tilted backwards (occurs in 30% of women)
  82. fibroids
    benign tumors in the uterus, also called leiomyomata or leiomyomas (lei/o=smooth, my/o=muscle, =oma=tumor)
  83. preeclampsia
    Abnormal condition associated with pregnancy, marked by high blood pressure, proteinuria (loss of protein in urine) and edem. ETIOLOGY.
  84. hyaline membrane disease
    acute lung disease commonly seen in the premature newborns, also call resipratory distress syndrome of the newborn. It is caused by deficiency of surfactant, a protein necessary for proper lung function.
Card Set
Female Reproductive System
Ch 8, Female Reproductive System, in the Language of Medicine book for Medical Terminology, MO 114.